He doesn't have anything of substance. He really doesn't.
He's a paint by numbers coach. Sure, can make out a practice schedule, install his offense, give press conferences, etc... All the routine things of being a coach. But that's all he knows. When it doesn't work, he doesn't know what to do other than more of the same. That's why he has nothing to offer as far as making any kinds of adjustments and nothing more in-depth than his bullet pointed list of cliches.
It's really time to put to rest this idea that he's so smart simply because he went to Princeton. As a coach and leader, he isn't smart. He's really quite empty.
Also, who else noticed the way he completely refused to answer any questions about scheme, players, or possible coaching changes for a few more days? I'm not talking about specifics, but his general thoughts on things. It's so clear that was because Jerry hasn't told him what they're doing yet.
We're in full late stage Al Davis mode, folks. Ugly times.