ESPN looks crushed.


Here comes the Sun...
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
dadymat;2495129 said:
now if you watched that whole presser you would know he wasnt complaining like the media would have you believe.......and also you see how the media twist things around..............

believe me i know T.O. isnt a saint i am not a supporter....but the media missed on that one

as a college grad you should know better

:laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:


Makin' It Rain
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I wonder what the next evolution of this story will be? ESPN leaking its sources to another outlet, so the onus is taken off its credibility and onto T.O. vs. The Snitch?


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tyke1doe;2494641 said:
We can't. We are true Cowboys fans. Therefore, no criticism of our beloved team is acceptable. </sarcasm>

It's just like with siblings - it's okay for US to criticize, but when someone outside the family tries to do it, we come to their defense. ESPN blows.


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RainMan;2495150 said:
I wonder what the next evolution of this story will be? ESPN leaking its sources to another outlet, so the onus is taken off its credibility and onto T.O. vs. The Snitch?

I saw werders new piece, basically 'crisis in Dallas avoided - until next week.'


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windward;2493731 said:
Now, they're in full on spin mode.

Dilfer has also just crossed to the darkside :(
And we care what BSPN says or thinks, because.......................????

Go Cowboys!!!


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Yeagermeister;2493754 said:
Everett is an idiot. Wade denied anything happened so Everett says see Wade admitted something happened. :banghead:

Wow. People just hear what they want to hear.

Wade says he isn't saying what did happen or didn't happen, but then in the next sentence he references 'brothers fighting' and you still there think there was absolutely nothing happening at practice on Friday.


They didn't get into a fist fight.

But words were exchanged.

Why live in denial? The team won so hopefully they can move on from the BS now and win the next two games.


just trying to get better
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I don't a problem with what the media is reporting. I have a problem with what they aren't reporting.

There are lots of truly interesting stories on this team. With so much coverage devoted to T.O drama and other soap opera like concerns, we don't get as much coverage on things like Ware's development, attempts to integrate Roy Williams into the offense, the rookie contributors, how the defense is turning into a true force, challenges on the OL, etc.

Isn't the football interesting enough on its own? Why must it be obscured by the suds of some silly soap opera?


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I thought listening to Colin and ESPN that Dilfer has had Dallas' back for a few weeks now. I don't have a problem with Dilfer.


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The whole problem with ESPN's and Werder's coverage is that they have a vested interest in seeing TO and the Cowboys implode. They have incentive to manufacture controversy. Because of that, their coverage (or anyone else's) should be viewed with some skepticism, particularly when they cite anonymous sources.

On top of that, Werder and ESPN cannot cover the story without affecting the story. The fans in Texas Stadium were booing TO during pregame introductions for one reason only - the coverage on television and in the newspapers. TO's teammates are undoubtedly tired of all the questions about "turmoil." That has to affect their attitude towards him in a negative way, which could create a positive feedback loop spiraling the situation out of control.

Because of that, ESPN - and Werder in particular - should be very cautious about the way they cover the incident. Instead, you see a giddy Werder reporting "facts" from anonymous sources, you can hear the antagonism in every question he asks, and hatred of either TO, the Cowboys, or both, is transparent in a large percentage of their studio analysts.

To me, it is the sports reporting equivalent of handing someone threatening suicide a loaded gun. Sure, it might make for compelling television, but it's hardly ethical, let alone professional.

If you compare ESPN's coverage with that of analysts more sympathetic to Dallas, the difference is glaring and remarkable.


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dadymat;2495129 said:
now if you watched that whole presser you would know he wasnt complaining like the media would have you believe.......and also you see how the media twist things around..............

believe me i know T.O. isnt a saint i am not a supporter....but the media missed on that one

as a college grad you should know better

I saw the press conference.

A complaint is a complaint. T.O., who has been in this situation before, should know better.

How come almost every other player knows how to avoid set up questions, but T.O. doesn't? :rolleyes:

It's because he has to give voice to his inner feelings. He has to complain about the ball not coming to him.

He couldn't just say, "Romo was doing the best he could under tremendous pressure. ... I understand my quarterback might not always see me, but that's okay. I don't always catch his balls."

He could take that tact, but does he? No, he jumps right into the controversy.

It doesn't take a college degree to understand this.

Then again, maybe it does. :D ;)


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Daudr;2495200 said:
It's just like with siblings - it's okay for US to criticize, but when someone outside the family tries to do it, we come to their defense. ESPN blows.

But I'm a member of the Cowboys family, despite efforts to evict me from the clan. :D


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dcfanatic;2495251 said:
Wow. People just hear what they want to hear.

Wade says he isn't saying what did happen or didn't happen, but then in the next sentence he references 'brothers fighting' and you still there think there was absolutely nothing happening at practice on Friday.


They didn't get into a fist fight.

But words were exchanged.

Why live in denial? The team won so hopefully they can move on from the BS now and win the next two games.


I also heard T.O. say to Andrea Kramer that he would talk about it later. What's there to talk about if it's all make believe?

Denial isn't just a river in Egypt.

But I'm with you. As long as the Cowboys keep winning, then all this stuff remains a minor issue.


Star Power
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tyke1doe;2494668 said:
I guess it's easier to snip a few comments here and there and ignore the overall point.

This is ironic coming from a media man. The media are the experts at quoting out of context and not telling the whole truth when it wants to push an agenda.


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I believe Werder had a source. I believe the WR's went to Garrett with opinions on how to improve the passing game by spreading the ball around more. I believe that TO may have been snippy on Friday if Witten tried to tell him how to run his route.

I don't believe it was a side taking splitting up of the locker room. I don't believe it was a full on fall out between Witten TO and Romo.

I think Werder took a nothing story, sensationalized it by taking 2 and 2 and reporting 5, running with it for a couple of days escalating it all the while allowing other media outlets to pile on until their was a full on "crisis" going on behind the scenes.

It's worthless, tabloid style, sports journalism, and I'm done with it. I'll find my sports information elsewhere from now on.


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SultanOfSix;2495467 said:
This is ironic coming from a media man. The media are the experts at quoting out of context and not telling the whole truth when it wants to push an agenda.

Yet, the people who rail most about the media don't practice the standards they wish the media to embrace? :confused:

Physician, heal thyself.


CowBabe Up!!!
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
TX_Yid;2495610 said:
I believe Werder had a source. I believe the WR's went to Garrett with opinions on how to improve the passing game by spreading the ball around more. I believe that TO may have been snippy on Friday if Witten tried to tell him how to run his route.

I don't believe it was a side taking splitting up of the locker room. I don't believe it was a full on fall out between Witten TO and Romo.

I think Werder took a nothing story, sensationalized it by taking 2 and 2 and reporting 5, running with it for a couple of days escalating it all the while allowing other media outlets to pile on until their was a full on "crisis" going on behind the scenes.

It's worthless, tabloid style, sports journalism, and I'm done with it. I'll find my sports information elsewhere from now on.

I'm with you. You know the greatest thing to come out of this? The Cowboys won despite the controversy/turmoil/distractions. Now they know they can overcome adversity even against the "best team in the NFL." Thanks, Ed Werder.


Star Power
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tyke1doe;2495634 said:
Yet, the people who rail most about the media don't practice the standards they wish the media to embrace? :confused:

Physician, heal thyself.

First of all, that's irrelevant to what I said. Second of all, the media proclaims to adhere to those standards. Your standard, every day Joe doesn't.


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What kind of moron thinks that a victory over the Giants has anything to do with the veracity of the reporting? I give credit to the team for overcoming TO's selfishness and a mutiny by the whiny wideouts, but don't pretend that the turmoil didn't exist. Jeez.


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SultanOfSix;2496398 said:
First of all, that's irrelevant to what I said.

Actually, your entire post was irrelevant since it was an assumption made about the media using a personal comment made by me.
I just thought to indulge you.

Second of all, the media proclaims to adhere to those standards. Your standard, every day Joe doesn't.

What standards are you talking about? :confused: Go back and read your comments. You talked about me complaining about a poster taking my statement out of context and applied that broadly to the media. That's a strange transition. But since you went there, please show me someone in the media who, as a media professional, complains about people taking his/her work out of context? :confused:

Sorry, but your point really doesn't make any sense.

Second, I know this may come as a shock to you, but all media stories contain bias. That's because each individual story should be crafted with respect to an angle. When one pursues an angle, that limits the amount of information you're going to get in a story to facts/opinions that support that story.

Moreover, the media (whether print or television) have limited space to tell a story. So, of course, you're not going to get all there is to know about a story. That's why any good editor will as a reporter "What's your angle on the story?"

You probably should limit your comments to matters you have a bit more knowledge of. It's pretty clear you have little understanding of journalism, outside of the opinions of ill-informed posters such as yourself.

P.S. I like how you know what the average Joe thinks about standards. Of course, by implications, you're saying that the average Joe's standards are less than that of the media's. And if that's the case, I should just discount a majority of the opinions here offered by "average Joes." :lmao2:


Brain Dead Shill
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bbgun;2496420 said:
What kind of moron thinks that a victory over the Giants has anything to do with the veracity of the reporting? I give credit to the team for overcoming TO's selfishness and a mutiny by the whiny wideouts, but don't pretend that the turmoil didn't exist. Jeez.

Lmao...."mutiny". That's rich.