ESPN: Officer delayed Moats as relative died

Each person, the officer and the Moats family were in the wrong here. The Moats could have pulled into the emergency bay (100 feet away instead of a handicap spot) and the officer could have simply asked if they have an emergency and assisted them when they answered kindly. I respect the attitude Moats said and I showed this to one of my law enforcement instructors at my college and he agreed with some of the actions the officer had. But to stand his own after the situation happened and two people run into the hospital emergency wing, he deserves everything coming his way. Same with pointing his weapon at a unarmed person.

I hope that video's like this weed out the crappy law enforcement officers that don't deserve the taxpayer's money and it goes to much more willing, helpful and compassionate people who actually care about helping people.

I wonder what oath he took for Dallas Police, all I know is he quickly violated it when he drew his weapon. I hope he has fun being a security guard the rest of his life.

I am a student about to enter law enforcement, so please don't judge the officers who actually save lives and protect the innocent. Don't jump to conclusions after this pompous, egomaniac officers like Powell do stupid things.
I am sorry being a former MP when people exit a vehicle without your consent during a stop scares the hell out of you as a cop because at that time control of the situation is lost and misjudgement are easily made. While he was rude, you have to see it from a cops perspective, he just chased you and now people are coming out of the vehicle from every angle at that second he wonders if he is going to make home to his family that night. Someone one mentioned earlier letter of the law, spirit of the law if moats SUV struck YOUR vehicle during his little stunt should he be given a pass since he was tending to a family emergency and he had his hazards on?
the cop was a jerk, but what could ryan moats do at that time? the thing i don't understand is that why won't he just let the cop tow the car away, so he can go see his dying mother in law? in times like that, it is hard to imagine that someone would still care about the car. the cop will get his justice later, but the dying one cannot wait.
Look how much time passes AFTER the guards come out and tell the cop that his mother is dying and they are waiting on him to proceed.:eek:

Attitude is everything. Wow!

jrumann59;2705225 said:
I am sorry being a former MP when people exit a vehicle without your consent during a stop scares the hell out of you as a cop because at that time control of the situation is lost and misjudgement are easily made. While he was rude, you have to see it from a cops perspective, he just chased you and now people are coming out of the vehicle from every angle at that second he wonders if he is going to make home to his family that night. Someone one mentioned earlier letter of the law, spirit of the law if moats SUV struck YOUR vehicle during his little stunt should he be given a pass since he was tending to a family emergency and he had his hazards on?

From a cops perspective, you are involved in a low speed chase. The vehicle has its emergency flashers on, stopping at the red light before going through. Drives into a hospital parking lot and people unload out of the vehicle from every angle running into a hospital.

I would hope the officer would be able to figure this one out. What clouded his judgement I don't know but I don't want this person running around town with a gun playing "law dog".
ChldsPlay;2705021 said:
can only go by what the story says was said, but it looks like Moats didn't help speed things a long very well either.

Both Moats and the officer seemed to contribute to things taking much longer than they should.

Would be nice to see the video.

After watching that video, there is no way you can say Moat contributed to any of that delay. That A**H*** of a policeman did everything in his power to delay that man from leaving. All of those threats and explanantions were not needed especially in that circumstances. It took him more than 5 minute to right a ticket while sitting in the car. That is ridiculous!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope he is terminated immediately. And if I was Moat I will exhaust everything I have to find out what more could be done to him.

I truly feel bad that they had to endure someone like him during that period. Like someone stated earlier...........if you see someone with flashers on.......headed to the hospital.........and not stopping.........than it must be something very serious going on. Then to top it off.............he had the nerve to ask security what was going on in the hospital. more than one time when he was tolded by numerous people. lastly.....the nurse stressed the severity of the situation and he still did not speed up the process. If that was not blatant abuse of power than I don't know what is.
The least the officer could have done was let his wife go inside, since it was her mother, if he wasnt going to let moats go.
That was unbelievable!!!!! Anyone who can't see that the cop was a complete jerk is a fool just like he is. That was totally uncalled for and the idiot cop should be FIRED.. Again, unbelievable!!!
Mansta54;2705297 said:
That was unbelievable!!!!! Anyone who can't see that the cop was a complete jerk is a fool just like he is. That was totally uncalled for and the idiot cop should be FIRED.. Again, unbelievable!!!

Yeah, I don't see how anyone can defend that behavior.

We have some really dumb people who've been given a lot of authority. It's a serious problem.
The cop is pure scum and should be fired immediately. What a truly pathetic human being. Some people have NO business attaining a position of authority, and this is a prime example. Strip him of his badge, now.

This story makes me want to find my old NWA cassette.

But as for Moats gaining credit for not mentioning that he's an NFL player... c'mon, you think mentioning that he's a Houston Texan and a former Philadelphia Eagle would've helped his cause in Dallas? :D
Nav22;2705341 said:
The cop is pure scum and should be fired immediately. What a truly pathetic human being. Some people have NO business attaining a position of authority, and this is a prime example. Strip him of his badge, now.

This story makes me want to find my old NWA cassette.

But as for Moats gaining credit for not mentioning that he's an NFL player... c'mon, you think mentioning that he's a Houston Texan and a former Philadelphia Eagle would've helped his cause in Dallas? :D

It's on YouTube.
JerryAdvocate;2705072 said:
there are alot of cops like him, megalomaniacal *******s

Agreed. I may catch alot of heat for this, but I dont care.

I have very little to no respect for law enforcement officers. Maybe 2% get into the field for the right reasons, which is helping and serving their community, and ridding it of wrong-doing.

The others join because they are power starving pieces of crap who enjoy the authority of telling people what to do. I'm white but I can say by first hand experience that law enforcement and the legal system is extremely racist.

It's a shame, an absolute shame. What is supposed to be there for ultimate good, is run by individuals starving for power who just want to stroke their own ego.

NextGenBoys;2705351 said:
Agreed. I may catch alot of heat for this, but I dont care.

I have very little to no respect for law enforcement officers. Maybe 2% get into the field for the right reasons, which is helping and serving their community, and ridding it of wrong-doing.

The others join because they are power starving pieces of crap who enjoy the authority of telling people what to do. I'm white but I can say by first hand experience that law enforcement and the legal system is extremely racist.

It's a shame, an absolute shame. What is supposed to be there for ultimate good, is run by individuals starving for power who just want to stroke their own ego.

That's exactly how I feel. It's about 2% who get into it for the right reasons. The rest have major issues. I saw a cop come out of a convenience store one time and he looked just like a little kid with his toy belt, gun, and billy club on. He looked at me with the proudest grin. It was so bad. He must have been about 5'7 160 and you could tell he caught crap in highschool.

This same guy was about 4 cars ahead of me at an intersection in his cop car and was just sitting there at a green light so I honked my horn. He honked his cop car horn back. LOL.
NextGenBoys;2705351 said:
Agreed. I may catch alot of heat for this, but I dont care.

I have very little to no respect for law enforcement officers. Maybe 2% get into the field for the right reasons, which is helping and serving their community, and ridding it of wrong-doing.

The others join because they are power starving pieces of crap who enjoy the authority of telling people what to do. I'm white but I can say by first hand experience that law enforcement and the legal system is extremely racist.

It's a shame, an absolute shame. What is supposed to be there for ultimate good, is run by individuals starving for power who just want to stroke their own ego.


I wouldn't go that far, but there are alot of them if they perceive you to be disrespecting them (sometimes it's unintentional), that they take it as a huge affront, and get royally indignant

there are alot of *******s who break the law, but there are some who are just afraid and don't really know how to react, and sometimes it's not fast enough, and holier-than-thou cops end up getting pissed

I've seen cops handle belligerent suspects with the greatest patience, and then you have those who get so riled up over it
When I was 18, I had my learner's permit and was still a couple months away from getting my driver's license. Pathetic, I know, but I had strict parents who didn't trust me.

I was a senior in HS while taking a night class at a local junior college. My dad would pick me up from class regularly, and he'd routinely hop out of the car when he arrived in order to let me drive the two of us home... just so I could get some practice.

But one night, we get pulled over right after he hops out and I jump into the driver's seat. While still in the parking lot. The pig tells us he's writing my dad a ticket for blocking the flow of traffic while getting out of his car.

My dad and I couldn't believe our ears. It literally couldn't have taken Dad more than 10 seconds to get out of the driver's side and into the passenger's side. We're being ticketed for this???

Dad tries his best explaining that he's just trying to do the fatherly thing and teach his son how to drive. Pig is being extremely rude and wants to hear none of it.

Here's the best part, though.

It took Piggie 10 minutes to write the ticket for us... and his squad car was blocking the very same lane that we were being ticketed for blocking, for that entire 10 minutes. A bunch of cars had to veer into the wrong lane just to exit the lot, thanks to Piggie.

Oops! Seems Piggie didn't give a crap about the flow of traffic after all!
Nav22;2705401 said:
Heck no!

...a little. :(

I remember my 1st stop, I got cited for public intoxication, I was so drunk and scared about the whole thing I was bawling after

my friends ribbed me about it for a good year, and this stupid ***** kept bringing it up even longer after, I wanted to Dave Chappelle her
I think some of you guys are being naive. To say the cop should have just taken them on their word. For the simple fact people lie and they could of been lying about having a family member dying when in fact they are just trying to get away. The cop was definitely on a power trip when he said I can screw you over and telling him to shut up and ****. If he would of went about it better and calmer things would have been better.