ESPN: Officer delayed Moats as relative died

DaBoys4Life;2705415 said:
I think some of you guys are being naive. To say the cop should have just taken them on their word. For the simple fact people lie and they could of been lying about having a family member dying when in fact they are just trying to get away. The cop was definitely on a power trip when he said I can screw you over and telling him to shut up and ****. If he would of went about it better and calmer things would have been better.

all the cop had to do was check on the dying lady

instead of jumping the gun, assess the situation, and then act
JerryAdvocate;2705417 said:
all the cop had to do was check on the dying lady

instead of jumping the gun, assess the situation, and then act

I don't know man I'm not too sure how much there is to assess. You're following a car that ran a red light pulls up into a hospital for whatever reason and people just hop out and bounce. It can go either way they could have a family emergency or they could just be trying to use whatever excuse to get away from him.
DaBoys4Life;2705422 said:
I don't know man I'm not too sure how much there is to assess. You're following a car that ran a red light pulls up into a hospital for whatever reason and people just hop out and bounce. It can go either way they could have a family emergency or they could just be trying to use whatever excuse to get away from him.

find out why they ran the light instead of going off on them 1st of all
JerryAdvocate;2705424 said:
find out why they ran the light instead of going off on them 1st of all

Why does that matter?

That's like saying it's okay for a person to steal if it's to feed their family.

Now let's say he doesn't respond the way he does and he let's them running into the hospital and they just shoot the place. I guess that becomes his fault right ?
DaBoys4Life;2705432 said:
Why does that matter?

That's like saying it's okay for a person to steal if it's to feed their family.

Now let's say he doesn't respond the way he does and he let's them running into the hospital and they just shoot the place. I guess that becomes his fault right ?

find out why they ran a red light

if he searches, he's going to see a dying lady

not that hard
JerryAdvocate;2705435 said:
find out why they ran a red light

if he searches, he's going to see a dying lady

not that hard

First he would need to have the situation under control. People running out of the car as he tries to approach isn't controlled....It must be real nice living in your world.
DaBoys4Life;2705441 said:
First he would need to have the situation under control. People running out of the car as he tries to approach isn't controlled....It must be real nice living in your world.

dude acted like a prick, you know it, I know it, his fellow officers know it
DaBoys4Life;2705441 said:
First he would need to have the situation under control. People running out of the car as he tries to approach isn't controlled....It must be real nice living in your world.

Must suck to live in yours.
JerryAdvocate;2705442 said:
dude acted like a prick, you know it, I know it, his fellow officers know it

*meh* Young cop playing Walker Texas Ranger. I don't think he should of given them the ticket. He's a real ****** bag for that but oh well.
The cop's behavior was indefensible. The police chief is right, that was an embarrassing display.
ChldsPlay;2705132 said:
I think the cop was right for stopping him and understand his initial reaction to the situation. He was chasing a vehicle that was not stopping. What do you think your gut tells you then?

I also think that Moats made the situation worse, not just because he didn't stop, but because he kept arguing with the cop.

Right on both counts, most cops have had people tell them dramatic lies to get out of a ticket... so the cop was right to be suspicious at first, and Ryan didn't help things along by being so agitated (though of course, his distress was quite understandable, quite human)...

HOWEVER, the cop crossed WAAAAAY over the line when he kept Moats there even after another officer and a nurse came out and verified that Ryan's story was the truth... at that point, a little human compassion was not just in order, it was necessary... and of course, the cop's crack about being able to "screw you" was entirely unprofessional...

That police officer took two people who were having one of the worst days of their young lives, and made it far, far worse... I can only hope that Ryan feels some gratification at the public outrage over how he was treated, and I certainly hope that cop loses his job...
el_chevo;2705137 said:
So why didn't the police officer begin the conversation with a simple question: "Do you have an emergency?" I mean, they were en route to A HOSPITAL!

Well, that doesn't bother me so much... I mean, Moats broke several traffic laws, and ignored the police lights... the officer had to suspect that he was trying to flee, and just gave up on that idea, so he pulled into the hospital parking lot... and when the wife came out almost hysterical (justifiably so, that's not a criticism) that would lead the cop to become even more nervous, even more suspicious...

Like I said earlier, folks lie to cops all the time, and he was right not to simply accept Ryan's story without checking it out... but he quickly received verification that what Moats was saying was true, and at that point a good police officer would have tried to help... this one obviously didn't...

IOW, I understand where the cop was coming from at first, and I understand why Ryan's antagonistic reaction at first made the situation worse... but he quickly calmed, and again, the cop quickly figured out that Moats did have a family emergency... at that point, what the officer did was both unacceptable, and demonstrated a lack of any compassion on the officer's part...

That police department needs to "screw" him, by making sure he's never again in a position where he can abuse his authority that way... IOW, he should be fired...
viman96;2705139 said:
I already said it but I will say it again. There is the letter of the law and there is the spirit of the law. As soon as the officer found out a family member was near death, he should have escorted the family into the hospital.

We all agree Moats should have been pulled over. Move past that. IMO the officer was on an ego trip to show who is boss. I think it is worth noting that Moats did not mention he is an NFL player looking for special privileges. He was a man under major distress. Police officers are to protect and serve the public.

Well said...
juckie;2705173 said:
stupid pigs!

I knew that sooner or later, some profoundly IGNORANT individual would tar all cops because of the actions of this one poor excuse for a law enforcement officer...

Juckie, you're part of the reason cops are paranoid whenever they pull somebody over, no matter what the reason... they never know when they're gonna run into somebody like you, for whom all cops are "pigs"... it's attitude like yours that contributed to the problems Ryan Moats encountered at that hospital...

Police officers have a dangerous and difficult job, and the vast majority of them conduct themselves with honor and professionalism... but like any endeavor man puts his mind to, you're gonna run into a handful of bad apples... I myself had an encounter with one such piss-poor example of law enforcement, but I'm not so STUPID as to blame ALL cops for his actions...

The vast majority of our law enforcement types are deserving of respect, and appreciation... the rest should be fired...
jrumann59;2705225 said:
I am sorry being a former MP when people exit a vehicle without your consent during a stop scares the hell out of you as a cop because at that time control of the situation is lost and misjudgement are easily made. While he was rude, you have to see it from a cops perspective, he just chased you and now people are coming out of the vehicle from every angle at that second he wonders if he is going to make home to his family that night. Someone one mentioned earlier letter of the law, spirit of the law if moats SUV struck YOUR vehicle during his little stunt should he be given a pass since he was tending to a family emergency and he had his hazards on?

The problem is the cop's attitude AFTER it was confirmed that Moats really did have a relative on the verge of dying... when the other officer and the nurse came out to tell him what was going on, his response was "I'm almost done here"...

And that, hoss, ain't right... that cop is a subhuman piece of GARBAGE, and unfit to wear a police uniform...
DeepBleu;2705234 said:
the cop was a jerk, but what could ryan moats do at that time? the thing i don't understand is that why won't he just let the cop tow the car away, so he can go see his dying mother in law? in times like that, it is hard to imagine that someone would still care about the car. the cop will get his justice later, but the dying one cannot wait.

I'm dead morally certain that if he had tried to leave, the cop would have arrested him...
silverbear;2705509 said:
I knew that sooner or later, some profoundly IGNORANT individual would tar all cops because of the actions of this one poor excuse for a law enforcement officer...

Juckie, you're part of the reason cops are paranoid whenever they pull somebody over, no matter what the reason... they never know when they're gonna run into somebody like you, for whom all cops are "pigs"... it's attitude like yours that contributed to the problems Ryan Moats encountered at that hospital...

Police officers have a dangerous and difficult job, and the vast majority of them conduct themselves with honor and professionalism... but like any endeavor man puts his mind to, you're gonna run into a handful of bad apples... I myself had an encounter with one such piss-poor example of law enforcement, but I'm not so STUPID as to blame ALL cops for his actions...

The vast majority of our law enforcement types are deserving of respect, and appreciation... the rest should be fired...

Always talking yourself up and talking others down....

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