ESPN: Officer delayed Moats as relative died

DaBoys4Life;2705415 said:
I think some of you guys are being naive. To say the cop should have just taken them on their word. For the simple fact people lie and they could of been lying about having a family member dying when in fact they are just trying to get away.

I just hate agreeing with you, but this time, you're 100 per cent right... cops have heard it all, and as a result, they pretty much assume that everybody's lying... so I understand his initial reaction, it was his behavior later that hacks me off...
JerryAdvocate;2705442 said:
dude acted like a prick, you know it, I know it, his fellow officers know it

Not at first, he didn't... I still say his initial reaction was reasonable, and probably standard for cops in that situation...

Now, it wasn't too long before he started acting like a dick...
DaBoys4Life;2705446 said:
*meh* Young cop playing Walker Texas Ranger. I don't think he should of given them the ticket. He's a real ****** bag for that but oh well.

Well, the good news is that the ticket has been dismissed...
Jon88;2705518 said:
Always talking yourself up and talking others down....

i read and re-read SB's post and he didn't talk him self up, his analysis of was right on the nose
Jon88;2705518 said:
Always talking yourself up and talking others down....

Some people deserve to be "talked down", and this is certainly one of those situations...

I like Ryan Moats, I had a chance to meet him, and I'm heartsick about what happened to him that night... but to slag on ALL cops, with a "stupid pigs" crack, is to be ignorant...

And if somebody does that around me, I'll damn sure tell them what I think about it... I like cops, have had several friends over the year who were cops... my dad was CID for a few years in the 60s, when I was a kid... and I have found that folks who run around saying "stupid pigs" generally have that attitude because they've been on the wrong side of the law more than a few times...

As I said, I had a VERY unpleasant encounter with a police officer 3 or 4 years back, and had a gun pulled on me... but I'm not so freakin' stupid as to blame all cops for the actions of one ignorant jagoff...

And of course, I couldn't possibly care less about what YOU think of me...
the kid 05;2705527 said:
i read and re-read SB's post and he didn't talk him self up, his analysis of was right on the nose

Aw, just ignore Jon... he just likes to hear himself bray from time to time, and he doesn't particularly care if he has anything to say...

I'm not upset, I will continue to defend most police officers until I draw my dying breath...
silverbear;2705528 said:
and I have found that folks who run around saying "stupid pigs" generally have that attitude because they've been on the wrong side of the law more than a few times...

some cops are good, some are just down right shady ricks with a p in front. But then again same goes for every other profession

i dont think thats a clouded judgement, i've had 3 tickets my life so far, 2 speeding and 1 failure to use my turn signal (not kidding). but I also have received fair amounts of warning (tinted windows and loud exhaust)
silverbear;2705528 said:
Some people deserve to be "talked down", and this is certainly one of those situations...

I like Ryan Moats, I had a chance to meet him, and I'm heartsick about what happened to him that night... but to slag on ALL cops, with a "stupid pigs" crack, is to be ignorant...

And if somebody does that around me, I'll damn sure tell them what I think about it... I like cops, have had several friends over the year who were cops... my dad was CID for a few years in the 60s, when I was a kid... and I have found that folks who run around saying "stupid pigs" generally have that attitude because they've been on the wrong side of the law more than a few times...

As I said, I had a VERY unpleasant encounter with a police officer 3 or 4 years back, and had a gun pulled on me... but I'm not so freakin' stupid as to blame all cops for the actions of one ignorant jagoff...

And of course, I couldn't possibly care less about what YOU think of me...


That's good, old man.
the kid 05;2705535 said:
some cops are good, some are just down right shady ricks with a p in front. But then again same goes for every other profession

Exactly right...
Jon88;2705536 said:

That's good, old man.

Are you the one who posted "stupid pigs"??

No, you are not... and that was the post I quoted when I "talked down"...

So, go tell you story to somebody who CARES...

BTW, I can take being called "old man", I find it infinitely preferable to being a "young ignorant jagoff", say about 26 years old... :D
silverbear;2705544 said:
BTW, I can take being called "old man", I find it infinitely preferable to being a "young ignorant jagoff", say about 26 years old... :D

good thing im only 21 aye ;)

Your only as old as you let your self be, as growing old is mandatory but growing up is optional. Young at heart i shall always be!
Most cops are professional, at least in the area I live in. yeah there are the jerks like the cop in this story, and it makes it harder for decent officers.
I saw the video yesterday and was just infurtiated by that idiot cop.

He obviously was right to chase and pull the guy over...but when a man is telling you that a family member is dying in a Hospital that he just raced up too and got out of his car at and then have people...Nurses and other people telling him that this man needs to get in the Hospital because the family member is going to die and all he has to say is I'll be done on a minute or whatever...then you are a FRICKING IDIOT.

Check the fricking story're 100 feet from the Hospital entrance.

Not too mention the threats he was making.

This is the type of person that makes it hard for people to see the Police in a positive light.

This man should be fired Period.
The facts are that Moats had his flashing yellow lights on (emergency lights) and was driving to the hospital. The law allows you to do this when getting yourself or someone else to the hospital.

Yes, Moats ran the red light and probably a couple of stop signs but not just run through them, more of a slow and go.

The officer upon seeing the flashing lights should have follow the car to the hospital and followed the people inside to find out the emergency. That is procedure.

What the officer did from beginning to end was flat wrong and with prejudice.

By the way, I am as white as they get.
I heard about the incident this morning ...this was definitely an egregious example of tunnel vision, without regard to the immediate emergency.

This brings to mind the somewhat typical situation where a couple, while driving their family car, exceeding the speed limit, running stop signs and red lights, is stopped by a Police officer. When the officer pulls the couple’s car over and asks the proverbial question, "where's the fire (meaning where's the emergency)” the driver explains that his wife is ready to have their baby and he is trying to get to the hospital. Once the officer learns the immediate situation, he immediately offers his service as a police escort, clearing traffic and obtaining the eternal gratitude of the couple.

Don't get me wrong, I realize this is a slightly different situation ...indeed, in this case, Moats was probably intimidating because of the situation; his voice was probably loud and demanding (after all, who would calmly express the ordeal at hand in a calm orderly fashion - well, Moats probably didn't).

Since Moats was already at the hospital, it would seem as though his story would have been credible, or at least verifiable. Hell, even running a red light here in the Maryland, Virginia and Washington DC metropolitan area constitutes a picture identifying your License plate, your cars location in the middle of the road with a caption of the red light depicted on the side. You get the notice, pay the fine and that's that (also I've Heard...).

Here's the bottom line in my view, the police department in this situation; and perhaps in other surrounding areas probably need additional training in this area. On one hand we want police officers to be nice, compassionate and understanding representatives to the public.we also know that usually, we get hardened, tough butt-kicking pit bulls who deal with criminal elements. Let's face it; the namby-pamby officer is less likely to take down the hardened criminal resisting arrest or in the commission of carrying out a criminal act.

These are just a few thoughts that go into this situation. Listen, it could have gone from bad to worse if Moats decided that nothing was going to stop him from being with the one person that could NEVER be replaced! I'm actually applauding Moats for staying with the office in spite of the situation ...he cooperated with the law!

Phoenix Talon
The video is terrible.

The officer was a total moron. Had the nerve to look at a man whose mother is dying and say, "Your attitude sucks right now."
Apollo Creed;2705645 said:
The video is terrible.

The officer was a total moron. Had the nerve to look at a man whose mother is dying and say, "Your attitude sucks right now."

I agree ...but I also digress ...If this was Moats biological Mother (vis-a-vis) his Mother-in-Law may have had different circumstances. Maybe!

I don't know hoe anyone can sit here and defend any one thing that cop did.

Unbelievable. Flasher and going to a hospital. The only thing Moats did wrong here was not driving right up to that main door of the hospital.

That officer should never be allowed to have a badge again, period - end of story!
ChldsPlay;2705106 said:
He went through several stop signs pulling into the hospital without stopping.

I would do the same thing. No one was around, and he was turning on the stop signs. The line between stop first and slow down gets blurry there without the mother dying thing, so to me it is just the issue of the one red light. It was only a few blocks from the hospital.

Hell, I have seen on numerous occasions, as I have also done it in my time, where people would slip through a red light without stopping and they never get caught. Does the law different for them when they were never stopped just because a cop did not catch it? Well, now that the focus is on the cop catching it, this guy had valid reason and the cop was a jerk.

The Chief even agreed as most of America does, the cop's handling of it was wrong.

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