Because some people on here still believe that he didn't do anything, or that the woman did it to herself, or that Hardy was the victim.
There is nothing the league can do. They already suspended him for the domestic violence and they saw the photos before they made the decision. Cowboys could release him, but the league can't punish him again for the same offense.
The same thing happened in the Ray Rice case. The story was told and punishment was doled out. Public outcry(mostly media) with the light punishment is accompanied by visual evidence. In the Rice case, that was devastating to his career. It remains to be seen what will happen now with Hardy but knowing how things turned out with Rice, it doesn't look good for Hardy. The league will be compelled to respond.[/quote]
They already did. It is over and done with.
They will try. The media will not be ignored.
If someone is getting beat on, there are marks on the face. People strike the face during violent conflicts. I take no that there are zero pictures of any marks on her face.
Yep, I'm sure you would be this supportive of Hardy if he were on the Eagles roster right now right?
Not to say he's s victim but these pictures don't prove anything that we already thought. Looking at the pictures between her and looks like there was s struggle and a fight between both.
What a disgusting piece of ****. He should be in prison where all the other animals are just like him. Anyone that makes excuses for this behavior are no better than this animal. This is why you arm yourselves, ladies. I'm sick as a fan, and embarrassed.
It's not done until the media lets it go.
We don't really know the story. Only Greg & Nicole know that level of truth. I have to say seeing the pictures really does make it hit closer to home for me. I've rescued a previous love from an abusive man and it was no fun. I'm one of those "won't start it but will finish it" kind of guys and I had to beat him down one night many many years ago. Never touch a woman. Period. There are so many other options.
I also see the bruises on his face and wonder how aggressive she may have been. Perhaps she was the initial aggressor. Who really knows? I'm not going to let this get in the way of my appreciation for what he does on the field. As a Dallas Cowboy, he has been quite ok in my eyes. His personal life, like mine, is really no one's business.
Something happened obviously but we don't know the true details. I refuse to be like the talking heads on BSPN. Let's get it on Sunday night!
Pictures always change everything. It puts a face on it. Ray Rice would be playing today if not for that video.
Because some people on here still believe that he didn't do anything, or that the woman did it to herself, or that Hardy was the victim.
Regardless of what anybody believes, the pictures don't change what happened. Hell, they illustrate a lot less about the occurances of that night/day/whatever than the police report that's been available to the whole world for over a year.
It's not done until the media lets it go.
Regardless of what anybody believes, the pictures don't change what happened. Hell, they illustrate a lot less about the occurances of that night/day/whatever than the police report that's been available to the whole world for over a year.
This is simply really, really bad PR for JJ and the Cowboys brass right now. They have no choice but to weather the storm now... They signed him knowing what he did-- and they probably already saw these photos. There'll be picketers outside of Valley Ranch, and some may boycott Cowboys games and merchandise.