ESPN: Prescott accuses woman of plot to extort $100M

I don’t think he’d be dumb enough to do it. Especially considering his best friend is fighting the NFL for playing time. I believe it happened in February of 2017 but not a 100% sure. I agree with you that putting himself in that situation was very dumb. He’s definitely guilty of bad judgment and I’m hoping he’s not found guilty of a crime. But my gut says he isn’t that guy so I’m hoping due process clears it up.

Outside of that I still don’t want to sign him to the richest contract in NFL history but that’s due to his on field playoff performances.
Obviously no one knows for sure, but you do have to admit the way the Joneses are behaving towards free agency this offseason, it's as if they learned something about Dak's legal situation and did a major backpedal on "all-in". Speculation perhaps, but no more speculative than claiming the Cowboys are being cheap/arrogant or the other excuses that been posted by CZ members a billion times.
As one of the few females on the site.

I'm going with who Dak, the man, has shown himself to be.

I always have an issue with delayed prosecution until I'm showed differently.

And if I'm shown differently, then I hope he's prosecuted to the fullest.

And if she's found to be lying, I hope she's prosecuted.

This is my stance on all these types of delayed prosecutions
I agree with you so I don’t have any opinion on either one, but appearance means nothing think OJ, Garvy and so many other people.
Obviously no one knows for sure, but you do have to admit the way the Joneses are behaving towards free agency this offseason, it's as if they learned something about Dak's legal situation and did a major backpedal on "all-in". Speculation perhaps, but no more speculative than claiming the Cowboys are being cheap/arrogant or the other excuses that been posted by CZ members a billion times.
I do admit that the delay in signing Dak to an extension in suspicious. Especially after they said so vehemently that they support him and want him back. Then they don’t get it done? Yeah I admit their behavior is weird and maybe they do know something we don’t. As you said purely speculative, but it’s weird. I agree
I do admit that the delay in signing Dak to an extension in suspicious. Especially after they said so vehemently that they support him and want him back. Then they don’t get it done? Yeah I admit their behavior is weird and maybe they do know something we don’t. As you said purely speculative, but it’s weird. I agree
I'm thinking the same thing. If it was just the playoff performance I think the Dak deal would be done by now. If it was just this lawsuit I still think the deal would be done by now.

However, with both of them I really think the Cowboys are serious in letting Dak play out his deal this season. By then they will get both answers- can he finally lead a title run, and what will happen in this case- not just legally, but in the eyes of NFL commissioner Roger Goodell too.
I know everyone on the board is shocked that Dak had relations with numerous women. The media and empowerment groups eat that stuff up. Since it is all public, both parties livelihood is at stake.
The fact is every NFL player does things in their life off the field that we never see, They are human.

I've read books hinting that Troy Aikman "got around" with quite a few women early in his career as well. But he was fortunate there was no social media back then plastering his picture on Instagram everywhere he showed up.
Yeah she could have shopped it around and other lawyers were like “we’re not touching that”. There’s a lot of things wrong right now. First Dak said he didn’t know her, then said he did. Then you got the most unprofessional lawyers working on it for her. Then she does an interview that gives the world her name and tells graphic detail about the assault, if the assault happened. If she’s lying then she’s really putting herself out there for this lie. There’s so many things going on and it all stinks on both sides. But there’s so many red flags in everyone’s stories that it’s messy. I hope due process separates the lies from the truth and whoever did whatever will be held accountable. I just want Jerry to hold off on an extension until it’s resolved. And if they wait till TC then that’s good because hopefully it will be resolved or more concrete facts come out. Let’s let due process happen. Everyone should get a chance to say their peace and have their day in court.
Let us understand. Some individuals like quick, rough, loud and intense relations; due to the act, it can easily be misinterpreted, if one of the party chooses to go that route. Sexual charges and baby mama drama, is usually the end result of such relations.
By then they will get both answers- can he finally lead a title run, and what will happen in this case- not just legally, but in the eyes of NFL commissioner Roger Goodell too.
Agree 100% As of today there’s too many unknowns to feel completely comfortable with extending him. Is the playoffs a mind block, mental issue for him? Well let’s let him show us it’s not and he can take us far in the playoffs . What’s going to happen legally, hopefully nothing. What will Goodell do? Since he doesn’t care about legal vs illegal stuff and has a history of unpredictable suspensions, then that’s another unknown that will be known this time next year. I see the smart move is to hold off on the extension for now.
Let us understand. Some individuals like quick, rough, loud and intense relations; due to the act, it can easily be misinterpreted, if one of the party chooses to go that route. Sexual charges and baby mama drama, is usually the end result of such relations.
True but keep in mind that when people enjoy rough, loud, intense relations their bodies are responding to it in a pleasurable way releasing fluids to promote such activity. (I’m really trying to be discrete here). In forced relations the body does not respond in that manner and there is a lot of tearing and bruising due to little to no lubrication. This is how a medical doctor can tell the difference between “rough” relations and “forced penetration”.

In my 15 years of working with sex abuse victims usually the perpetrators will say “she wanted it” or the woman can say after the fact they were violated. Their mouth can lie but the body doesn’t lie. A doctor can examine and make that determination due to the specific nature of the injuries in that area.

That was by far the most awkward post I have ever written.
It's a simple solution to extinguishing these plots by these low life, gold digging "prostitutes"

( I really want to address these trash *** women with the correct words but I can't here.)

The simple way to extinguish these gold diggers and their plots is to sentence them to a MINIMUM of 20 years in prison when found guilty of clear and obvious fraud and extortion.

I guarantee you would see a significant drop in these cases.
To see if due process should be followed in ALL cases....not just when someone has skin in the game and they like the person.

My question stands as proposed.

I believe in due process for EVERYONE....whether I like them or not
That doesn't make sense. She told you her stance already. You cherry picked a case that's already been adjudicated as if you were trying to make a point that wasn't there to make.
I know everyone on the board is shocked that Dak had relations with numerous women. The media and empowerment groups eat that stuff up. Since it is all public, both parties livelihood is at stake.
Err, okay, if you consider rape a relationship. Go back and reread, I think you missed something. Reading comprehension is your friend amigo. LOL. The conversation was about plaintiff’s lawyer saying that multiple women could come forward accusing him of assault, just like Deshaun Watson, not about how many women he’s banged.
I missed it.

I understand that sexual assault can consist of rape, but exactly what was Dak accused of in the letter?

Reality is a lot of things could constitue "sexual assualt" and it doesn't have to be rape.

Did the letter sent to Dak mention anything about rape or just "sexual assualt"?

Grab a womans arse against her will and I'd guess it could be considered sexual assault.

Everything is speculation on our part, but I'm guessing the police investigation will find out if there is reason enough to continue to pursue this.

Never followed Dak in college, only knew about him when he got to the cowboys, but has his past behavior ever show warning signs that he would put himself in the wrong position to make news? I could be wrong, but I thought they (Dak and this woman) associated with each other after this alleged incident? I'm sorry, but he raped a girl and the woman he raped kept associating with him afterwards?

One of the first questions if I were a cop is when did she first start going to therapy over this incident? Like I said, I think the cops will find out pretty quick.
Supposedly yes, the accuser and Dak hung out together after this alleged incident in the SUV.

I have a hard time understanding how if a guy rapes you, that you choose to hang out and party with the same guy again on future occasions.

Am I the only one that is having a hard time understanding this???
The reality is ANYONE of us here could be targeted as well.

Thing is, we're probably not built like Dak, don't have his celebrity status and most likely don't have his money.

I knew a guy in scouts. Youth accused him of some improprieties. Turns out the kid had a vendetta agasint the guy, and admitted it was a false accuation after he realized the crap was hitting the fan and the police got involved. That guy went through Hades for a couple of weeks.
Yep, false accusations happen all the time.

A friend of mine back in college had an argument with his girlfriend, she got mad and called the police and told them he grabbed her arm and shoved her to the ground.

He denied it, but they arrested him anyways. The police called the paramedics for the girl, but they quickly noticed she did not have any marks or red spots on her arms or upper body that you would typically see if somebody threw you to the ground.

She admitted the next day that she was just mad and made it up, but my friend still ended up spending the night in a holding cell at APD Headquarters before being released the next day with no charges filed.

So guys, you need to be careful and know who you are #$%^ing ;)
Supposedly yes, the accuser and Dak hung out together after this alleged incident in the SUV.

I have a hard time understanding how if a guy rapes you, that you choose to hang out and party with the same guy again on future occasions.

Am I the only one that is having a hard time understanding this???
It's an adverse emotional reaction that affects the individual over a period time that actually manifests itself with a similar condition to the Stockholm syndrome. Statistics show that it is corrolated to the income generating capabilities of the subject who caused this adverse emotional reaction in the test subject, and these emotion reactions seems to manifest itself over long periods of time, particularly in NFL contract talks.

Please note, I'm speaking through my arse and have absolutely no clue what I'm talking about, but the reality is when people do things that show absolutely no common sense, psychologists can ALWAYS find a reason as to why, which leaves me scratching my head.

The question I have that I'm certain which will be looked at pertaining to her mental state

1 - When did the victim go and seek emotional counciling?
2 - How long has that emotional counciling been going on?
3 - When the the victim originally seek legal advice, were there any other contacts with legal representation other than just this law firm?

I understand that a traumatic event that could cause some mental instability could take years to develop and shouldn't be treated by flippant humor (as the first paragraph), but when when your legal representation basically blackmails the assused into such a stupid number of money 100 million dollars to keep this issue quiet and for compensation for said stress, you've now opened the door to be investigate yourself, which will most likely cause more stress.

Even had a seat belt violation driving in Dallas, I wouldn't hire those two attorneys because in my mind, they are inept just in the manner that this situation was made public, through their own actions. One could argue Dak's team didn't have to make the letter public, but the reality is it was the most common sense thing to do IMO. I'm not a lawyer, but from what I've read of this case at this point in time it seems Miss Shores legal reprsentataion could be in legal trouble themselves due to the letter.
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Let us understand. Some individuals like quick, rough, loud and intense relations; due to the act, it can easily be misinterpreted, if one of the party chooses to go that route. Sexual charges and baby mama drama, is usually the end result of such relations.
Very true.............some girls (and guys as well) like it rough, very rough.................sometimes even going so far as sexual asphyxiation (choking during sex).

If your partner, for whatever reason, decides to report the incident you might have a very hard time explaining away any marks, bruises, or any other physical signs consistent with sexual assault.

The moral of this story is that you need to be very careful who you choose to be intimate with and what type of "activities" you engage in with that person.
It's an adverse emotional reaction that affects the individual over a period time that actually manifests itself with a similar condition to the Stockholm syndrome. Statistics show that it is corrolated to the income generating capabilities of the subject who caused this adverse emotional reaction in the test subject, and these emotion reactions seems to manifest itself over long periods of time, particularly in NFL contract talks.

Please note, I'm speaking through my arse and have absolutely no clue what I'm talking about, but the reality is when people do things that show absolutely no common sense, psychologists can ALWAYS find a reason as to why, which leaves me scratching my head.

The question I have that I'm certain which will be looked at pertaining to her mental state

1 - When did the victim go and seek emotional counciling?
2 - How long has that emotional counciling been going on?
3 - When the the victim originally seek legal advice, were there any other contacts with legal representation other than just this law firm?

I understand that a traumatic event that could cause some mental instability could take years to develop and shouldn't be treated by flippant humor (as the first paragraph), but when when your legal representation basically blackmails the assused into such a stupid number of money 100 million dollars to keep this issue quiet and for compensation for said stress, you've now opened the door to be investigate yourself, which will most likely cause more stress.

Even had a seat belt violation driving in Dallas, I wouldn't hire those two attorneys because in my mind, they are inept just in the manner that this situation was made public, through their own actions. One could argue Dak's team didn't have to make the letter public, but the reality is it was the most common sense thing to do IMO. I'm not a lawyer, but from what I've read of this case at this point in time it seems Miss Shores legal reprsentataion could be in legal trouble themselves due to the letter.
Good points.................the letter demanding $100 million dollars to keep quiet is the most problematic thing here, its looks pretty clear this is extortion to black mail somebody to pay $$$$

Regardless of what did or did not happen in that SUV, just the optics of trying to get money to keep quiet calls into question her motives and truthfulness.
Very true.............some girls (and guys as well) like it rough, very rough.................sometimes even going so far as sexual asphyxiation (choking during sex).

If your partner, for whatever reason, decides to report the incident you might have a very hard time explaining away any marks, bruises, or any other physical signs consistent with sexual assault.

The moral of this story is that you need to be very careful who you choose to be intimate with and what type of "activities" you engage in with that person.
Just remember, if you film anything for documentation, know your state laws on two and three party consents.
Good points.................the letter demanding $100 million dollars to keep quiet is the most problematic thing here, its looks pretty clear this is extortion to black mail somebody to pay $$$$

Regardless of what did or did not happen in that SUV, just the optics of trying to get money to keep quiet calls into question her motives and truthfulness.
And why I keep questioning her legal representation.

If I were her legal representation, I'd send a letter not demanding money, but for financial help for counciling and or any other monetary issues.

When you get a letter mailed to you 7 years later after a "incident" asking for 100 million dollars, and if you don't pay that money, the situation will be made public is bascially like dumping 5 gallons of gas on a wood pile and you're going to light the pile with a match.

I did read that apparently there was at least one sexual encounter (apparently the "first incident" as I have no clue how many more there could have been). I also read she had another boyfriend at the time and that apparently she had seen Dak after this first sexual encounter. It's really coming across as a shakedown.

What I'd really love to know is how in the heck did they come up with 100 million dollars?

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