ESPN: Skins add Gray to All-Star Staff

if you're incapable of doing so, then the future consequences will be on your head, because I've had just about enough of your crap...


I love message board tough guys.

What I DID say was that there are legitimate reasons to wonder if he's as good as y'all are making him out to be... I believe it was you who said he was "excellent"... I'm merely suggesting that he benefitted greatly from working for Gregg Williams, who is indisputably a defensive whiz, while the latter was head coach of the Bills...

Williams was not in Buffalo in 2004. In 2004, Gray's defense finished in the top five in the NFL in touchdowns allowed (29), yards allowed per game (264.2), passing yards allowed per game (164.0), sacks registered (45) and led the League with 39 turnovers forced.

Are those good enough "facts" for you?

Second, as I've already noted, there was no significant "personnel upheaval" on the defense this past season... that is, if you believe the Bills' official website... and you only pointed to ONE major injury for that defense last year, although that was admittedly a biggie...

And you completely ignored the loss of Pat Williams, their NT as was pointed out by another poster and you conveniently ignored that. But I guess the Bills official website tells you the whole story, just like it told you his entire defense returned intact. That's outstanding work, Silverbear. All it took for you was one glance. Bravo.

But no, there is no excuse-- none whatsoever-- for a team falling from 2nd in total defense to 29th, just because of the loss of one player... aside from Spikes, as best I can tell Sam Adams missed 2 games, Angelo Crowell missed 1, and Terrence Newman also missed 1... the rest of the defensive starters all played all 16 games, and so did most of the backups...

Terrence Newman plays for the Bills? :rolleyes:

This tells me you are having a good old time with the stat sheets and probably didn't watch a single Bills contest this year as you get one of the better cornerback/return men in the AFC confused with one of our own. But I guess you should get credit for getting the first name right.

Do quit twisting the facts, son, it makes you look bad... the Boys fell from the top of the league to MIDDLE OF THE PACK (i.e., 16th in the league) in total defense from 2003 to 2004... that's a significantly lesser drop than what the Bills experienced last year (2nd to 29th)...

Let's look at the facts, "dad".

You like to talk about rankings, well the tumble came with the rush defense, as they fell down to next to last against the run. My, my, they were without their best defender in Spikes and nose tackle in Pat Williams. The two key personnel losses myself and others have mentioned in this very thread.

Again, do you think you score legitimate debating points by making stuff up as you go along, or are you just assuming that I'm too stupid to either know the truth of the matter, or where to look it up...

Well, actually, yes. Because you are apparently too dense to do much besides look at a defensive ranking you pull on a team that had perhaps the worst offensive situation in the NFL and then use that to justify a hypothesis that a coach who has done very well every year and is thought of highly in NFL circles just simply was riding the coattails of Williams, who has been gone for two years.

There is more to this game than looking at a ranking or statistical sheet and connecting the dots. I would think you would realize that, but obviously you don't.

you clearly THINK he's a great coach, in fact you called him "excellent"... but you have offered nothing to rebut the criticisms I offered...

I believe I and others in this thread have explained our reasoning for the decline of the Bill defense. But again, you cling to this fallacious notion that the release was justified and even decide to "warn" me that you have had enough of my "crap". My "crap" was calling it as I see it. You made a flippant remark about him riding the wave that was Williams, which is hilarious and uninformed because his greatest success in Buffalo was when the man was not longer coaching there.

And if that offends you, so be it.
silverbear said:
I guess ol' Alexander's a closet Skins fan, who just hates hearing anything derogatory said about his precious team... he probably has a few thousand posts over on extremeskins, LOL...

I guess ol' Silverbear is a homer who likes to talk big out of his backside when it fits his homeristic belief system.

I am a very loyal Cowboy fan, thank you very much.

I just don't suffer fools or homers very well, particularly when they don't see fit to even give credit where it is due. The Commanders made a good hire here. I can respect that. It apparently makes you feel more secure to badmouth Gray's coaching track record, which speaks for itself.
Taylor_Can_Hit21 said:
Hey silverbear...this is 89HasYour# lol...good to see you dissecting peoples post again.

Hey pal, how's life treating you these days?? Good to hear from you, but how come you changed your nom de plume??
You fellas do realize he is replacing Dwayne Walker, the current DB coach who left for a DC position at UCLA

He did WORK with Gregg Williams in the past before. It is simply filling an opening, no biggie

Like I said, only with Dan Snyder does the hiring of a DB coach create headlines. I am stunned I tell you that nobody gave a damn about Lazor becoming QB coach
Alexander said:
I love message board tough guys.

I'm just telling you that we can argue football, or if you insist on being a pr*ck, we can swap insults... it's entirely up to you, but as I said, I've had enough of the gratuitous abuse...

I actually try to soft-pedal the "in your face" stuff in here, because the moderators don't want that kind of board, and I try to respect that... but I'm confident that if somebody like you is feeding me a steady diet of insults, I can retaliate in kind without hearing from one of 'em...

Williams was not in Buffalo in 2004. In 2004, Gray's defense finished in the top five in the NFL in touchdowns allowed (29), yards allowed per game (264.2), passing yards allowed per game (164.0), sacks registered (45) and led the League with 39 turnovers forced.

Are those good enough "facts" for you?

Factual, it is... sadly for you, I have a ready response:

Barry Switzer won a Super Bowl with Jimmy Johnson's team, too... didn't make him an "excellent" head coach, did it?? Did you REALLY expect the Bills' defense to fall apart in one year after Gregg left town??

But another "fact" for you has already been discussed, the Bills fell apart defensively this year... and though you have tried to claim injury as the sole reason for that, I have "factually" shredded that argument by pointing out that the Bills really only had one significant injury last year...

And you completely ignored the loss of Pat Williams, their NT as was pointed out by another poster and you conveniently ignored that.

ROTFLMAO... so, the loss of a run-stuffing tackle is the reason the Bills' PASS defense fell off?? The guy has had all of 14.5 sacks in 123 games, he's clearly not a pass rushing threat... remember, Gray is being brought to the Skins to coach the DBs, which means he's gonna be a LOT more concerned with the passing game...

IOW, that argument is rather irrelevant to Gray's prospects in DC... I suspect you knew that, but your innate dishonesty caused you to float that weak crap anyway...

Just one more example of how completely feeble your attempts at rebuttal have been...

But I guess the Bills official website tells you the whole story, just like it told you his entire defense returned intact.

Gawd, you lie as easily as you breathe... this lie is particularly stupid, when the quote of what I REALLY said (actually, what I quoted from the Bills' website) is available for all to see in this very thread:

Enters his fifth season as the Bills defensive coordinator with the majority of the defensive starting lineup returning…

Since you're so fond of prevarication, I emphasized the key word there-- I never said that "his entire defense returned", I said "the majority of his defense returned"...

I told it straight, and you lied through your teeth in your desperation to hang with me... how completely pathetic of you... I've lost track of the number of lies you've told in this thread...

This tells me you are having a good old time with the stat sheets and probably didn't watch a single Bills contest this year as you get one of the better cornerback/return men in the AFC confused with one of our own. But I guess you should get credit for getting the first name right.

This tells me that I did a lousy job of proofreading... LOL...

Let's look at the facts, "dad".

I'd never allow a son of mine to grow up to be a lying piece of crap...

You like to talk about rankings, well the tumble came with the rush defense, as they fell down to next to last against the run. My, my, they were without their best defender in Spikes and nose tackle in Pat Williams. The two key personnel losses myself and others have mentioned in this very thread.

Since it seems that you checked out the stats, you obviously know you're being quite dishonest...


The Bills also dropped from 3rd in the league in pass defense in 2004 to 19th in 2005... gave up 40 more yards per game than the previous year (205.7 in 2005, 164.0 in 2004)... and since we've already established that they gave up 80 yards more per game in total defense from 04 to 05, that means that they gave up as many more yards passing per game as they did running per game...

Of course, the drop from 3rd to 19th is pretty dramatic, but it gets worse for you:

Pass completion percentage allowed: 53.7 per cent in 04, 62.4 per cent in 05... there were simply more open receivers this past season than there were in recent seasons...

Again, if you looked up the other stats, I have to believe you looked up the pass defense stats as well, so you KNOW this is true... but you still try to argue that the Bills' pass defense was as good as it had been last year??

The only way you could make that case would be to distort the facts... you know, like you just have here... before long, you're gonna figure out that I'm not gonna let you get away with lying about the facts that way... unless you like being made to look stupid, you'd be well advised to stick with the TRUTH when debating me...

There is more to this game than looking at a ranking or statistical sheet and connecting the dots. I would think you would realize that, but obviously you don't.

I'd suggest that the way you've had to constantly LIE about my arguments, and the way you've had to LIE about the statistical facts, is pretty compelling bit of evidence that you know you're gettin' your butt kicked in this argument...

Looks like my stats are carrying the day... this comes as no surprise to me, I long ago learned that you could figure out a lot about what's actually happened on the field by studying the stats...

I believe I and others in this thread have explained our reasoning for the decline of the Bill defense.

Yeah, you blamed it on injuries, and the loss of one run-stuffing DT... only there weren't that many injuries, in fact just ONE major injury... unlike you, I'm honest, so I have to admit it was a MAJOR injury, though...

That would explain a BIT of a dropoff (though I think an "excellent" coach ought to be able to scheme around that), but not the RADICAL dropoff the Bills exhibited...

IOW, I believe I have more than adequately rebutted the argument of you and others in this thread...

But again, you cling to this fallacious notion that the release was justified and even decide to "warn" me that you have had enough of my "crap". My "crap" was calling it as I see it.

No, I actually enjoy a good football argument, and would happily argue football with you for hours on end... in fact, I WAS having a perfectly good, CIVIL argument with Wheat on this very subject...

Nope, your "crap" that got me pissed was the arrogant way you presumed to tell folks what I was thinking, when I was trying to conduct a non-inflammatory discussion... you know, crap like:

continue believing this if it helps you sleep better at night.

All you are doing now is smugly dismissing what is a very good signing by Washington because it makes you feel better.

Bottom line, you don't know me well enough to know what I "feel", and I won't sit still for it... if it's a flame war you want, we can get medeival, until the mods ban us...

Or you can stop being such an ***, and stick to arguing football... but next time around, do try to be a bit more honest about the whole thing...
Alexander said:
I guess ol' Silverbear is a homer who likes to talk big out of his backside when it fits his homeristic belief system.

I am a very loyal Cowboy fan, thank you very much.

Just a little insult, partial return on those you've aimed my way...

I just don't suffer fools

Then I hope you've found a good shrink to work through your self-loathing issues...

or homers very well, particularly when they don't see fit to even give credit where it is due.

Ahhh, but there's the rub-- I DO regularly give credit when I think the Skins have made a good move... I was complimentary of the Al Saunders hiring, and last year, I expressed my approval of their hiring of Bill Musgrave as quarterbacks coach...

And I was QUITE vocal in my approval when Danny Boy hired Gibbs...

I know you'd like to pigeonhole me as some mindless Skins hater who just wants the see the bad in everything they do, but that just proves you don't know jack about me... in point of fact, my Mom, Dad and little brother were all Skins fans, my nephew/roommate Michael is a devout Skins fan, h*ll, just about ALL my family are Skins fans... so I enjoy it when they're doing well, up to a point, because I know it gives some people I love (or loved, Mom, Dad and little brother are all gone) a measure of pleasure...

Of course, that all goes out the window when the Skins play the Cowboys, but the basic point is, I have never really hated the Skins since the George Allen days...

It apparently makes you feel more secure to badmouth Gray's coaching track record, which speaks for itself.

Again, it's quite asinine for you to assume that my remarks were born of some hatred of the Skins... it simply ain't true... my analysis of Jerry Gray is based entirely on his history as a coach... like I said, he's an ex-Longhorn, and I'm nearly as devoted a Horns fan as I am a Cowboys fan, so I'm naturally predisposed to want any ex-Horn to do well...

I even root for Derrick Dockery, for God's sake...

Bottom line, son, you don't know me, and you make a fool of yourself when you speculate as to my motives about ANYTHING...

Well, you can safely assume that I hold you in rather low regard...
SkinsHokieFan said:
You fellas do realize he is replacing Dwayne Walker, the current DB coach who left for a DC position at UCLA

He did WORK with Gregg Williams in the past before

In Tennessee as well as Buffalo...

Like I said, only with Dan Snyder does the hiring of a DB coach create headlines. I am stunned I tell you that nobody gave a damn about Lazor becoming QB coach

I did, I liked Bill Musgrave... but nobody started a thread about it, and it didn't seem like a big enough deal for me to start one... :rolleyes:
Someone got


In this thread
BigDFan5 said:
Someone got


In this thread

I DID NOT!!!!!!!

Good thing, too, I'm pretty high maintenance...

silverbear said:
I DID NOT!!!!!!!

Good thing, too, I'm pretty high maintenance...


yeah but at least you are cuddly


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