According to the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, NFL lead investigator Kia Roberts testified this week that she recommended that Elliott not be suspended for his alleged domestic violence incidence.
"Not only did Roberts play a key role in the Elliott case, but she was the only NFL employee who spoke to Elliott's accuser, Tiffany Thompson, during the 13-month investigation.
However, Roberts, who was the only person to speak with Thompson, pointed out during her testimony during the appeal this week that she was never consulted about Elliott's suspension or even asked to make a recommendation, which would have been zero games" this looks to me like the investigator didn't agree with suspending Zeke. She was the only one who met with the accuser from the league office. If what you're saying is true, then why didn't more people meet with the accuser? What was the point of sending her to meet with the accuser if they were just going to suspend Zeke anyway?