Maybe you should try reading from actual sources on this topic. It might help you understand the stuff that you look foolish complaining about a little better.
Why would I waste my time reading when you know every answer to every topic that has ever been thought about since the beginning of time. Maybe you should learn how to have a conversation without coming across as a condescending jerk.
Great point and we expect the NFL to be the moral compass. I think the league should have stayed out of this from the start.
Well I feel that's the core of the frustration with the NFL and these matters. I feel the NFL needs to make a decision whether or not they are going to be a psuedo police force/moral compass or not. If they are going to be a policing entity or a moral compass for the players then they need to be consistent and transparent. I for one wish the NFL would not attempt to be a moral police entity and if the players get arrested then they get arrested. Or whatever the players do they suffer the consequences for it. Off the top of my head
Zeke- accused of domestic violence, woman recanted her story, investigator said she believe he did not do it, 6 game suspension.
Watson- 20+ women accuse him of sexual misconduct, investigation results in no charges being filed, 6 game suspension
Ridley- gambling, 1 year ban
Wade Wilson- QB coach, uses PEDs to fight diabetes, how a coach using PEDs to fight diabetes is even a problem is beyond me, 4 game suspension.
Dan Snyder- sexual harassment environment. Won't answer to it. No punishment yet.
KJ- at the scene of a murder, investigators cleared him of criminal charges, no word on suspension.
Very inconsistent, very random. Me personally I wish the league would only deal with issues that affect the field of play, ala tampering or injury bounties. But I wish they would step.out of the role of trying to morally police the players unless they become more consistent. JMO