ESPN: Tony Romo agrees with Jerry Jones that he can play 4-5 more years

Last season that he played majority of the games (2014) he posted 34 tds and 9 ints. Please tell us again how he needs to increase tds and reduce ints

Although that was 2014, in 2015 (I know I know...I know!!! he was hurt for most of the year..) he threw 5 TDs and 7 Ints in just five 5 games...What does that works out for 16 games..? Look I'm a huge fan of Romo..but I can been critical without being a hater. I still believe he needs to get in better shape. Just from what I've seen and apparently others as well. Now that could be due to all of the injuries he's had (back, shoulder, ribs, etc..) But to me that comes from him being tough, standing in the pocket and just plain ole bad luck.

So yeah, seeing the last time I saw him play....he needs to increase the TDs and lessen the INTs.

Oddly, I see him having a great year if least I hope so.
The problem with older quarterbacks is their drop off happens quickly. They can go from being great one season to being slightly below average the next even without any other factors in play. It happened to Brett Favre and Peyton Manning and many other quarterbacks. Sure, Peyton won a Super Bowl this past season, but it was obvious to everyone, including Peyton, that he wasn't the same quarterback any more.

Hopefully, we'll get another 2 years at least out of Romo at a high level, but we need to be ready for life after Romo.

I think that this sums things up quite well.
I don't disagree with you that these guys can play longer than ever before, however, at the end of the day when a young buck 23-24 year old OLB/DE slams your 36-37 QB to the ground, bad things happen.

If Tony Romo was a 3 steps and gone type of QB I'd be totally buying that he can play 4-5 years more. Unfortunately Tony Romo tends to hold on the ball, loves to run around the pocket, and inevitable because of that take big hits. I don't see Tony Romo changing... and that's why I wonder if he can even make it through this year.

He'd need massive help from Jason and Scott in terms of a more West Coasty reconstruct. Linehan did seem to help Tony somewhat with the stubborn run first plan in 2014, but that was a small adjustment compared to the quick release passing scheme overhaul that would be required for Tony's career extension.
Romo is at the point in his career where he is game to game. Projecting his career out 4-5 years is pointless. I understand he (Romo) believes, and that is fine. Doesn't make it so.
What do people want Romo to say?
What do people want Jerry to say?

People just look for reasons to be unhappy or upset these days.
It's obvious that Jerry and Romo know he is uncertain for any specific amount of time. They didn't try to draft Lynch for nothing. Also imagine how many morning Romo has woken up in the last few years in horrible pain reaching for the pain killers and realizing he couldn't even hold his children due to pain. The guy has been through a back injury, back surgery, 3 broken collar bones and several surgeries. It wouldn't surprise anyone if one more injury was enough for Romo to say he has had enough. He has a good life and he comes across as a very deep thinking man.

As a fan I expect to read time and time again that he feels great and can play for 4 more years...and he can...until he can't...everyone knows it. It's a gamble that everyone including Jones and Romo know they are taking. Next draft we will make another move to find his eventual replacement.
What do people want Romo to say?
What do people want Jerry to say?

People just look for reasons to be unhappy or upset these days.
It's obvious that Jerry and Romo know he is uncertain for any specific amount of time. They didn't try to draft Lynch for nothing. Also imagine how many morning Romo has woken up in the last few years in horrible pain reaching for the pain killers and realizing he couldn't even hold his children due to pain. The guy has been through a back injury, back surgery, 3 broken collar bones and several surgeries. It wouldn't surprise anyone if one more injury was enough for Romo to say he has had enough. He has a good life and he comes across as a very deep thinking man.

As a fan I expect to read time and time again that he feels great and can play for 4 more years...and he can...until he can't...everyone knows it. It's a gamble that everyone including Jones and Romo know they are taking. Next draft we will make another move to find his eventual replacement.

then they can stop asking the question. :)
Why would we want a 40-year-old quarterback? Especially one that has never won anything?
Romo did say there trying a lot of new things. hopefully getting rid of the ball faster. I really see Cole and Lucky doing big things as the slot WR this year, if Romo stays healthy
He won't make it another 1-2 years if he can't learn how to take the hits properly. He has to stop spinning when it's too late because he ends up being driven into the ground on his side instead of flat on his back. That is 100% the reason he got hurt both times last year. Spinning out is fine when the defender is stil 2-3 steps away but not when he is 1 or less away. Just throw it out of bounds or take the sack the right way and you don't get hurt. I have no doubt he could play another 4-5 years if he can avoid taking those side shots. He is a competition junky that I have no doubt will play until it's obvious he can't do it anymore.
after 35 your physical ability of playing sports declines.......rapidly.

it's not your's just nature's part in may be time to do something else.

you and your body are no longer what they used to's ok's just reality..

Yep. The mind is willing but the flesh is weak.

As you can tell by my name, I used to engage in tournament karate fighting from my late 20s to mid 30s.
Even though my mind was willing, the younger guys were just a step faster and better.

You can see this even moreso with boxers. They reach a certain age, and the reflexes just don't work like they used to. Roy Jones Jr. used to be deadly quick and accurate, but when he reached a certain age, his body couldn't react as fast as his mind wanted him to.
I think we feel that way because that's the way it's always been. But with treatment advances, medical advancements, and equipment advances that way of thinking my be out dated. These guys are not the average joe. They have access to the best of everything and cutting edge technology. 40 is the new 30. I think we will see over the next several years players that do play longer than the ones we or I anyway grew up watching. And that dont take into account the fact that the qb position specifically is very protected today compared to even 15 years ago. I am one that thinks Romon can play at a high level for the next 3 years. So 4 would not shock me.

There's no amount of medicine that can defeat Father Time, especially when 250-280 lb. men are slamming into your body.

You simply cannot stop the aging process. Medicine can make you feel better, but it can't halt time.
I'll give him this and two more, with a good team in his hands.
I just want Tony to make it thru this year, I will worry about the following years when they come. To me Tony is year to year.
People keep bringing back 2014.. It's like dog years ago. In Football the incline is gradual..But the decline is steep.
Romo is at the point in his career where he is game to game. Projecting his career out 4-5 years is pointless. I understand he (Romo) believes, and that is fine. Doesn't make it so.

Oh yea, my racing form says salty seabisket in the fifth.
He can say it all he wants until the first hard hit changes things.

That can be said for any player. Do you think Locket, Borland or even Holloman wanted to retire a few years in the league? No, it's a sport and injuries happen. Anybody saying 2 years max don't know. He might play 7 more years, he might have to retire the first game this year

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