Facebook photo of Plymouth woman at Tomb of the Unknowns sparks outrage...

About 30 years ago some Christian Missionaries were visiting a nation in the Orient. Forgive me, I can't remember which nation, and I don't remember which faith either. In this nation there was a rather large statue of Buddha at a mountain shrine. One of the missionaries climbed up into the statue's lap to pose for a picture. They were all arrested and spent something like 2 years at hard labor. I learned a lesson from that without having to do something stupid to learn it.

About 25 years ago my older brother was climbing in the Superstition Mountains and he discovered a cave. It was an ancient burial cave and is considered a holy tomb by the tribe whose ancestors reside there. A rifle shot hit the rocks near his head. He quickly got away from the cave and signaled his respect and no more shots rang out. I learned a lesson from that without having to do something stupid to learn it.

No matter where you go in the world there are places that are considered sacred. In other countries the consequences can be so much worse than the outrage against these women. I will not object to this outrage because I do consider the tomb of the unknown soldier to be scared and in my opinion outrage is getting off very easy in comparison.

We live in a country that is very forgiving. Sometimes because of that people do not realize how stupid their actions really are, and in this case they are monumentally stupid. Not just the disrespect, but to post it on the Internet and think everyone else will think it is funny just because you like to flaunt authority.

My suggestion to these women is to travel the world flaunting the same type of sacred monuments and see if you like the way you are treated there more or less than the outrage here. Try telling an airline attendant in Russia that you have a gun. Point a realistic looking squirt gun at a cop in Mexico. Aim a laser pointer at the forehead of India's Prime Minister. Go to the Middle East and urinate on a Koran. Moon the Dictator of North Korea.

I suspect the outrage here in America won't seem like too high a price to pay for your stupidity in comparison. And make no mistake about it, what they did was stupid on many levels. I hope they will either learn from it or decide to ramp up their efforts of disrespect. I can either forgive true remorse, which I do not yet see, or I can admire taking this to the next level as suggested above.

Until one of the two happens, I too am outraged at this, though I will stop short of wishing ill upon them. Instead I will hope they learn a painful lesson, and others will too. If this stops even one person from doing the same, the outrage is worth it.

To our soldiers please know this, most of us get why that place is sacred and we honor you, your kindred fallen, and all who are honored at Arlington and around the world for the ultimate sacrifice. You have my sympathy that you have to see something this stupid.
Going to open this one back up,but it will be on a short leash. Do not turn it into an excuse to be insulting. Stay on the thread
I understand the position of people who are outraged, but I still think this society is way too sensitive.

You want to see some pictures that really dishonor our troops; look up Abu Ghraib.
Denim Chicken;4852257 said:
I understand the position of people who are outraged, but I still think this society is way too sensitive.

You want to see some pictures that really dishonor our troops; look up Abu Ghraib.

You do not get it.

That is the most sacred place for our soldiers.

Until you understand that and what it means you will never get it.
Forgive my ignorance, but isn't that the tomb where even through the hurricane or "superstorm" sandy, a guard still stood watch over every day? If so she's lucky she didn't get shot.
Denim Chicken;4852257 said:
I understand the position of people who are outraged, but I still think this society is way too sensitive.

You want to see some pictures that really dishonor our troops; look up Abu Ghraib.

Wait...so you are comparing Abu Ghraib to this? Really?
Hopefully, she's learned about a valuable lesson about what to post and what not to post on Facebook.
ScipioCowboy;4852351 said:
Hopefully, she's learned about a valuable lesson about what to post and what not to post on Facebook.

I wouldn't think so. If you are stupid enough to post that in the first place, I don't think you are intelligent enough to learn from it.
Cajuncowboy;4852339 said:
Wait...so you are comparing Abu Ghraib to this? Really?

I'm saying that Abu was dishonoring photos, something to get 'outraged' about. This was just some idiot messing around; I don't believe her intention was to dishonor the troops.
rocboy22;4852353 said:
I wouldn't think so. If you are stupid enough to post that in the first place, I don't think you are intelligent enough to learn from it.

Especially on a business trip. We're dealing with a couple of Einsteins here.
ScipioCowboy;4852351 said:
Hopefully, she's learned about a valuable lesson about what to post and what not to post on Facebook.

yep. don't sacrifice the golden calf in the public sphere.
Vtwin;4852138 said:
The point you seem to be missing is....

There has to be boundaries. Her action, no matter her intentions, completely disrespected Veterans buried there and their families. Every generation it seems we inch towards less respect and more attention ***** behavior. She even comes right out and says she likes to ruffle feathers.

I don't think she should be tarred and feathered or hung from the old oak in the public square but the message that this sort of crap will not be accepted must be sent and that there will be repercussions if you are stupid/arrogant enough to go there.

If she had just taken the stupid picture of her "yelling" I doubt it would have blown up on her. The finger puts it way over the top. Which it seems is right where she wants to be.

i agree with this

societies and cultures have norms, values, and traditions

i cant understand disrespecting these serves any useful purpose and is clearly idiotic in the extreme

though you may disagree with the politics of war, disrespecting people who died to protect you has no defense
visionary;4852376 said:
i agree with this

societies and cultures have norms, values, and traditions

i cant understand disrespecting these serves any useful purpose and is clearly idiotic in the extreme

though you may disagree with the politics of war, disrespecting people who died to protect you has no defense

Who said it was defensible? Seems as if the vast majority of people agree that it was stupid and wrong.
Denim Chicken;4852355 said:
I'm saying that Abu was dishonoring photos, something to get 'outraged' about. This was just some idiot messing around; I don't believe her intention was to dishonor the troops.

Flipping the bird at the Tomb of the Unknowns was not an intent to dishonor them?

We have vastly different opinions of what dishonoring is.

In the future, she'll likely struggle finding another job like this one. And the outrage she garnered on Facebook will have little to do with it. That will blow over in a couple days.

What won't simply blow over is the manner in which represented her company. Employers will remember that.
Cajuncowboy;4852391 said:
Flipping the bird at the Tomb of the Unknowns was not an intent to dishonor them?

We have vastly different opinions of what dishonoring is.


I kind of agree with denim. She is obviously a complete idiot. I dont think she even thought about what she was doing besides bucking the authority of the sign. It is dishonoring them, but I really don't think that was this moron's intent. She is just a total airhead who didn't even think about the meaning of what she was doing. That does not mean she shouldn't face the repercussions, though. I would fire her in a second.
ScipioCowboy;4852397 said:
In the future, she'll likely struggle finding another job like this one. And the outrage she garnered on Facebook will have little to do with it. That will blow over in a couple days.

What won't simply blow over is the manner in which represented her company. Employers will remember that.


Consequences are a heck of a thing.
rocboy22;4852398 said:
I kind of agree with denim. She is obviously a complete idiot. I dont think she even thought about what she was doing besides bucking the authority of the sign. It is dishonoring them, but I really don't think that was this moron's intent. She is just a total airhead who wouldn't even think about the meaning of what she was doing.

I don't think so. She works with mentally handicapped people. She can't be that big of a moron not to know what she was doing. If she is then the company that employs her needs to be investigated regarding the quality and intelligence level of the staff they hire. If this was some teenage kid I would give her the pass on it, but she's not. She knew where she was, why they were there and the meaning of the place.
Cajuncowboy;4852404 said:
I don't think so. She works with mentally handicapped people. She can't be that big of a moron not to know what she was doing. If she is then the company that employs her needs to be investigated regarding the quality and intelligence level of the staff they hire. If this was some teenage kid I would give her the pass on it, but she's not. She knew where she was, why they were there and the meaning of the place.

Neither of us know for sure. You could be right, but you could very easily be wrong. I am amazed at the stupidity of countless people. The positions these people hold and the level of incompetence with which they perform knows no bounds.

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