Fans... Booing TO... Just pathetic...


Mick Green 58
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Don Corleone;2495580 said:
Well, I never mentioned the Eagles or their fans in my post. So I'm not sure what you're talking about.

Z mann R2;2495374 said:
yupp our fans were starting to look like Philly some damn class!! We're better than that!!



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I was at the game, and it did appear as if a certain section was booing TO when he first ran in. For a normal fan who does not post on any boards and gets his/her stuff off of newspapers, it would sure seem like TO is being detrimental to the team, and for a fan the team comes first, doesn't it?


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jimmy40;2495514 said:
The booing was great, made TO have to shut his damn mouth. TO standing between Witten and Romo after the game and not being able to say **** was priceless. The **** eating grin on Witten's face when he said he didn't know how he got in the middle of it and then looked at TO was even better. Then TO actually calling someone else unprofessional was best of all, and we won the game. What a great night. Freaking perfect.



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Dave_in-NC;2495286 said:
It's obvious a stadium full of people don't think owens is innocent.
They let him know it and hopefully he gets the message.

He isn't bigger than the Cowboys is the message being sent.
Now if all this goes away and doesn't come back win or lose they shouldn't boo him again.

Spot on David. Cowboys fans sent a message no matter how the appologists here want to sping the TO controversy. They've seen this act before and they don't like it. To have cheered TO during the introductions would have been an affirmation that what he was doing was acceptable and I'm glad the fans didn't send that message.

Also, I think Cowboys fans are also looking at who TO is throwing under the bus or has a beef with on the team. If TO is going to have a dispute or perceived dispute, taking odds with Jason Witten or Tony Romo just won't cut it around here. One guy last night "slipped" and ducked when he could have had a crucial first down and another fought his way to a key first down with the game on the line. The fans will side with the old school, tough as nails Pro Bowl player who plays with a broken jaw and broken ribs over a prima dona each and every time. And Romo only added to his legend, not because he played his greatest game statistically, but it was easily one of his guttsiest performances when he could barely walk and with the season on the line. Those are the kinds of players the fans appreciate.


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I don't really don't know how much truth there was to any of this bottom line to me is guys going out and doing the job. Lastnight they did. Romo looked for the open man and was able to avoid costly mistakes aginst a very good defense I know TO is an important part to our success but he is not the only part.


Junior College Transfer
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I am one of T.O.'s fans.

But in this case, the booing was warranted.
You don't diss your fellow players and get away with it and the fans called him on it.
This is a cautionary tale for the rest of the players. You do what T.O. did and you will suffer come the introductions.

And I'm glad Tomo and Witten got prolonged applause. They deserved it after a rough week brought about by a whiny T.O.

Let's move on and get serious about the Egirls and the Ravens.