Fans... Booing TO... Just pathetic...


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landryscorner;2494318 said:
I never thought I would see a Nationally televised game,where our OWN fans
boo one of our own players...thats just right down pathetic...too all you fans who
booed TO all I got to say is $#$# $#$!

Oh and yah cut proctor now....just ughh ugllyyyyy

dam fair weather fans hate you all...:bang2:

I was there and it really hurt me to my heart to hear T.O. get booed when they introduced the players...very weak and shame on the *** wholes who bought into the wanna be network espn..


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AKATheRake;2494915 said:
Not all made up, but utilized more so than necessary to create a diversion Tony Romo made it sound like after the game. This teams is learning how to pawn the media as opposed to letting the media pawn it. T.O made it sound like Werder made everything up?

Tony actually thanked Wade and the coaching staff, along with Witten and T.O for devising this scenario after the game. Believe what Wade said after the game if you like but he's using the media to his advantage now. The team knows the media will never back off so they are trying to turn it into a tool.

Jerry's a master at using the media and so was Parcells. Wades been around this league for over 30 years. This team was as focused as I saw it all year. I knew they would be. The information was too outlandish and easily exposed to the media. Yah, the reporters catch T.O and Witten ready to go blow for blow in the middle of alocker room. Yah, Andre Gurode has a song called "you're a trader" being played in the background of an offensive team meeting and confronts Jason Witten as a trader. Cmon! Jason Witten? T.O and Witten didn't even have 40 yards each this game and look how happy they were during and after the game. Tony still threw to Witten 8 times in the game to T.O's 4. They both had poor games, neither cared and all 3 were communicating positively throughout the game.

Well, T.O. may have been on his best behavior.

Look, I don't want to rehash the past week. As I've stated before, winning cures everything.

Let's hope the Cowboys continue to win.



the older I get the better I was
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just for ya'll's info.......when Witten got called for that holding penalty
there were also some whether they were directed to him or
at the not sure but there was booing then.

i kind of feel they were for Witten as it was halfhearted and pretty weak

just one of the many thoughts i brought home from the game, i may be totally wrong


Makin' It Rain
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Personally, I don't get the venom for T.O. in this case unless you're just a fan that has hated him from Day 1 and has been anxiously waiting for something to sink your teeth in.

I'm more concerned with snitches than I am T.O. wanting the ball more, meeting with Garrett or being concerned the ball isn't headed his way enough in crunch time.

As Madden said, he was open on that play Romo was picked off last week.

And, for once, T.O. has actually kept his belly-aching out of the public view for the most part. We've all always applauded Witten for handling his business behind closed doors (as he's admitted he'd approach Romo about more passes) while bashing T.O. for throwing QBs under the bus. His comments this year have been pretty harmless -- surprisingly so, really.


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RainMan;2495014 said:
Personally, I don't get the venom for T.O. in this case unless you're just a fan that has hated him from Day 1 and has been anxiously waiting for something to sink your teeth in.

I'm more concerned with snitches than I am T.O. wanting the ball more, meeting with Garrett or being concerned the ball isn't headed his way enough in crunch time.

As Madden said, he was open on that play Romo was picked off last week.

And, for once, T.O. has actually kept his belly-aching out of the public view for the most part. We've all always applauded Witten for handling his business behind closed doors (as he's admitted he'd approach Romo about more passes) while bashing T.O. for throwing QBs under the bus. His comments this year have been pretty harmless -- surprisingly so, really.

Totally agreed. T.O hadn't said a lick to the media up until after the game this week. Did not hear from Tony or Witten either but apparently there was all of this material to write credible reports from. For a guy who hasn't said squat outside of the team T.O certainly gets ripped on for being a bad apple. He's not the only #1 WR in the league trying to find out how he's going to be incorporated into the game plan and help his team win. If you're a #1 wideout in this league you better want the ball during crunch time, at least if you're a good one. People do have it out for this guy.


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tyke1doe;2494970 said:
Well, T.O. may have been on his best behavior.

Look, I don't want to rehash the past week. As I've stated before, winning cures everything.

Let's hope the Cowboys continue to win.




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You know that's not the same shirt.

AKA I never said it was the same shirt. It is merely a shirt with Eagle colors. Featuring an Eagle...from a guy who last played as an Eagle. That's all.

And he chooses such attire after recently making kissy-kiss comments with his ex-lover McNabb and slashing and burning his current team and current quarterback.

We all know TO gives zero thought to his attire when he gets a cherished opportunity to expose himself nationally.



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It's hysterical that people want to talk about a snitch in the Cowboy locker room. (who was in fact a hero.)

T.O. has made a career of snitching --- even if the lies are the grossest, silliest things imaginable.

This is a guy who called All-Pro teammate Jeff Garcia, a "rat" and a "gay"

No doubt the cancer will make at as first ballot Hall-of-Shame.

Here is one of a billion articles talking about what a POS--this from a Philly writer in 2004:


Dedicated to Sports Gaming
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Like Romo said, they weren't booing him, they were just saying T. OOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHH.............


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morieeel;2494522 said:
Don't see no problem with it. Just a message to cut the crap and play football..

It's obvious a stadium full of people don't think owens is innocent.
They let him know it and hopefully he gets the message.

He isn't bigger than the Cowboys is the message being sent.
Now if all this goes away and doesn't come back win or lose they shouldn't boo him again.


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SteveOS;2495274 said:
Like Romo said, they weren't booing him, they were just saying T. OOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHH.............

That was funny, I give Romo a ton of credit for dealing with what ever he has dealt with.

Don Corleone

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I was a bit surprised also. I didn't know the Texas Stadium fans even had a pulse.


Mick Green 58
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I was a bit suprised to see them boo him when he was being introduced.

However, when he dropped the pass on the corner route, I wasn't suprised at all.

At the end of the day, if the fans are asked to choose between Terrell Owens or Jason Witten, the fans are going to side with Jason Witten every time.

Bleu Star

Bye Felicia!
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Dave_in-NC;2495286 said:
It's obvious a stadium full of people don't think owens is innocent.
They let him know it and hopefully he gets the message.

He isn't bigger than the Cowboys is the message being sent.
Now if all this goes away and doesn't come back win or lose they shouldn't boo him again.

Fair enough... No one player is bigger than the team. That applies to all 53.

Your boy oldschool should take lessons from your level headedness. ;)


Pixel Pusher
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Oldschool7;2495187 said:
It's hysterical that people want to talk about a snitch in the Cowboy locker room. (who was in fact a hero.)

T.O. has made a career of snitching --- even if the lies are the grossest, silliest things imaginable.

This is a guy who called All-Pro teammate Jeff Garcia, a "rat" and a "gay"

No doubt the cancer will make at as first ballot Hall-of-Shame.

Here is one of a billion articles talking about what a POS--this from a Philly writer in 2004:

You are funny.


Wide Right
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It's no so much the booing of TO that bothers me, it's the fact that you know that wherever Ed Werder was, he had a *hit eating grin on his face.