Law & Order - haven't missed an episode
CSI- even watch the reruns on cable and now that Gary Sinise is on one, you bet I'll be watching.. very under-rated actor
Fox & Friends and other FoxNews programs.. Unlike some people - I get FoxNews...LOL

A&E - love those forensic files, new detectives, and investigative reports, etc....
AMC - I'm a classic movie fanatic - can't get enough of Gone With The Wind and other pre-60's movies
Discovery- especially the walking w/ the dinosaurs series
Monday Night Football - it's turned into a TV show with the highlights, halftime shows, the commericals, etc
Nextel Cup Series Races - a lot of drama this year
Clean Sweep - amazing what they do there
Trading Spaces - don't watch it that much w/ Tye being gone now... he was so funny and a lil cutie
I miss Home Improvement - Tim Allen was soo funny.. He was such a typical male....