Favorite TV Shows

NFL Network
Rescue Me
That 70's Show
Best Damn Sports Show Period
Third Watch
Any thing on History and Discovery channels
trickblue said:
That was actually a group of gay men (not that there is anything wrong with that)...

I'm sure you would fit right in... :D (not that there's anything wrong with that)

Geez......is that all you think about? :rolleyes: (not that there is anything wrong with that. :D )
Clean Sweep - amazing what they do there

The clutter in the houses are a little to organized to me. No one would let their house get that bad would they?
TruBlueCowboy said:
Ever see the episode of Coach where he tries to get Troy Aikman to be a sperm donor for his wife? One of my favorite episodes ever. Coach and his wife finally decide not to go ahead with it and instead attempt to have a baby some other way and when Coach tries to break the news to Aikman as unoffensively as possible, Aikman replies, "No.... you don't have to explain yourself coach, I understand, everyone wants Joe Montana." :D
One of my favorite episodes. Luther's reaction to the suggestion just killed me.
Hostile said:
You saying there is something wrong with that?

I love American Chopper. They are coming to Tempe November 5, 6 & 7 for a bike show.


I am going to see their bikes and tell them how much I dig their show. Mikey rules. I want my picture taken with him. Dude cracks me up.

I've heard a lot of the bike builders will be there. Can't wait.

I have always liked shows about firemen becuase I was a volunteer for 7 years. I like cop shows too. That's why I love Third Watch.

I miss The Cosby Show, M*A*S*H, and especially Coach. Luther Van Dam was a genius.

If you get the Hallmark channel...they show 4 back to back episodes of Mash a day...My neck of the woods it is on from 4 pm to 6pm est...may be different for others.
BrAinPaiNt said:
American Chopper.

Off-topic, but I thought you'd find it interesting that a friend of mine won the WVU chopper that OCC built for the rifle team to raffle off.
Hostile said:
You saying there is something wrong with that?

I love American Chopper. They are coming to Tempe November 5, 6 & 7 for a bike show.


I am going to see their bikes and tell them how much I dig their show. Mikey rules. I want my picture taken with him. Dude cracks me up.

I've heard a lot of the bike builders will be there. Can't wait.

I have always liked shows about firemen becuase I was a volunteer for 7 years. I like cop shows too. That's why I love Third Watch.

I miss The Cosby Show, M*A*S*H, and especially Coach. Luther Van Dam was a genius.

At least Mikey can make the father chill out everyone in a while. I agree Mikey rules.
StanleySpadowski said:
Off-topic, but I thought you'd find it interesting that a friend of mine won the WVU chopper that OCC built for the rifle team to raffle off.

I did not know they made a WVU chopper...do you have a link to a picture?
BrAinPaiNt said:
I did not know they made a WVU chopper...do you have a link to a picture?

Here it is BP...


The WVU Chopper


On another note... they are currently working on an Arkansas Bike... here are the design plans...

BrownSugar said:
Brain, I know you get a sneak peak at Lifetime every now and then... :p

The wife watches that channel and the Food network...drives me crazy.

Especially the food network (minus Iron Chefs..I kind of like that one)...but man she watches shows with that Ray girl who sings like beavis and butthead laughing, one show with a skinny older blonde who is always drinking, one with some older southern lady that makes some nasty looking stuff (like peanutbutter ham :confused: ) and now this newer young girl that has a HUGE freaking head on a skinny little body...I swear it that huge head is just so freaky looking lol.
BrAinPaiNt said:
The wife watches that channel and the Food network...drives me crazy.

Especially the food network (minus Iron Chefs..I kind of like that one)...but man she watches shows with that Ray girl who sings like beavis and butthead laughing, one show with a skinny older blonde who is always drinking, one with some older southern lady that makes some nasty looking stuff (like peanutbutter ham :confused: ) and now this newer young girl that has a HUGE freaking head on a skinny little body...I swear it that huge head is just so freaky looking lol.
Rachel Ray is a cutie also
CSI: The original. I never have watched the others..although, I have seen two of the NY one.

Fox News Channel: O'Reily and Hannity and Colmes

and this goes against my normal tastes but.....Futurama.

I have never seen the Sopranos or any other HBO shows. I have no idea what they're about. I've never had HBO. They seem to be very popular. Now, I love Band of Brothers......but I never saw those until they came out on DVD. I bought them this summer.
Bizwah said:
CSI: The original. I never have watched the others..although, I have seen two of the NY one.

Fox News Channel: O'Reily and Hannity and Colmes

and this goes against my normal tastes but.....Futurama.

I have never seen the Sopranos or any other HBO shows. I have no idea what they're about. I've never had HBO. They seem to be very popular. Now, I love Band of Brothers......but I never saw those until they came out on DVD. I bought them this summer.
Band of Brothers was awesome
trickblue said:
Here it is BP...


The WVU Chopper


On another note... they are currently working on an Arkansas Bike... here are the design plans...

OMG...lmaoooooo :D

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