norswannaberule #1
thou shalt not speak blasphame against my dwarven pictured idol.
blasphame is defined as:
1) any attempt to belittle his vast and numerous accomplishments.
2) making fun of the wonderful tagline pic that makes me want to watch "willow" all over again
3) any attempt to say that henson is better than bledsoe. although breaking this rule is usually buffered with the "romo-manuver"
4) drew is NOT a statue, he just appears that way due to various complex aspects of the game mere mortals cannot comprehend so you get 1 warning shot, then we're straight to blaspheme.
5) any attempt to make drew out to be a "choker". while he's got ample evidence to show this stat from any unbiased point of view, you don't get rules like this in place if you live in "reality" so please do not bring it up
6) failing to click your nikes together 3 times saying "there's no qb like bledsoe, there's no qb like bledsoe" on at least a weekly basis.
7) any attempt to unseat him as the cowboys starting qb with ANY silly argument that could results in an overall long term direction. drew will never die and as soon as you realize that you will be much happier in life.
come on hos, you know bledsoe4dwarfmvp will protect drew till 3 days past his dying breathe. now if only we had an OL that at least tried to protect him this well!!!