Field Goal Picture


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Danny White;2293553 said:
If that had been called a miss, I guarantee you the skins wouldn't have settled for a field goal there at the end of the game... they'd have tried to punch it in.

That call didn't steal the game from us. We played like crap, plain and simple.

Totally agree


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Rack;2293904 said:
C'mon Adam, TNew played like crap. He even admitted it.

I see we both find the unwavering support for certain players funny. This may be the only thing we ever agree on. Savor it.


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StylisticS;2293630 said:
From that point on in this picture, the FG continues to drift to the left. There just simply needs to be another angle but I don't think there is.

Please take a look at all of the Cowboys Players on the field LOOKING AT THAT FIELD GOAL. Do you honestly think that if he missed it, NOBODY would say anything? And there would be NOTHING in the news/media about it? Use some logic here. All of the coaches, players, etc. saw the kick from the field. SOMEBODY would have said SOMETHING if he missed.

You lost, deal with it and move on. We were the better team today. Period.


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Extreme;2293599 said:
I'm a Commanders fan, and I admit, it did look VERY wide, not just a yard or 2. BUT, you see this every game. We did not see an overhead angle, and we did not see a side angle. We saw the angle from way the hell up in the stads, which shows nothing. Watch it again, the refs signal good WAY before we all see what appears to be a miss, meaning it had already gone through. It also becomes irrelevant when you realize that the COwboys just flat out got their ***** handed to them most of the night in every aspect of the game. Every team nitpicks when they lose, regardless of what something does or doesn't appear to be.

That being said, the Cowboys were lucky just to make a game of it. On the stat sheet, the Commanders should have won by way more than they did. Be glad it was even close, and take a loss when you get it, especially when you earn it as well as you did today.

Nobody has had the share of crap calls that the Commanders have gotten over the years, especially the Norville era. All the media agrees to this, as they discuss nearly every time they get a crap call. It's the nature of the beast.

Losses suck, no matter how they come. But when you get hammered by a team you were picked to crush, accept the fact it was because you got outplayed, and not because the refs blew it.

The Commanders got called twice for defensive holding. A call you almost never see unless it's on special teams, which neither one was. Also, the second called back TD for a holding call on Rabach was BS, because he never made contact with anyone at all, outside of the bump he got on the snap.

It is what it is, let us enjoy it. We beat you, not the refs. It's not going to ruin your season, we both know that. Hell, it might be the high point of ours, so we will celebrate like we won the game of the year.

Tonight, we earned it. See you in Washington.

Shut the hell up. I don't blame the refs one bit for this loss, but you know as well as I do that Deadskin fans cry more about the zebras than any fan base in football, and had the roles been reversed today, ES would be livid all over the place about how the refs cost them the game.


Semper Fidelis
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Extreme;2293857 said:
I will be here, because I have nowhere else to go. I was perma banned from ES 9 times, 9 different names, even using proxy servers they sniffed me out. But, I left an impact lol. They ban people for anything there. I got banned for calling out a mod for repeatedly abusing his power and breaking more rules than any member he was banning, go figure.

Again, you are irrelevant, and it shows it does bother you, because you let me get so deep under your skin when I never made an attempt to. So, get over yourself.

Why does that not surprise me? You are nothing more than a troll, just not as simple as most of them. You try to conceal your actions, but your true intentions shine. There's no reason for you to be over here, except to troll and rub things in. It's a good thing I don't have a big red ban button for trolls like yourself.

Irrelevant? What are you talking about? Of course people coming over here when they really have no business bothers me. But what bothers me the most is the fact that you attacked me, calling me a homer and what not. You truly must have no life to be over here after being banned by your brethren.

You spew trash like "taking it like a man." How about you try to show some class and let us be for a while. I know that's a foreign concept to most Commanders fans.


Semper Fidelis
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Luvtheskins21;2293953 said:
Please take a look at all of the Cowboys Players on the field LOOKING AT THAT FIELD GOAL. Do you honestly think that if he missed it, NOBODY would say anything? And there would be NOTHING in the news/media about it? Use some logic here. All of the coaches, players, etc. saw the kick from the field. SOMEBODY would have said SOMETHING if he missed.

You lost, deal with it and move on. We were the better team today. Period.

Yet another troll, telling us how to deal with our loss. How come there are so many Commanders fans with less than 10 posts? Weird.:rolleyes:


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Personally, this was my favorite of the game.

The skins got away with holding our wr and witten most of the night. Hats off to them for the aggressive play.

But how does an official 4 feet from this, directly straight ahead with nothing blocking his view not throw a flag? The stadium went nuts on the replay.




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sk0aL;2293959 said:
Shut the hell up. I don't blame the refs one bit for this loss, but you know as well as I do that Deadskin fans cry more about the zebras than any fan base in football, and had the roles been reversed today, ES would be livid all over the place about how the refs cost them the game.

And boy were they ever. Every time a play did not go their way, Skins fans hollered "ONLY IN DALLAS" repeatedly even when it WAS the correct call. But than when something went their way, they have nothing to say.


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StylisticS;2294169 said:
And boy were they ever. Every time a play did not go their way, Skins fans hollered "ONLY IN DALLAS" repeatedly even when it WAS the correct call. But than when something went their way, they have nothing to say.

Oh I know, I was browsing the ES game thread for the first quarter and every time they got flagged it was "How much did Jerry pay the refs".

They even whined about the blatant defensive holding on Crayton.


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sk0aL;2293959 said:
Shut the hell up. I don't blame the refs one bit for this loss, but you know as well as I do that Deadskin fans cry more about the zebras than any fan base in football, and had the roles been reversed today, ES would be livid all over the place about how the refs cost them the game.

i dont disagree.

but in a 'game prediction' thread, when someone states "the skins will whine about the refs", and then you get 50 threads complaining about the refs after the game, it is kinda funny.


Federal Agent
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AbeBeta;2293952 said:
I see we both find the unwavering support for certain players funny. This may be the only thing we ever agree on. Savor it.

Well... you couldn't be wrong all the time.



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Extreme;2293857 said:
I will be here, because I have nowhere else to go. I was perma banned from ES 9 times, 9 different names, even using proxy servers they sniffed me out. But, I left an impact lol. They ban people for anything there. I got banned for calling out a mod for repeatedly abusing his power and breaking more rules than any member he was banning, go figure.

Again, you are irrelevant, and it shows it does bother you, because you let me get so deep under your skin when I never made an attempt to. So, get over yourself.



Salary Cap Analyst
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Rack;2293904 said:
C'mon Adam, TNew played like ****. He even admitted it.

He said he had a terrible first half for him, which is true. Anytime he allows even one long catch, it's a bad game for him, because it has almost never happened in his entire career. He also allowed two short touchdown passes (3 yards and 2 yards), which obviously he's not happy about, either. He probably wouldn't be happy with ANY of those three plays happening, let alone all three in one game.

But that's different from saying he got "owned all day," as if he was getting beaten up and down the field like Jacques Reeves last year or Anthony Henry at time this year. Again, Newman allowed ONE catch thrown more than 3 yards downfield. That's it. I'll take that every game, as long as two of those don't come from inside our 3-yard line.


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djtavo;2293497 said:

****Picture by theebs, thanks bro for the the HQ pic

It looks like it goes over the top of the upright, hard to tell without a side angle view.

The Cowboy homer in me says "no good, we got robbed".

Seriously, there are 3 Cowboys stading at about the 13 yard line with 1 on the left hash, the other to the outside of the right hash, and the third player standing between the hashes.

That is three angles from three different postions from ground level and not one of these guys have said jack about the FG being missed.

I tend to think it was good in that case.


Salary Cap Analyst
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AdamJT13;2294757 said:
Again, Newman allowed ONE catch thrown more than 3 yards downfield. That's it. I'll take that every game, as long as two of those don't come from inside our 3-yard line.

I need to correct myself. One of the completions Newman allowed was actually thrown a whole 4 yards downfield, not 3. So he allowed one catch that was thrown more than 4 yards downfield.


Pixel Pusher
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AdamJT13;2294757 said:
He said he had a terrible first half for him, which is true. Anytime he allows even one long catch, it's a bad game for him, because it has almost never happened in his entire career. He also allowed two short touchdown passes (3 yards and 2 yards), which obviously he's not happy about, either. He probably wouldn't be happy with ANY of those three plays happening, let alone all three in one game.

But that's different from saying he got "owned all day," as if he was getting beaten up and down the field like Jacques Reeves last year or Anthony Henry at time this year. Again, Newman allowed ONE catch thrown more than 3 yards downfield. That's it. I'll take that every game, as long as two of those don't come from inside our 3-yard line.

Our whole defense got beaten up and down the field really, no one is exempt. I don't know why you want to exclude Newman from the equation. He got beat on two TD's, to hell with the "one catch over 3 yards", you gonna take those two TD's a game along with that no catch over 3 yards every game?

You two are arguing like this is a vote to put Newman in the Pro Bowl or something.


Unfriendly and Aloof!
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AdamJT13;2293541 said:
It's amazing that you can get "owned all day" when you allow only one catch thrown more than 3 yards downfield.

How about 2 TDs and getting "your jock" handed to you on a deep pass?

I'm sorry, Newman was owned ALL DAY. Don't give me that allow one catch for more than three yards garbage, I was watching the game. :rolleyes:


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Did that stinks fan really say we got our *** handed to us in every aspect of the game all night?

I thought the score ended up 26 - 24. With a bit mor luck on that onside Hurd makes the catch and we have a good shot at winning.

I'm not saying the stinks weren't good, they were. But it took them playing their very best and us playing pretty poorly to make the game close.

I certainly don't think there was any *** handing going on.