Video: Film Study: Analyzing Dak Prescott's first game back

]Oh okay, can you link the post where I said this?

Let’s make something fundamental clear here. You responded to my first post which establishes very clearly the following:

You Dak-stand harp on the most bogus analogies and re-write narratives. Dak inherited the PRIME team that supposed to be for Romo, which is why Jerry drafted Zeke after losing Murray. Romo wanted Murray signed.

In actuality, power was stripped from Garrett and Romo was given more power, the exact opposite of what you claimed. Romo wasn’t even part of game planning meetings with Garrett. Nothing was stripped from Romo, he FORCED the issue to be given more power during the contract, which is why Jerry credits him with prioritizing Frederick. It was Romo who wanted to run more and take pressure off the passing game with the incompetent Garrett no longer interfering.

The run game correlates with Garrett being relegated to a walk around HC and Romo being given more power, which is more than evident when Stephen McGee ended up throwing 38 times in 2011 in December and Kyle Orton ended up throwing 46 times against the Eagles in a playoff contention game. Garrett couldn’t field a RG to save his life, and all of this became clearly evident with the Giants. Romo was carrying straight garbage and it was only in 2014 when he was finally given a Garrett-free offense.

It was to this that your responded:

So it was Romo, who Jerry publicly said needed to put in more time ("Peyton Manning-level time" to be exact) after signing his extension, that was the one who needed to force the issue to get more control, not the other way around? You sure about that?

It was Romo, who routinely checked out of run plays late to throw brutal interceptions that cost the team games (think: Detroit 2011, Green Bay 2013), who needed to force the issue to run the ball more - you sure about that?

What is clear is you were trying to re-write the narrative that whatever changes that were happening by Jerry was the fault of ROMO, not Garrett period. In order to justify this narrative, you claimed that Peyton-like responsibilities as a knock on Romo not putting in the time and Romo routinely checking out of the run plays Garrett called.

That was is and will always be your narrative. Facts are, all you have been doing ever since is trying to dodge around the fact that this was all about giving Romo more power, while removing Garrett from the equation. Whether that process took 1 or 2 years is completely irrelevant to this contention, because as I stated from the beginning, it was in 2014 that Garrett was finely removed from the equation with Linehan.

The details around how it actually happened is ultimately irrelevant, though I completely established how it happened in this very thread, including why Callahan was not successful calling plays in an offense that he had no experience with,

In fact, even Jerry said that Romo would have more power with Linehan that Callahan, per reports in an article in Dallas News,

“Jerry Jones admits mistake in 1989, says Tony Romo will have more power in offense”

He said quarterback Tony Romo is as "absolutely ecstatic" about the decision to hire play-caller Scott Linehan and that Romo "will have more" power than he had last season with Bill Callahan calling the plays,
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As I stated after your first “response” to what I stated regarding this term Peyton-like responsibilities, the talk of the town regarding these moves was not about Romo losing power, but about GARRETT LOSING POWER AT THE EXPENSE OF ROMO:

Yeah, that’s Dak-stans for you, the same guys saying he was better than Josh Allen last year. The actual talk of the town was Garrett being stripped of play calling duties

“It is not a step back for the Cowboys or a step back for (Garrett) individually to change the way that we are basically putting our game plan together or calling the plays on the offensive side of the ball,” Jones said, according to USA Today. “I’m assessing the fact that two and a half seasons with Jason as the head coach, we need to do some things different.

Jerry flat out implicates Jason Garrett here, not Romo. The fact is like your hero Dak reading defenses, you couldn’t comprehend this basic reality, so you then proceeded to say:

Jerry is literally outright telling you here that Tony wasn't putting in as much time as they wanted and that they were requiring him to do more than he had been. You're attempting to spin this as Romo "forcing the issue" when it is the opposite, it is the team telling Romo they needed him to do more. Romo not being involved in game-planning meetings was on his own accord. Do you think if he had come to Jerry and Garrett in 2011 or 12 and said "hey guys, I really want to be involved in all the game prep meetings" they would have told him no? Because that's the rewrite of history you're attempting to make here. The team expected him to go beyond what he was doing and put in Peyton Manning-level time. That is not praise, that is a directive.

And the following:

Jerry in the quote, is literally saying Romo needs to be in the office 6 days a week, from morning until night, and that would be better than the way things have been. Meaning, that is not the time that Romo is currently putting in, but if he does that then things will be better.

What part of this is confusing you?

This extension came on the heels of a season-ending loss to Washington which caused them to miss the playoffs, where Romo threw 3 picks and there was a ton of heat on Garrett as a playcaller/coach and on Romo for his lack of preparation/checking out of runs. Jerry is telling you here as clear as day that Romo putting in more work is part of the deal. It's not "responsibilities offered" to him, it's a directive.

The mental gymnastics you're doing to try and flip "we need Romo to spend more time" into "Jerry is trying to justify Garrett losing power to Romo" is just absurd.

Besides the fact, as I’ve stated multiple times before, this is asinine from the perspective that Romo held all the cards, because Dallas came to him to rework his contract a year earlier to create more salary cap space, and Romo was going to be a free agent anyways, Romo got the biggest contract in franchise history and Jerry was not in any position to make demands. Romo could have bounced anywhere and Jerry gave him a contract that led to Garrett being stripped of powers.

You know the best part about this whole quote us that after realizing you dug yourself into a whole, you threw in the phrase “there was a ton of heat on Garrett as a playcaller”, meaning you started to add Garrett sucking into the equation to save face, as if my post from the very beginning was not basically built on this very premise that Romo was being given more power, while Garrett was losing it.

So it is clear who is engaging in mental gymnastics here, besides the fact you clearly didn’t read the re-quote above about Jerry basically saying this is all about re-assessing how the Cowboys do things with Garrett.
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And thus my friend is what I meant when I said all you have been trying to do is argue that Romo had to be baby-sat (it’s amazing you think I actually meant that you said that literally), via the term “Peyton-like” responsibilities and it’s the same type of nonsense narrative you Dak jock-sniffers try and project as far as Romo going to Cabo in the bye week.

The narrative is that Dallas wasn’t successful because Romo was just a happy-go lucky guy that didn’t prepare, was just winging things on the fly, contrary to what Garrett wanted to do. Facts of the matter is the narrative dies as soon as it’s established the changes actually started happening for Dallas when power was stripped from Garrett and Romo started getting more control.

But the Dak jock-sniffers were confused when Dak kept sucking it up with Garrett after 2016, so they then had to resort to Garrett sucking. So many of them started to harp on this Garrett narrative that plagued BOTH Romo and Dak, when in reality they were nothing alike as Garrett didn’t call any plays when Dak was QB. Sorry, it doesn’t work that way…. Romo isn’t coming to the rescue for you Dak jock-sniffers. Romo had the valid excuse of trying to compensate for the most incompetent play caller in the history of the game, Dak doesn’t.
It’s amazing somebody would call Jerry Jones coming to Romo to re-work his contract a year early to make more salary-cap room and making him the highest-paid contract in franchise history, while saying he would have Peyton-like responsibilities and having him be more involved in game planning and the overall offense, while stripping Garrett of more and more power, as a “directive and not a praise”

But what can we say, we are dealing with Dak zealots here.
And again, to put a nail in this coffin once and for all, after the experiment with Callahan failed, with Jerry saying Jason Garrett kept poking his nose in the play-calling, what did he proclaim.

"I have seen people work just as strong or stronger without knowing where the future is," Jones said, via the San Antonio Express-News. "He has a high tolerance for ambiguity. That is very important in this situation."

A high tolerance for ambiguity isn't a trait most list on their resume, but it's probably an excellent one to have as head coach of the Dallas Cowboys. With Jones in charge, there is always going to be a certain level of uncertainty around the organization. Garrett has gone from successful play-caller for five years to fighting to retain those duties last year to now focusing on the defense, according to Jones.

"He will have a lot more time spent on defense than he will on offense," Jones said. "We want his input on defense."

Jerry basically said that HC was going to have an ambiguous role and they don’t want his input on the offense. Only a Dak jock-sniffer can claim I’m engaging in mental gymnastics regarding Romo being given more power and Garrett being stripped of it, when Jerry himself said Jason is going to have an ambiguous role and they don’t want him spending time on the offense, but defense. So this leads us to the point that Jerry was forced to baby-sit Garrett, not Romo and openly said this in public.

As far as why they went Linehan in the first place, like I said, Jerry explained it as Linehan was fired by Detroit.

Jones said the plan heading to the off-season was to have Callahan take full control of the offense. It changed when Linehan, who hired Garrett for his first coaching job in Miami in 2005, became available.

“Jason has the kind of confidence to let it get cooked with Linehan,” Jones said. “And we were fortunate. Callahan not calling the plays, purely is a function of the availability of Linehan. We weren’t out there looking for someone to do it differently than Callahan. We were going to put more emphasis on Callahan. But when Linehan became available that changed our thinking.”

Jones not only said that Linehan will have final say but also that the move will give Romo even more power. Garrett, in turn, will be out of the mix completely and focus all of his attention on defense as he continues his development as a complete, walk-around head coach.

Jones believes it should benefit the Cowboys and Garrett in the long run, especially if they can have success on the field in 2014, resulting in a contract extension after the season.

As far as what Linehan brings, it was stated very clearly by Jerry:

“Yes. He’ll have more [power],” Jones said of Romo. “How and where and what it has to do with depends on how comfortable he is. ... He was absolutely ecstatic over us getting Linehan. He had serious discussions with Detroit’s quarterback [Matthew Stafford] and got a great feel for Linehan’s imagination and what Linehan does to maximize skills in the individual players.”

“Linehan gives us a complete real change of our offense with our terminology,” Jones said. “Although [Garrett and Linehan] have been together coaching, you can’t see a lot of what we’ve been [doing] in what they did up in Detroit. He’s got a track record of really zeroing in and building the offense around the talent, the specific talent and the qualities of the players.”

What Jerry stated clearly is Linehan clearly gives a real change in offense while maintaining the same terminology of the offense employed by Garrett. And he points out that even though they were together, the difference in how they employ their offense is like night and day.
Further, this idea we are still running Garrett’s offense is a lazy narrative by Dak zealots, as the Coryell is NOT Garrett’s offense. Garrett is from the same “coaching tree”, though all he ever was before the Cowboys was a QB coach for 2 years, as Linehan in that they both ran a Coryell offense. The fundamental difference between Linehan and Moore and Garrett, which is a major difference, is the play-calling in the offense.

Dak just sucks, because he sucks.
You Dak-stand harp on the most bogus analogies and re-write narratives. Dak inherited the PRIME team that supposed to be for Romo, which is why Jerry drafted Zeke after losing Murray. Romo wanted Murray signed.

In actuality, power was stripped from Garrett and Romo was given more power, the exact opposite of what you claimed. Romo wasn’t even part of game planning meetings with Garrett. Nothing was stripped from Romo, he FORCED the issue to be given more power during the contract, which is why Jerry credits him with prioritizing Frederick. It was Romo who wanted to run more and take pressure off the passing game with the incompetent Garrett no longer interfering.

The run game correlates with Garrett being relegated to a walk around HC and Romo being given more power, which is more than evident when Stephen McGee ended up throwing 38 times in 2011 in December and Kyle Orton ended up throwing 46 times against the Eagles in a playoff contention game. Garrett couldn’t field a RG to save his life, and all of this became clearly evident with the Giants. Romo was carrying straight garbage and it was only in 2014 when he was finally given a Garrett-free offense.

Romo threw for close to 80% in December that year and destroyed the Colts and Eagles, two winning teams and beat Detroit and was practically flawless in sub-zero temperature in Lambeau, where the Packers were undefeated and got robbed on the Dez catch, while one can argue Murray fumbled the game away. Dak can’t beat a winning team to save his life.

With Romo Dallas that year was using play action at half the rate that Linehan used with Dak, meaning the run was the FOCAl point of Dallas with Dak. They weren’t using the RG to “manage” the game like they were with Dak, they were using the RG to make the passing game explosive, which is why the Cowboys used more to routes than any team that year and both Dez and TWill were two of the top 3 WRs in terms of go route usage. And TWill had 8 TDs on 65 targets. Dak couldn’t find that man to save his life.

Romo had ONE YEAR in that offense, while Dak basically inherited the golden years of that OL and looked like complete garbage. And Linehan had to dumb down the offense and couldn’t even use Dez properly, because he was so inaccurate.

Cut the bogus analogies. they’ve been babysitting this mediocre QB ever since he’s been here, while this organization was basically counting on Romo to save their ineptitude.
Further, this idea we are still running Garrett’s offense is a lazy narrative by Dak zealots, as the Coryell is NOT Garrett’s offense. Garrett is from the same “coaching tree”, though all he ever was before the Cowboys was a QB coach for 2 years, as Linehan in that they both ran a Coryell offense. The fundamental difference between Linehan and Moore and Garrett, which is a major difference, is the play-calling in the offense.

Dak just sucks, because he sucks.

Wow, that is tons of fun reading, but, you missed a point that I read around here is that Dak took Romo's job away from him, when the truth was that Romo got beat all to hell trying to win games with scrubs until that final year when the team was cooked all good on the oline and then Romo got hurt, again. So, insert Dak to take over for a minute until Romo got healed to come back to his job, but, Garrett would not let him compete that year and Romo sort of begged to let me come back in, but no.

Then I read that if Romo had come back in that he would just get hurt again, but that is speculation not truth because he never got the chance because of Garrett. But, the Dak lovers always say that Dak took Romo's job when in reality JJ/Garrett gave Romo's job to Dak, not the other way around.

Oh, and another thing, when Garrett finally let Romo have a series against the eagles all he did was come in and score a TD right off the bat. Yep, Dak took the job away from Romo.

I would like to see Dak play with a punctured lung, broken back, broken fingers and all beat the hell up! Dak threw a long pass in practice and hurt his shoulder and could not even play for awhile after that, as if he could ever play to begin with.

So, to pacify the Dak lovers, yes, Dak took Romo's job away from him because he is such a good QB, and here we are seven years later and nothing. lmao.

Man, I love these Dallas Cowboys.
Now the issue still remains, if Garrett was relegated to a “walk-around” HC, how did he influence the organization to go with Dak. But before going there, this narrative needs to be appreciated:

I never denied that Jerry didn’t love Garrett, as I’ve spoken about multiple times on this forum. Jerry’s ties with the Garrett boys father, who was a right hand man of Jerry, runs deep and every Garrett has been employed one time or another with Jerry, The facf of the matter is, if it was anybody other than Garrett, Jerry would have canned him a long time ago.

Jason was Jerry’s “hand picked” HC, even when he hired Wade. When Wade wanted to groom Stewart at DC, Jerry squashed the idea and made Wade take over calling defensive plays. On the other hand, when it became obviously clear that Garrett needed help with the offense, Wade tried bringing it Reeves to consult and basically teach Garrett how to run the ball, but that was suddenly squashed by Jerry at the last minute. Though the story-line was about punching in a card for time, it’s pretty obvious that Jason didn’t want to relinquish any power. The reality is Jerry’s legacy to Garrett was tied with Jason being some offensive genius.

As Jason showed more and more incompetence, Dallas even started to consider to bring Sparano back to assist. Even the Landry Hat in 2011 on an article about whether Dallas would hire Haley or Sparano back, was dealing with this issue of Garrett not wanting to give up play calling, while there were still media fanboys, like the majority on this forum, still riding his jock:

Todd Toombs: Short answer, no. While that might be considered a wise move by many outside the team, Garrett loves calling the plays and has no intention of letting go of that control. Of course, all bets are off if Jerry Jones decides to hire one of them and make them OC/Assistant Head Coach like he did with Garrett and Wade Phillips. Despite the dreaded “vote of confidence” Garrett received last week from the owner, Jerry is clearly frustrated with this Jekyll and Hyde team’s performance. It’s his team and if he wants to give Garrett help, he will have little choice but to accept it. But, it would be unlikely that anything would change this season and no one considers either Haley or Sparano offensive geniuses that Jones would want to lock up before another team snags them.

When Dallas basically forced Houck into retirement IMO, Dallas was targeting Sparano for OL coach, but the Jets hired him after he was fired from Miami, which put Callahan from the Jets on the market too. So Dallas lucked into Callahan basically. The fact is, contrary to the Garrett jock-sniffers back then, Jones gave Jason an incredible leash with regards to play calling. The actual narrative was that Jason was struggling calling the plays, folks were questioning it, including players within the organization or who had left by then.

It was the season ending loss in 2012 and the new contract of Romo that started the changes. This was when Jerry went ballistic and openly stated in a radio program On KRLD-FM.

"I can tell you change is necessary at 8-8," "Change is in order when you spend the two seasons in a row down to the last two games and lose them, so we're going to have to have changes.

"I can assure our fans this, that it's going to be very uncomfortable from my standpoint, it's going to be very uncomfortable for the next few weeks and months at Valley Ranch."

Skip Pete was fired, Jason was forced to release his brother in a political correct way (Dallas PR dealings with John Garrett shows how they treated other members). The kicker is that Ryan the Dc was fired, but as far this discussion is concerned the kicker is what Jason Garrett said about the firing.

We had 16. That's 28 more opportunities with the ball," Garrett told the Fort Worth Star-Telegram at the Senior Bowl in Mobile, Ala. "Give me some of those 28 opportunities.

"That's something that we really sat back and thought a lot about, had a lot of discussions about -- what's the best way to try to achieve that, and then, 'OK, you want to do that, now who are the guys who can help implement that?'"

The weasel, knowing his position in play calling was in jeopardy, threw Rob Rush under the bus. This was typical Garrett mentality and he knew that the defense was always the go-to excuse to keep the eyes of him.
Of course the issue regarding HIS OFFENSE turning the ball over to put the pressure of Wade’s defense, let alone Rob’s was “missed” by Garrett in this regard, as Ryan was obviously forced to play conservative in many scenarios a Garrett’s offense. But what is clear is Jason himself already knew his role as a play caller was coming to an end.

So we see a background of Jerry in regards to Garrett that doesn’t normally exist for other HCs and their respective owners. It was only after the 2012 scenario, where Jerry basically finally started saying enough is enough regarding you Garrett, calling the plays. The fact that Callahan being here 1 year only and completely revamping the RG and OL blocking schemes, being appointed to call plays instead of Garretf gives us a clue into how much of an impact he made in Jerry’s mind regarding running the ball, something Garrett was consistently bashed for. But this narrative also gives us a look into Garrett interfering with Callahan, when Jerry took away the reigns, but was still able to meddle.

As Jerry said after 2013,

"There's a difference when you're sitting in the room as the head coach and you say, 'Wait a minute, you put some salt and pepper in there,'" Jones said. "Then, after it's already been cooked and you're tasting it outside the room and you say it might need a little salt and pepper. There's a big difference. One you're involved in the cooking, and one you're not. Jason was involved in the cooking last year. That's just a fact, and everybody knows that, really, or should. That won't be the case this year, and the addition of Linehan caused that. So it will be cooked."

Garrett at this point was not completely banished from the offense, as it was his own offense and Callahan was reliant on him. Instead of being in an advisory role, Garrett actually was cooking. But with the addition of Linehan, who knew the offense, Garrett no longer was afforded that opportunity anymore and was made a walk-around HC and Jerry said he would have no input in the offense and would spend more time on the defense.

So when we say Jerry banished Garrett, he meant from offensive play calling, but he still was having him as the HC and as he would later reveal after Garrett won “Coach of the Year”, by basically doing absolutely nothing, as the evolution of the Garrett IN TRAINING project. Jerry wasn’t letting Garrett go or eliminating his influence completely, he was just pushing him somewhere else and he figured he could win with coordinators doing the job, with a HC in place and that HC was basically his adopted son, which sets the stage for Jason being able to play a part in keeping Romo, the guy who took his play calling away, on the bench..

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