Fireside Chat

The look in my son’s eyes when he asked for his left over chili cheese fries (ignore the chili part, Runny), after I just had a “snack”

Looks like we’re having chili cheese fries again, for a second day in a row :)
I hope he hasn't gone out and done something stupid like root for another team or get married.
I did! And I have a liter of booze and a 51 deck of cards! @kskboys

@Xelda has the other card. She and CC and Runny were doing a magic trick, but ES came in and ruined it, so now we're back to a 51 card deck... and a liter of booze! Let's rejoice! :) @ESisback has to drink the first 5 shots, tho :)

LB (LondonBoy) has the saw and magic box, waiting, rubbing his hands together!
I've mastered the 1st part of the Magic Trick (cut the Girl in half)...….part 2...…...working on it.
Someone is going to need to have a private conversation with Londy. He's missing too many good conversations. I hope he hasn't gone out and done something stupid like root for another team or get married.
Sorry, been a bit out of it on painkillers (toothache) for a while, been here every day and liked some posts, but didn't want to have a "seemed funny/like a good idea at the time" moment, so I've avoided posting anything.
Never gonna happen.
Never, ever, ever, gonna happen

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