Filming the layout of police station and filming shift changes and officers in their personal vehicles as them come and go from work is very suspicious IMO. There is no reason for anybody to film this stuff. Filming the personal vehicles is a big concern when you have criminals that are crazy enough to want revenge. One a cop’s personal vehicle is known, it is much easier to find out where they live. It may sound far-fetched, but I remember several instances of payback which included shooting into the vehicles and homes of officers that had arrested them or some of their family and friends. This type of filming is a great example of just because it is legal, doesn’t mean it’s a good ideal. These auditors have absolutely no reason to film inside or outside these buildings. They are just hoping that somebody is ignorant to the laws and they can take them to court and get a big check , which comes directly from the taxpayers. When it comes to the First Amendment, I find it hypocritical considering that we are on a message board that has all kinds of rules against saying certain things and there are rules against questioning those rules and the ones that enforce the rules. I understand the rules because there are kids that reads our posts, but there are kids around these people that are using the worst insults in the English language when insulting cops and government workers. As I have said before, just because you have the right to do something, it doesn’t mean that you should do it. Unfortunately our society no longer knows the difference. I don’t know the answer to these problems and I wouldn’t even attempt to come up with answers that would satisfy everybody.
I have watched hundreds if not thousands of videos with people having interactions with police whether that be auditors or just someone who happens to be filming. I do not recall seeing one video where they are logging in all the officers names, shift changes and so on.
Concerning videoing plates. I don't think you have thought that through very well. Plates on a car have NO expectation of privacy. Some states have only one plate in the back, others require a plate in the front and back. Neither have an expectation of privacy. They are there for the public to see. It is so public that most states in the union the cops have the freedom to run them without having to get a warrant and without having probably cause. They can just run them.
Some cop cars are equipped with automatic plate readers. I have seen some police stations that have readers in entry gates. So someone getting someone else's plate number is no big deal because anyone that is driving or parked, their plates are clearly visible for all to see. Just like many states have laws that says you can not obstruct any portion of your plates.
The ONLY time it would not be allowed is if they are going into a private property situation that is clearly marked or fenced in. Reading the plates is not the issue it is being in an unauthorized area that is clearly marked or fenced off.
Funny thing is most civilians do not have the ability to go into the various legal systems that allow them to view all of the persons information from a plate. However Police have that ability. They also have the ability to run your information which puts you into a legal database and many times without your consent or knowledge even if you did nothing wrong, you are still in that legal data base. Another example of rules for thee but not for me.
As far as someone finding a cop and killing them. If they want to find the cop they will find the cop. They more than likely will not be able to look up their info just because they filmed the guys plates. They probably would just follow the guy home. And in the very rare cases of that happening it pales in comparison to the number of times cops have killed people or even themselves. Not even close.
Furthermore as long as someone is in a public area they can view what ever they see. If they are on a sidewalk, easement or the like...whatever their eye or camera can see it is constitutional protected for them to film it.
I will also say you need to read and learn the first amendment. It has nothing to do with forums, private businesses and so on. So there is nothing hypocritical about it. If an auditor would go into a private business and start filming and the store employee asks them to leave, they need to leave, if they do not they can be charged with trespassing. This form is a forum that has rules. You and everyone else has signed up and accepted to abide by those rules. This forum is not a sidewalk or public forum where you have the right to address your grievances to your government. This site is not owned, funded or ran by any portion of the government.
As far as the insults to government employees by the auditors or those that just have interactions with the police. I don't particularly care for it myself either. That is why I have quit watching a large number of them. However I do understand that if one is threatened, have their rights violated, beaten or arrested when they are not doing anything illegal ...I would get upset as well and cuss them out. But just to start out with that kind of crap and insults is not needed and frankly is a blight on the auditors IMO. It makes it worse for those truly trying to educate others on their rights. There are way too many people that have no clue about their rights. And there are way too many cops that will take advantage of that very lack of education.