Twitter: First player to speak on Zeke


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Citing LeVeon Bell as an example of leadership and character is quite a stretch.
It depends what you think the battle is.

You don’t seem like one.

Screw the team? Screw the fans?

Total contradiction.
I'm speaking from Zeke's perspective. Let's don't pretend like we actually care about these athletes. We only care about the Cowboys and winning a Super Bowl. We don't care who's on the team to do it. So you saying "what about the fans" and "what about the team?"?? Sounds laughable to me. Its a business. We know its a business. When we cut a aging veteran we all understand that its a business. But when a player wants to be compensated for his production and his worth....he's a "pos". So yeah if I'm a player I say screw the fans and team. This team will continue with or without Zeke. He knows and we know it so why pretend like that's not the case?

None of what you're saying proves that Zeke is a leader which you originally claimed.

Zeke just wants to get paid early and rightfully so. But in no way has Zeke proven himself as a leader. He's just a freak athlete.

Well.....regardless of what you feel all I know is since he's been on this team we've been winning and he's the best player on it. He knows his worth and its important for these young men after him to understand their worth.

I've been there as a child. You're told to leave it all out on the field. You're told to die for this. They program us at a early age to put everyone before ourselves. So by the time these guys are 22 or 23 and are in the NFL they are programmed to take any abuse that comes their way whether its on the field or off. That cycle needs to be broken. Its been broken in the NBA but they also have a great union. The NFL doesn't. I'm all for these young men breaking the cycle and getting what they are worth.

Little Jr

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Its bigger than just his teammates. What Leveon Bell did didn't benefit him. It benefited those that come after him. These players have to get it through the owners head that they aren't going to let you run them into the ground and not be properly paid for.It doesn't help the Cowboys but this battle is bigger than the Cowboys.
Give me a break. He's doing it for himself and there is nothing wrong with that. Him holding out won't help anyone. The ONLY thing that will help RB is the league goes back in time and run offenses like they did 10+ years ago. The league has moved into another direction. Too many analytics saying you don't pay RB big money or even a 2nd contract at times. Don't like analytics, too many eye tests that shows you don't pay them.

Like I said, he has to do what he has to do and I don't fault him for that. But to act like he's taking a bullet for others and doing for the greater good is laughable.


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Give me a break. He's doing it for himself and there is nothing wrong with that. Him holding out won't help anyone. The ONLY thing that will help RB is the league goes back in time and run offenses like they did 10+ years ago. The league has moved into another direction. Too many analytics saying you don't pay RB big money or even a 2nd contract at times. Don't like analytics, too many eye tests that shows you don't pay them.

Like I said, he has to do what he has to do and I don't fault him for that. But to act like he's taking a bullet for others and doing for the greater good is laughable.

I'm not saying you should pay Zeke. The Cowboys shouldn't. They have a stout offensive line for a reason. But he should get his money. All of those #21 jerseys in the crowd? Yeah he should get paid what he's owed. And whether or not he's doing it for himself it doesn't matter. People behind him will benefit.

Little Jr

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I'm not saying you should pay Zeke. The Cowboys shouldn't. They have a stout offensive line for a reason. But he should get his money. All of those #21 jerseys in the crowd? Yeah he should get paid what he's owed. And whether or not he's doing it for himself it doesn't matter. People behind him will benefit.
Well, I can agree with that. Except the people behind him will benefit. Depends on what you are saying. No one will benefit from him holding out. And unless he gets some monster deal it won't help anyone.

If Zeke signed tomorrow for Gurley money or even a bit north, It won't help Gordon sign any quicker and for any more money. RB isn't like other positions where lesser players set market over better players.

As a 45 yr old man that loves defensive games and the run game, I hate that it's going in the direction it's going but rbs just aren't as important as they once were. And it's not going to get any better. Go to a local pee wee game, jr high game and even more a high school game. It's a passing game now. I live in a small east Texas town so in our district we actually still have running teams. We have one that runs the old wing T and triple option. It's great to watch and hard to stop because teams don't see it much. Being a small school you don't have a lot of kids in the program so you don't always have the athlete's to run the new style offenses. But once you get up to 5A and 6A, and even 4A, it's mostly all spread, no huddle.


More than meets the eye.
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I don’t fault Zeke, and I’m one who tends to side with management. The way people talk about running him into the ground and then dumping him would make me a little wary if I were Zeke. Jaylon is notoriously glass half full.


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I wish Zeke had Jaylon’s leadership and character.

He never will, the Cowboys should fine him the 40K per day they are allowed if he doesn't show up and they should use whatever money Zeke wants and save it for Jaylon Smith next season, in the long run Jaylon is much better for this team than Zeke. Zeke is a $100.00 talent with a 10 cent head and that is never a good combination


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The cowboys FO only has themselves to blame.
They thought they were so cute with Demarco Murray.
They showed their cards so Zeke May now being playing his cards.

sucks for us fans if true.


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He does which is why he's holding out. He's doing it for those after him just like LEveon Bell before him. Something has to change.

Uhhhhhhh, nope.
When you have two years left on a contract you signed , it shows NO leadership hold out.

With that being said. Seek will be there tomorrow. The national media loves a Cowboys story ..: This is fake news


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Speaking of contradictions

You as a fan, just said that you hope the team runs him into the ground and he has nothing to show for it.

Yet Zeke is supposed to not try to make as much money as he can, because of your feelings?

Doesn’t make much sense either.
Polarizing never does.


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And we all witnessed how successful LB was last year, hopefully the younger guys are not following his lead as it was a losers game where the house won.
Agreed. He said something needs to change. What needs to change is that Goodell needs to step in and ban holdouts. Anyone who purposefully holds out of any regular season games is subject to an automatic 3-year expulsion from the league without pay. As a fair compromise, teams should be barred from assigning the franchise tag to the same player more than one year in a row.


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The cowboys FO only has themselves to blame.
They thought they were so cute with Demarco Murray.
They showed their cards so Zeke May now being playing his cards.

sucks for us fans if true.

Demarco played strong for a couple of seasons, but he was nowhere near Zeke in talent. It also took him a few years to become that player. I dont think they set a precedent with Murray. He's simply not the same player.