Fish on 105.3 the fan - Witten/Dez/Randle

Not the practice week you want to have following an arrest for shoplifting and your first fumble in the Washington game.

He's probably continuing the topic of his screw-up compared to Dez's issue with his mother. He's pulling a Tashard Choice right in front of our eyes.
What stinks, though, is that Williams can tote the rock, but you definitely don't want him picking up blitzes for a back-sore Tony Romo against the blitzingest defense in the league this week. Nor can you have Dunbar handle it. If you elevate Williams, you're committing to playing Murray all day.
I'm not impressed with him.

His idiocy aside, I wasn't at all impressed with him last season, but he's definitely impressed me as a runner this year. It stinks that he's digging this hole for himself, because he's a good ST player, too, and a good all-around RB.

With domestic violence being a hot topic right now, this is going to piss off a lot of people in the whole organization for shining light on an old issue.
Randle is close to being Stephen Davis and Dez being Michael Westbrook.

Seriously, Randle needs to go. With our Oline any decent RB can go in and get yards. This guy embarrassed the team and sold out his teammates.

Cut him, bring up Williams. If Williams doesn't get it done find a RB off the scrap heap somewhere. I actually think Williams is a tougher runner and can do a better job or spelling Murray
If J. Randle sees the NFL Grim Reaper or The Turk walking towards him, he'd better not think it's a Halloween costume. Just saying.
They were talking just now on The Fan that I guess Randle was talking about how Dez hit his mom and didn't get suspended and Brent killed a guy and is still on the team.

So let me get this straight, a guy who strikes his mother (as awful as that is) is supposed to get he same punishment as one who kills someone? Is this Randle's logic?
So let me get this straight, a guy who strikes his mother (as awful as that is) is supposed to get he same punishment as one who kills someone? Is this Randle's logic?

No. He's saying shoplifting is less serious than domestic abuse and a drunk driving arrest that results in the death of a teammate. And he's saying it in a police station not knowing a camera is on him. This isn't fair to this guy, and unless he's making it worse and digging deeper in practice, I hope they work around it as a team.
He's probably continuing the topic of his screw-up compared to Dez's issue with his mother. He's pulling a Tashard Choice right in front of our eyes.
What stinks, though, is that Williams can tote the rock, but you definitely don't want him picking up blitzes for a back-sore Tony Romo against the blitzingest defense in the league this week. Nor can you have Dunbar handle it. If you elevate Williams, you're committing to playing Murray all day.

That's what I was going to say! He's "Tasharding" himself right out of Dallas (and eventually, the NFL). This guy does have some talent, but his locker room (and police department) antics are getting really old, apparently. Fumbling last week did not help his cause.
No. He's saying shoplifting is less serious than domestic abuse and a drunk driving arrest that results in the death of a teammate. And he's saying it in a police station not knowing a camera is on him. This isn't fair to this guy, and unless he's making it worse and digging deeper in practice, I hope they work around it as a team.

I agree with your sentiment but yet at the same time, the inside look at Randle's attitude towards Brent ("killer") and Dez is troubling, and a major concern what it is doing to chemistry. I wouldn't be surprised if he is cut, and soon. Witten may demand it.
No. He's saying shoplifting is less serious than domestic abuse and a drunk driving arrest that results in the death of a teammate. And he's saying it in a police station not knowing a camera is on him. This isn't fair to this guy, and unless he's making it worse and digging deeper in practice, I hope they work around it as a team.

I hope they put the gloves on and let Witten knock him on his ***.
No. He's saying shoplifting is less serious than domestic abuse and a drunk driving arrest that results in the death of a teammate. And he's saying it in a police station not knowing a camera is on him. This isn't fair to this guy, and unless he's making it worse and digging deeper in practice, I hope they work around it as a team.

The test of someone's true character is how they act when people aren't looking. Sorry, but that doesn't wash. Ray Rice didn't know a camera was on him either, too bad.
That's what I was going to say! He's "Tasharding" himself right out of Dallas (and eventually, the NFL). This guy does have some talent, but his locker room (and police department) antics are getting really old, apparently. Fumbling last week did not help his cause.

Yeah. I think he'd be cut this week if he weren't the only other RB who can pass protect and play STs. Even so, it's becoming a toss-up. We're a thinner team if we cut him, though, so I hope we don't.

His fumble was killer last week. The run that led up to it was really impressive, though. He's a nifty little running back who can hit on kickoff coverage. I don't want to lose him for shoplifting.
They were talking just now on The Fan that I guess Randle was talking about how Dez hit his mom and didn't get suspended and Brent killed a guy and is still on the team.

If that's the case then cut his arse and move on and set an example
Oh but I would've loved to have been a fly on the wall when he walked into the lockerroom after that video came out.

Or better yet to witness what the exchange was like between him and Dez...

I don't even like popcorn, but I would've had to get some for that.
The test of someone's true character is how they act when people aren't looking. Sorry, but that doesn't wash. Ray Rice didn't know a camera was on him either, too bad.

Yeah, but remember, this is in the context of what's going to happen to him after the charge. This is not him just berating a teammate. It's him comparing offenses. I'd say that goes a long way towards mitigating the character concern here. (note, I'm not excusing the shoplifting, just his commentary while in the police station). Dez did hit his mother. Brent did crash his car and his teammate died. Randle's not saying anything that's not true and not related to his own current situation.

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