Message board sourpuss complains, complains, complains then suddenly buys into team, thinks we need to throw all our chips into the middle of the table. Think I have heard this one before.
Speaking in generality of course, not in particular about OP.
I think the stable course of building slowly is the way to go....this team has gone 8-8 while basically going through a roster makeover. A couple years ago, maybe even last year before the season started there was a beat writer or two that mentioned we were rebuilding and people scoffed. Certainly seems to be the case...we have a lot of young talent and some still excellent vets on the team. Maybe we don't have a QB of the future, but we have a QB of the present. Maybe our window is just opening...there really isn't a reason to think that our older vets like Romo, Ware, Witten, can't play at a high level for 2-3 years while the young vets like Bryant, Lee, Carter, Claiborne, Murray, Frederick, Smith, etc get better.
Not sure that now is the proper time to throw all caution to the wind.