Video: Fivehead SAS and Airhead Molly begging for Elliott Suspension

Don Corleone

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I'm more interested in how women react on these morning shows, so I did catch those clips:

1). Molly was visibly upset and talking fast last week when she got news of Zeke's legal proceedings.

2). The chick on Skip's show said she was upset at the NFL for botching this because now DV victims won't get taken seriously.

3). Kay Adams had all the men on the show licking her toes under the table while the men ranted about how right the NFL was to hand this suspension.

The one on Skips show was a victim of DV so she was the most level headed and credible IMO.


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Steven A is just a punk. Hes talking all that good stuff but his punk self wasnt saying nothing when those feminists got outraged at his statements a couple years ago and he was suspended from ESPN. He came back with his tail tucked like the punk he is. Dude is a clown. A loud mouth clown. At some point sports stars and viewers will get tired of his act. Leveon Bell called him a hater on twitter today.

Anyone that has a cable/satellite subscription is literally supporting these idiots on ESPN, as they are priced into the basic packages. Invoke your power, and cut the cord.
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Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I feel like the collective IQ of our country declines with each episode of this so called show.


Saw something on Facebook a long ways back that had a picture that says something along the lines of....

If you don't know who these three historic women are (something pictured with Harriett Tubman, Madam Curie and Sister Teresa with their names) but you know who Kim, Chloe and Kendall Karsashian are part of what is wrong with this country.

That's kind of how I feel about people like SAS, Skip and how Rome used to be.


Star Power
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If people were suspended from their job for stupidity, Steven A would never work again.


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I don't understand why people watch these shows. It's all generated to push buttons, peddle the hottest takes, to provoke reactions. It's basically the televised comments section on Reddit.


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It's Steven A Smith.

Dude has been a joke for a while now.


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What the hell is he babbling about? Elliott wasn't accused of DV every night for four straight days. She didn't accuse him of DV for the Ohio incidents UNTIL AFTER THAT LAST NIGHT.

So how in the world can SAS claim Elliott was a dummy for sticking around for 3-4 days when this was going on? What was going on, Steve? Elliott wasn't accused of assault over those four days until the end of the 4th day.
Yeah this shows me there is a lane for a different type of sports show people would watch. I think the days of just looking at regular tv are coming to an end. I knew I wasn't the only one that was like what the heck is this ducky saying about 4/5 days in a row like she wen to the cops that many times in a row. Nobody including Woody corrected that silliness. Truth is when you're grandstanding on the side of "right" you get away with saying stupid stuff like that unchecked. The thing is that turns people like us on the other side off.

I don't mind the show but it also let's me know it's space for a different type of show. One that just keeps it "real" and doesn't just go by what is the popular narrative to go with.


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If a tree falls in the forest and there's no one there to hear it,did it make a sound?


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Steven A is just a punk. Hes talking all that good stuff but his punk self wasnt saying nothing when those feminists got outraged at his statements a couple years ago and he was suspended from ESPN. He came back with his tail tucked like the punk he is. Dude is a clown. A loud mouth clown. At some point sports stars and viewers will get tired of his act. Leveon Bell called him a hater on twitter today.
Yeah a lot of these sports people are cowards on this issue imo. I guess if espn would've fired him years ago for comments that honestly weren't that bad to me he'd privately (in public probably say the right things) thought that was cool. That's what I don't get with some of these talking heads. Colin said it's okay for the NFL to over punish and on some fight or open and shut case maybe but this type of case where you're effectively calling someone an abuser? Heck no and none of these people saying such would want that to be the standard for them but when their butts aren't on the line everybody can be Mr/Ms Justice


Kellen Moore baby
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This is very good and I agree with both takes.


Yakuza Rich

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None of these things would ever be claimed if it weren't for a case where a woman is accusing a man of assaulting her.

When Rob Gronkowski motorboats a woman and jokes frequently in reporter interviews with female reporters about a certain sexual position, nobody is saying he should be suspended for 'general stupidity.'

When a player gets hit on a gun or drug charge, like Adolfus Washington, nobody is saying he should be suspended for 'general stupidity.'
