Florio makes my point about contracts/QB Salary Cap?

Cutting players and holding out are both allowed under the current cba. IIRC a player can hold out about half the season, play the second half, and get credit for a full season toward reaching free agency.
Because I'm telling you they added those void years anyway that you don't seem to acknowledge it wasn't just four years at 40 million it literally later on they moved some money down the road I don't remember if they called it a restructure but they added the voidable years to it so they can move the cap further down the road it's already happened... I think they're allowed to do that anytime during any of the contracts they just come in they do it they have the players sign off on it they give him a little something and then they move forward.. It's just it's come due and it's time to pay the piper and they have to decide whether you're keeping him and I'm talking about all of them just like you were I don't think you should pay CD Lam and Micah Parsons the next mega contract that's not a quarterback contract because I don't think they need to do that at least Trayvon diggs got a top four contract and was happy with it he slipped to five now but that's what we need from these guys it doesn't have to be team friendly it could just mean let's not hold the team up for the biggest contract in the history of the NFL let's slide down hey how about take #4 and help the team a little bit and you're still a mega millionaire you still are set for life.. I guess my point is you keep making it like Prescott should have done this yeah all these other players around the league are not doing it you only cited one or two players this is not really happening... I'm done with this conversation it doesn't matter if I believe a Prescott's not our quarterback in 2025 it's not gonna matter most of these players are gonna be traded including Trayvon diggs and this team is gonna look very different because Martin's gonna be gone tanks gonna be gone we won't have any stars and maybe you guys will be finally happy that the Cowboys will have to make a bunch of big moves and be in the top five of the draft because we're gonna suck for a while and y'all are finally be happy because when you say we actually suck in our average and are not winning you'll actually be correct instead of wrong...

Some of you will really get a taste of the Dave campo years cause you forget and the bad quarterback years where you run through 12 quarterbacks like some of these other teams are doing right now trying to find one that's even near dax level and at least Prescott's got us in the playoffs 5 out of eight years how about we go in the next 5 out of eight years below 500 how do you know that's not gonna happen that's being my point Prescott got what he earned and if we get rid of him it's gonna be an eye opening moment if we can't find his replacement we got lucky between Romo and Prescott but that look can run out and we can have another one of those 12 bad quarterbacks until we find a new one scenarios and that means we're gonna be griping about not even being close to the playoffs versus being one and done in the playoffs and I personally would rather be winning divisions and going to the playoffs versus not the money doesn't matter to me it's not my money the salary cap doesn't matter to me making the playoffs is important because that's the number one goal when the division make the playoffs let's goal one and two when you start the season..
Do you have any idea how void years work? I'm assuming not. I haven't ignored the void year part at all, but the void years go against the argument for Daks contract. Dak has void years already added to his contract but despite that he still cost the Cowboys $55M against the cap this year. Josh Allen does not have any void years yet and has a lower cap number. The Bills can still talk to Josh about adding void year to lower his numbers for the rest of his deal. If he doesnt look to renegotiate his deal the Allen deal will look better and better.

You're well entitled to your opinion but you need to actually slow down and read what people are saying. You're literally trying to make me out to be the total anti Dak poster, which isnt true. I'm literally arguing that the Cowboys would have been better off signing him to a longer deal so he would still be under contract after this season. The fact they didn't is the reason I think he is gone after 2024 and its possible we relive the Campo years.

If you could go back to 2020 would you rather sign Dak to a 4 year deal or a 6 year deal?
Again I I'm arguing with you on Dak being worth the money. My argument is simply that longer deals are more team friendly. Dak at 7yrs/$40M is better for the team than 4yrs/$40M. I'm very confused as to why you keep bringing up anti Dak talking points and inserting them into the conversation like its my argument.
Sure, but Dak never would haven take 7 years at $40M. Maybe at $50 he would have.
Ah ok, I get it. You have no clue what you are talking about. The Niners were trying to trade Jimmy G and would not let him work out with the team at camp. Then Trance got hurt again and they had to let Jimmy play.

Jimmy did not have a contract for next season.

So if a player signs a 4 year deal worth $40M and a $10M signing bonus and gets cut after year one, did the player get $40M? No he did not. The full contract was not honored.
I actually do understand what I am talking about. You see I actually had a class as a Freshman in Law school at McGeorge School of Law, it was called CONTRACTS.

If a player signed a 4 year, 40 million dollar contract and that player was released after year 1.... the ability to release the player was actually part of the contract. So yes, the team did in fact honor the terms of the contract.
I actually do understand what I am talking about. You see I actually had a class as a Freshman in Law school at McGeorge School of Law, it was called CONTRACTS.

If a player signed a 4 year, 40 million dollar contract and that player was released after year 1.... the ability to release the player was actually part of the contract. So yes, the team did in fact honor the terms of the contract.
Hold out is also a part of the contract that where the fines come from.
Do you have any idea how void years work? I'm assuming not. I haven't ignored the void year part at all, but the void years go against the argument for Daks contract. Dak has void years already added to his contract but despite that he still cost the Cowboys $55M against the cap this year. Josh Allen does not have any void years yet and has a lower cap number. The Bills can still talk to Josh about adding void year to lower his numbers for the rest of his deal. If he doesnt look to renegotiate his deal the Allen deal will look better and better.

You're well entitled to your opinion but you need to actually slow down and read what people are saying. You're literally trying to make me out to be the total anti Dak poster, which isnt true. I'm literally arguing that the Cowboys would have been better off signing him to a longer deal so he would still be under contract after this season. The fact they didn't is the reason I think he is gone after 2024 and its possible we relive the Campo years.

If you could go back to 2020 would you rather sign Dak to a 4 year deal or a 6 year deal?
And I'm telling you for one don't say you I have nothing to do with it and neither do you and neither do anybody in the media there are no experts in here or anywhere I've known to come in and post about on social media or the Internet this is about Prescott and his agents and he would not have signed A-Team friendly deal because they would not have allowed it even if it was six years and three years he would have came back and demanded a new deal that is how it's been working with players lately and apparently you've been lying to it he would have threatened to hold out after three years in that would have been a fact I'm telling you they knew what was coming they were forecasting what's going on with the quarterback market and they were not gonna allow dak to take a bad deal so there is no would you rather among fans because that's not how it works in reality the agents the players and the front office are three moving pieces that have to all be on the same page and I promise you the agents would not allow their player to sign a bad deal. They were not desperate,, you know how I know this because he played on the franchise tag he didn't even hold out then he has ankle snapped off and he still got paid so it doesn't matter if players like Prescott or elite players at their positions top five whatever you wanna call it if they have to risk playing with their fifth year options or their franchise tags they should do it because most of them are gonna get paid whether they get hurt or not and you can also get insurance for that..

So he knew he was getting paid he knew the bag was gonna be big and he was not gonna allow it that's the point you keep missing fans don't make these decisions and even the front office would have agreed with you but that's not happening because the agent and the player are not stupid that is why they're there to protect the player's interests and now he's severely underpaid so anyway I keep saying this the contract was exactly what it was supposed to be in the minds of the agent and the player and that's all that matter because then the front office has to decide to pay them and typically quarterbacks are getting paid if they're top 12 even some of the ones that shouldn't get money like Daniel Jones are getting money..
Dak was never gonna sign early. France’s clients don’t sign early. They take the two tags so they can get power. Look at Burns at Carolina and the Denver safety. Dak is Todd’s bread winner.
Dak played for like 2.1 mil his final season. I don't believe for a second he wouldn't have signed the right deal, France or otherwise.
If someone else was making vastly more than her, then she would be underpaid, but she makes the most in the industry so your example is silly.

I just find it amazing how a group of billionaires have managed to convince a subset of people that a group of millionaires (there is a MASSIVE gap between the two) are the greedy ones.
They're all greedy, and the players are underpaid relative to their contributions and revenue. The sticking point is that things are set up so that the players interests are at odds with fans. The CBA is the real culprit and the owners are the driving force, and the players are idiot accomplices.
correct, most of our fan base don't understand that reality. same with CD and Parsons they aren't going to be duped into sighing early to make it team friendly. they are the ones holding up deals not the jones family, Literally, they were waiting for other deals to get done before even listening to an offer.

the jones family trying to stand hard and negotiate the best deal and these guys want new market setting highest paid ever dals and the FO has right to drag it out for the best deal regardless of if it cost bit more later.

course the fan base is quick to blame the jones family for dragging their feet and being cheap but that not the case in most of these deals.. 3 parties all holding it up Team, agent, and player.
literally every team is in that same scenario, but it's the cowboys who wind up in the predicament most often. that's a jones issue. signing early isn't "team friendly" It's mutually beneficial.
Again I I'm arguing with you on Dak being worth the money. My argument is simply that longer deals are more team friendly. Dak at 7yrs/$40M is better for the team than 4yrs/$40M. I'm very confused as to why you keep bringing up anti Dak talking points and inserting them into the conversation like its my argument.
this guy is impossible to hold a conversation with.
Why doesn't anyone else realize that the best and only way for players to be fairly compensated, for owners to be protected against bad deals, and for the fans to get the best football played on the field every single week; is to have a pay for play system. One with a guaranteed base salary for each position and then also have incentives to be paid out after every game. EVERYONE WINS

Base salaries can be on a sliding scale for vets vs rookies, starters vs bench, injured vs playing, etc...
You can pay for things like completions, yds, tds, receptions, rushing yds, broken tackles, tackles, sacks, pressures, ints, pass break ups, etc...
And because the game isn't all about stats you can have and pay for special provisions like leadership, success rate, effectiveness etc...

I know it would take a lot to work out all the minute details, but it would be the fairest system for everyone involved. Again EVERYONE WINS
You just believe contracts should be honored by the payer only.
holy cow.... pay attention. I have said that teams always honor contracts. Id actually like players to also honor contracts... players do not honor contracts. look no further than CeeDee Lamb for evidence.
literally every team is in that same scenario, but it's the cowboys who wind up in the predicament most often. that's a jones issue. signing early isn't "team friendly" It's mutually beneficial.
But it's not not when they can't come to an agreement it's not mutually beneficial most of the time when you're asking a player to sign early you want him to go long years because the first two years are gonna be the of the same contract they don't get start getting paid but it allows the team to spread the money out... So it's not always in every case mutually beneficial or everyone would do it and they do not there are a lot of teams out there on franchise tags and fit their options lots of players are doing it they're threatening holdouts after three years I mean this is the new thing it's becoming more and more normal for the players to just start thinking at year three of any contract from the rookie or their other one with their hand out for another bite at the apple..
holy cow.... pay attention. I have said that teams always honor contracts. Id actually like players to also honor contracts... players do not honor contracts. look no further than CeeDee Lamb for evidence.
Players are honoring contracts, they are allowed to hold out. If they were not then they would not be able to do it.
Players are honoring contracts, they are allowed to hold out. If they were not then they would not be able to do it.
I guess my comment about murder went over your head. I can kill someone, but it doesnt mean it is permitted.I guess it goes... hey, you can murder someone, but it will cost you 20 years of your life as the specified penalty. Well damn, I guess that means the state is permitting it???????

Players hold out, but it is NOT PERMITTED, that is why they are fined. That is also why the rules changed a a year or two ago that no longer allows these fines to be forgiven by the teams.
I guess my comment about murder went over your head. I can kill someone, but it doesnt mean it is permitted.I guess it goes... hey, you can murder someone, but it will cost you 20 years of your life as the specified penalty. Well damn, I guess that means the state is permitting it???????

Players hold out, but it is NOT PERMITTED, that is why they are fined. That is also why the rules changed a a year or two ago that no longer allows these fines to be forgiven by the teams.
Of course it is permitted. You just don't like to. Just like players don't like being cut from a contract they signed.

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