Foley said officer who shot him was trying to end his career

GoCowboysGo said:
What do his height and weight have to do with it?

Height and weight have everything to do with why this officer may get cleared, though his being off-duty may have a bearing on this case, depending on department guidelines.

Firearms policies in many (I'd say the majority, but I don't know for sure) areas say that an officer is justified in firing if he believes that he (or someone else) is in serious physical jeapordy...regardless of whether the "offender" has a firearm, knife, bullwhip, whatever.

Because this guy is a football player, and could likely kill people with his bare hands (don't laugh, I'm being serious here), I think he was justified in shooting.

Foley is lucky he wasn't killed.

That said, the officer shouldn't have ever put himself in the position to need to shoot someone. That was a bad, bad decision on his part.

Someone else said he should've waited for uniformed officers to effect the stop. That's absolutely correct, and this officer (probably a rookie and full of himself and his authority) probably won't last long on the force, even if he gets cleared for this incident.

First post, by the way. Holler!
...I think he was justified in shooting.

63E (is that an MOS?), dude, he shot the player twice from behind!

Doesn't that sound any alarms?

I hate to say it, but so often a big black man is often seen as threatening just because he is big and black. I also think he was targeted. Followed for 30 MILES, come on.

He was so drunk to boot. His motor skills just to walk must have been severly impaired, how could he have even been a threat, much less walk.

Also, doesn't anyone here think this officer used his own car to avoid the dashboard cameras that are on patrol cars?

BTW, I brought up the race question without accusing 63E of anything. Just wanted to make that clear.
GoCowboysGo said:
What do his height and weight have to do with it?

The officer followed him in his privately owned vehicle! Would you have pulled over Scotman? I wouldn't have. I wouldn't trust people in SOCAL that much, especially when he is an NFL player. Players are tought not to trust people by the NFL during their mandatory meetings about being targets.

Shot him TWICE in the BACK of the leg. What angle did the officer fire from?

Being in the Army, I'm definitely not a police officer hater. So don't even think about that!

Of course, I woldn't have been DWI:0

His height and weight are a big deal. He would be extremely intimidating even if he were not drunk. Drunk and with a history of violence on top of being a physically intimidating human, all come together to make for a compelling argument.

Don't get me wrong, the cop may have been completely out of order. I just don't know. I wasn't there.
When a guy is pointing a gun at you, you are a moron if you approach him when told not to...I don't care if he's a cop or not. Speaking as a CCW holder that lives in Texas, I know that the law HERE says you can shoot someone to 'protect yourself or someone else or to protect yours or someone elses property.' So in Texas that cop wouldn't be in trouble at all.


BTW, there's the gun I carry. .40 cal with Hydra-Shok hollow points. Woot!
SupermanXx said:
Mister Pig.. I mean.. Mister "mankster" was placed on paid leave?

I'll throw down $50 pay to have this pig shot 3 times in the leg

So...are you saying you want to pay someone to commit a crime on your behalf?

You have just solicited an illegal act for monetary gain. And in doing so, may have committed a crime with this post.

What an idiot. No matter what you were thinking when you wrote it...or maybe in this case wasn't thinking at all.

I don't understand the contempt some of you have for authority. I can only imagine, you are young and inexperienced and the only trouble you have really had is the police has at one time (or several) put a stop to your parting.
jman said:
So...are you saying you want to pay someone to commit a crime on your behalf?

You have just solicited an illegal act for monetary gain. And in doing so, may have committed a crime with this post.

What an idiot. No matter what you were thinking when you wrote it...or maybe in this case wasn't thinking at all.

I don't understand the contempt some of you have for authority. I can only imagine, you are young and inexperienced and the only trouble you have really had is the police has at one time (or several) put a stop to your parting.

I can't believe with that post that this thread is still here. This thread has gone way too far and at this point IMHO reflects very poorly on this site.
This is the first I've read that he was shot in the BACK of the leg. I cannot think of a situation where it would be permissible for a cop to shot a man from behind when he was under suspicion of DWI?

There are just too many holes in this cops story. Suspicious action #1 is to follow the guy 30 miles outside his jurisdiction instead of calling it in to the appropriate jurisdiction to be handled by on duty officers. Suspicious action #2 is to confront the man while in street cloths and driving a civilian vehicle for a crime commonly handled almost exclusively by uniformed officers. Suspicious action #3 is to shot the guy in the BACK of the leg...TWICE.

Of course I have not heard all of the evidence but from the bits and pieces I have read it sounds like this particular cop was so far in the wrong he will be lucky to not be in jail after this is over...much less have a job. And it sounds like the public will be safer without him on the streets with a gun. The SD Police Dept better be figuring out how they are going to pay this lawsuit because it is coming. And there are very few things the common man (who will sit on the jury) hates more than cops who overstep their authority as evidenced by the responses about hating cops in this thread.

As for hating cops; I do not hate cops in general but I am certainly cautious around them. I have meet far too many of them who's only reason for being a cop in the first place was to be allowed to carry a gun and to have authority over others to help them compensate for their own underlying feeling of inadequacy or inferiority. It is a very common psychology among police officers and is the reason that so many people DO hate cops in general. After you have met several of these 'Barney Fife' types you start to really distrust cops in general. And face it, our general tendency is to stereotype groups of individuals; so that becomes what people see as the stereotype for cops. Many cops are like that but not all by any means; there are good cops as well but personally I've met about as many of one type as the other.
silverbear said:
Oh, gimme a break...

Except I haven't read anywhere that his career is over...

That's right, they POURED all that liquor down his throat (do you even know how much liquor it would take for a 265 pounder to register a .233 blood alcohol??

I'm guessing you've had your own run-ins with the law, and just WANT this to be a case of them "targeting" Foley...

Even so, it's quite asinine for you state so certainly what their alleged "motive" was...


Police officers have an extremely difficult job. They don't make much money, and they have to put up with verbal abuse. threats against their families, and threats against their own lives on a daily basis.
Tricky-22 said:
Police officers have an extremely difficult job. They don't make much money, and they have to put up with verbal abuse. threats against their families, and threats against their own lives on a daily basis.
All very true and we as citizens have to try to discern which cops are doing their jobs the right way and for the right reasons and which ones are overstepping their authority. Then we have to decide how to react when a cop is overstepping his authority.

You can't tell me that we should just go along with them and file a complaint later. There are stories on a daily basis from across the country of cops using their positions of trust to commit terrible crimes such as rape and murder. We as responsible individuals cannot afford to just assume that a cop is in the right just because they do a job that is potentially dangerous. The fact that they WANT to do such a job makes them suspect to begin with. It is something of an oxymoron that the very people we depend upon for our safety and security are made suspect by their very own natures.
Though this post is just speculation, I'm sure the officer intiated conversation with Foley before he shot him, and, being drunk, Foley probably paid no attention to him and continued stumbling toward his house. If the officer had a gun out at this point, and someone reaches into their pants, I'm sure the officer (who goes through these kinds of experiences/situations more than anyone on this board) thought he had plenty of justification.

I am in no way justifying this behavior, because tailing someone 30 miles is pretty shadey.
Ludwin said:
Though this post is just speculation, I'm sure the officer intiated conversation with Foley before he shot him, and, being drunk, Foley probably paid no attention to him and continued stumbling toward his house. If the officer had a gun out at this point, and someone reaches into their pants, I'm sure the officer (who goes through these kinds of experiences/situations more than anyone on this board) thought he had plenty of justification.

I am in no way justifying this behavior, because tailing someone 30 miles is pretty shadey.
You've been here for a while but this is your first post so :welcome:
So this player has had 5 violent run-ins with the po-po in the past? And every time it was the po-po's fault. The dude should be locked up forever. This is what happens when you aim too low!
Tuna Helper said:
I can't stand any of them. Never met one that I liked.

I don't know much about San Diego, but I do know that Houston is the worst city for a visitor. You will always get pulled over if you have out of state tags.

You can't blow wind in Houston without getting a ticket.

Now I will take offence at that I know a lot of Cops in Houston area not just HPD.

Please I see people with Texas tags pulled over all the time and if you want to know the truth 95% of HPD does not even have radar. Thats right very few HPD can even clock you there is a special traffic Division that does that it is way small.

Harris County Sheriffs and DPS give out a lot of traffic type tickets. Give you a clue about Harris County Sheriffs other than traffic tickets they are pretty lazy.
It just seems like to me, if the off duty police officer wanted to do the right thing and keep Foley from endangering the public with drunk driving, that he would've done something to stop Foley much sooner. When he finally did confront Foley, he had finished driving under the influence. He had driven 30 miles or so and was at home and probably going to bed. The time when he was a danger to the public was over.

I understand that Foley probably wouldn't have pulled over for an unmarked car, but all the off-duty officer had to do was call in a black and white to stop him. By not doing so, he allowed Foley to put people in danger for the entire trip home. By the time he finally did say something to Foley, the player was already off the road for the evening. It just seems wierd that he simply allowed Foley to drive all that distance and that what seemed important to the off-duty cop was punishing Foley... not stopping him from putting people in danger. He didn't think, "I gotta get this guy off of the road before he kills an innocent person." He simply wanted Foley arrested after the fact.

I'm not a police officer... but it can't be difficult to call in a black and white or two, and put a stop to his being on the road, drunk.

Plus, if the officer knew that Foley had a history of violence with police, then he knew who Foley was and that he is an NFL player. And you'd have to think that an NFL player wouldn't be carrying a gun and wouldn't shoot a cop. If the officer didn't know Foley was an NFL player... then he didn't know the Foley had a history of violence with police. He can't have it both ways.

Foley was in the wrong for many things... among them is driving drunk and not putting his hands in the air and stopping when someone had a gun pointed at him. However, he didn't deserve to be shot and because the cop handled it so badly, it came to a point where he had to shoot or risk danger to himself. It never should've reached that point IMO. Foley should've been pulled over about 25 miles earlier by a marked police vehicle and uniformed officers.
AsthmaField said:
It just seems like to me, if the off duty police officer wanted to do the right thing and keep Foley from endangering the public with drunk driving, that he would've done something to stop Foley much sooner. When he finally did confront Foley, he had finished driving under the influence. He had driven 30 miles or so and was at home and probably going to bed. The time when he was a danger to the public was over.

I understand that Foley probably wouldn't have pulled over for an unmarked car, but all the off-duty officer had to do was call in a black and white to stop him. By not doing so, he allowed Foley to put people in danger for the entire trip home. By the time he finally did say something to Foley, the player was already off the road for the evening. It just seems wierd that he simply allowed Foley to drive all that distance and that what seemed important to the off-duty cop was punishing Foley... not stopping him from putting people in danger. He didn't think, "I gotta get this guy off of the road before he kills an innocent person." He simply wanted Foley arrested after the fact.

I'm not a police officer... but it can't be difficult to call in a black and white or two, and put a stop to his being on the road, drunk.

Plus, if the officer knew that Foley had a history of violence with police, then he knew who Foley was and that he is an NFL player. And you'd have to think that an NFL player wouldn't be carrying a gun and wouldn't shoot a cop. If the officer didn't know Foley was an NFL player... then he didn't know the Foley had a history of violence with police. He can't have it both ways.

Foley was in the wrong for many things... among them is driving drunk and not putting his hands in the air and stopping when someone had a gun pointed at him. However, he didn't deserve to be shot and because the cop handled it so badly, it came to a point where he had to shoot or risk danger to himself. It never should've reached that point IMO. Foley should've been pulled over about 25 miles earlier by a marked police vehicle and uniformed officers.


Yeah. That about sums it up.
ghst187 said:

yep, that was a heckuva lot of alcohol. That's pretty close to comatose or alcohol poisoning I believe. .

u do know that 1 beer is going to give u close to a .06 blood alcohol level right?

i refuse to believe less than 4 beers is going to make a guy the size of foley drunk..
jman said:
So...are you saying you want to pay someone to commit a crime on your behalf?

You have just solicited an illegal act for monetary gain. And in doing so, may have committed a crime with this post.

What an idiot. No matter what you were thinking when you wrote it...or maybe in this case wasn't thinking at all.

I don't understand the contempt some of you have for authority. I can only imagine, you are young and inexperienced and the only trouble you have really had is the police has at one time (or several) put a stop to your parting.

it's actually funny

I wrote that stupid post last night (or this morning) when I was very drunk

good thing I didn't get shot in the leg 3 times