For all those downplaying the Tapegate

Could you guys imagine the HEADLINES all over ESPN if it were the Cowboys that were caught doing this???:rolleyes:

I'm sure they would all be singing a different tune...but it's they're beloved Patriots and Billacheat.
Champsheart;1642557 said:
Hmmm, most former and current players I have heard says it is definetly an advantage.

Let's see here.......hmmm........if it wasn't an advantage - why the hell would they be doing it? Shats in gaggles? I think not.
I don't know why some think this isn't a big deal cause not much is being made about this story. In that case you better start checking out the media cause it's gathering legs fast. Just saw a video on Washington Post where 2 Post sports columinsts neither of whom I like cause they are so big Skin homers discussing how they never envisioned this story would grow so large.

Part of the uproar is because Pats had reputation of being a class organization but now there possibility it will get really tainted. Remember it's not just about the Jets angle but several other clubs have reported problems similarly with the Pats, including the GB incident. In fact one of the clubs, can't recall who, reported their security people got into a fight with the NE guy doing the videotaping when they tried removing/questioning him.

I can easily see Bellicheck running this kind of long-term op cause no doubt he sees himself as NE HC for next 20 years or so and figures he'll have so much data on players and coaches (some of whom move around from team to team) and eventually he'll know their instincts, etc.

The point seems to me that, while some people don't believe there's any advantage to do this, it all comes back to why did the Pats do it if there is no advantage. Doubt the Pats felt sorry for their video guy and wanted to give him a job. If they did break NFL rules, can't believe it was only Belicheck. Gotta believe some of his coaches in on it along with a few limited players.
I think the dumbest argument I've heard is the "the Patriots are so good they don't have to cheat" excuse.

How do we know that they'd be good without cheating?

It appears that a pretty crappy Dolphins squad leveled the playing field as far as cheating goes against the Patriots last year and then beat them. Maybe a lot of other teams would have beaten them with a level playing field.
StanleySpadowski;1642739 said:
I think the dumbest argument I've heard is the "the Patriots are so good they don't have to cheat" excuse.

How do we know that they'd be good without cheating?

It appears that a pretty crappy Dolphins squad leveled the playing field as far as cheating goes against the Patriots last year and then beat them. Maybe a lot of other teams would have beaten them with a level playing field.

You know, I wonder this too.

How many years have they just plugged guys in and have them play well?

Antoine Smith?
Kevin Faulk?
their OL? How many JAGs have been plugged in there? Yet they don't skip a most teams do.

I'm more concerned with this possible radio signal stealing thing...and the mysterious radio headsets going on and off. This could, in part, explain how they can play WRs at CB, yet still play unbelievable defense.

I don't know......The logical side of me says that this is not that big of a deal. But there's a more cynical side that says, "there's no way a team can just keep hitting on nearly every single draft pick." Eventually, all teams feel the bite.
HeavyHitta31;1642677 said:
Many players have even blown this off, publically, as no big deal. Pretty sure they understand it more than you or I, or anyone else on the board

Would you please share with us who these many players are? I'll settle for 10. (New England players/alum don't count)
blindzebra;1642551 said:
I keep hearing media folk saying it's not an advantage...the logistics make it unable to help...well.

Most teams have around 60 plays a game.

So in the first quarter during NE's plays they tape the defensive signals, so after 1 quarter a 2nd person breaks down the signals to what they did rushing and in coverage.

This won't help a lot after 15 plays, but now you tape the 15 plays/signals in the 2nd quarter.

So after halftime you have some idea what the signals mean.

15 more plays in the 3rd quarter means that in the most important part of the game, you have a very good idea of what is being called.

Even if you just make one play because of it, in today's NFL one play can make the difference between winning and losing.

I saw Moss triple covered and he still caught a touchdown pass. This should be down played.
LandryFan;1642852 said:
Would you please share with us who these many players are? I'll settle for 10. (New England players/alum don't count)
Every once in a while, HH throws in a "fact" that is unverifiable. Don't hold your breath waiting on the list.
dogunwo;1642873 said:
Every once in a while, HH throws in a "fact" that is unverifiable. Don't hold your breath waiting on the list.

Thanks, Dog. Now I can finally breathe!
HeavyHitta31;1642602 said:
No, but only because they have a limited number of plays they even get a chance to run. Basically, you're hoping that you catch a signal that they will use again, when in reaity the odds are against it happening, at least very frequently. Teams arent going to run the same play 5-10 times unless it keeps working very well, in which case the defense obviously doesnt know what's going on, so it's moot at that point.

Most teams will script ten to fifteen plays. They find out what is working and run the same or tweeked versions over and over. If you know the signals it is going to give advantage.

The game was fourteen seven at half. The Jets were not playing bad. The end result was thirty eight fourteen. Zebra isn't being to far fetched here.
Champsheart;1642557 said:
Hmmm, most former and current players I have heard says it is definetly an advantage.

As a quick and easy test, the Patriots should be required to ANNOUNCE all defensive and offensive calls, starting with, but not ending with, Sunday Night's game hosting the Chargers.
Give them a dose of their own cheating, and let's see how well they play.
This is much worse than fighting with dogs, or shooting a strip club bouncer.
CaptainQuint;1643043 said:
As a quick and easy test, the Patriots should be required to ANNOUNCE all defensive and offensive calls, starting with, but not ending with, Sunday Night's game hosting the Chargers.
Give them a dose of their own cheating, and let's see how well they play.
This is much worse than fighting with dogs, or shooting a strip club bouncer.

:lmao: I dont see how stealing signals is on a different level than gambling. Without suspensions, this punishment is a joke.

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