George Carlin was probably brilliant. Words and the English Language were his domain and workshop. He was especially gifted in the field of, the more "true" something was, the funnier it was as he observed and talked about it.
I had everything he did memorized and committed to memory for over 20 years. Then, something happened....................
The last 10-15 years of his "act", he was no longer funny. He became a bitter, angry, nasty and miserable person. He forgot to be "funny", and it became all about HIM. He took HIMSELF too seriously, and became a stereotypical, opinionated, left-wing gutter-sniper.
I still watched every HBO special he did, and all I did was sit there and say "this ain't funny". He just railed and complained and attacked and put-down everything he didn't agree with. He became more of a social commentator and political pundit than a comedian. He was just downright bitter and nasty and condescending.
I know I'm gonna' get crap for putting the guy down after his death. But it is what it is. I was personally disappointed in him, as he was by far my favorite comedian and a whimsical and sharp entertainer. For a guy whose schtick was ALWAYS to be "anti-norm" and to "refuse to go along with the crowd", he became a parody of himself and ended his career "selling his soul" to the chic, popular and "in vogue" political view. And that takes no courage, to "go along" with whatever the entertainment industry subscribes to. Before that, he was very courageous and spoke to and about things that nobody else would touch. Anyone could badmouth Bush when the rest of the world is doing it! Anyone could find fault with "rich white men". Anyone could make fun of "rich, white, country club golfers". Anyone could bad mouth "religion", because it's "popular" to do so and carries no backlash. And that's all he did the last two decades.
He came to believe that HIS opinion and HIS persona were bigger than what he was paid to do: Make us laugh.
Sorry for the rant. But I ponder "what happened" to George Carlin a lot, because I used to really, really respect and enjoy his act. But the way he carried on the last 20 years, all the hatred and sniping and bitterness and venom, the world just might be a better place without people like that.