Ewewe lawd but we do get testy when facts slap ya upside the head. My point with the post phil was Tom Brady wasn't known for a deep ball. Hell read the 2nd, that was his biggest knock against him. And all I see on here about Dak Prescott is " well he can't throw the deep ball like Romo. Well Romo aint Tom Brady either, but if Dak can win games, and help lead this team into the playoffs throwing short passes, keeping the int's and pick 6's off the board, will he then be a hero, or in the Romo fan love affair still just a Bleh, take em or leave em QB, cause well, he can't throw the deep ball? Cut the kid some slack, he's a good bean, and yes even MY confidence in him went down after the panther game, but I never have ripped into the kid like a lot of so called fans have been doing. God, I can remember all the games Romo blew it with some stupid air it all out pass that gets picked off when we least could afford for that to happen...I remember hating that dude for that crap, especially when you watched the film next day and saw 3 open short yardage WO's running free and he....never....saw....one....of...them.