Video: For those of you concerned about the Giants


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The fact is we have a lot of reason for concern, Romo could be done for most if not the entire season and we have a rookie QB starting. What little pass rush we had last season is either gone permanently or suspended the first 4 games. We're coming off a 4-12 season because we had 3 backup QBs that went 1-11. The Cowboys are 1-13 the past 3 seasons without Romo and although Dak has looked terrific in preseason the regular season is a totally different ball game. We don't know if Dak will be good enough when the games matter he's a rookie that still has a lot of learning ahead of him. He's going to be game planned and if our defense continues to be a liability a lot will be put on his shoulders.

If our offense has to carry the team we're going to end up in trouble. Russell Wilson benefitted greatly from having the #1 defense in the league when he took over as a rookie. Seattle was able to scale back with him allowing him to manage games due to having a great back and a great defense. Zeke and our running game should help Dak but if we fall behind in games it may take us away from the run and force Dak to have to make plays in the passing game and take some chances down field. The play of our defense will dictate what we have to do offensively.
For every reason of concern, we simultaneously have reasons for hope. As for our pass rush (or lack there of as many zoners would have us believe), I think it will be good enough. Not great. Not league leading. But enough. The problem is most people tend to look at sacks and sacks alone as proof of an effective pass rush and that really is not the only stat that suggest a good pass rush. Granted, we have not racked up alot of sacks thus far in preseason, but on the other hand the opposing QB has not been afforded the opportunity to just sit in the pocket and pick the Cowboys apart. Many were frustrated by the circles Wilson and the backup seemingly ran around our defensive line, but what many people are missing is that their QB had to run circles in the first place. That means we have a passrush. You think Eli is going to be able to run those same circles around our Dline? Not. At. All. Eli is as close to a statue in the pocket that you can get at this point in his career. The Cowboys may not register a single sack (though I doubt it) but they will effect the passer in one way or another...and I think that will be just enough to give the Cowboys an edge on the day.

Futhermore, unlike last year, this defensive line is still much improved compared to their 2014 and 2015 iteration. You need only look at the DT's now versus then. So, despite all of the concerns, in hindsight, I believe, it will be much ado about nothing.

As for now having to rely on Dak in Romo's sted, this too could be a really good thing. No, he won't see the things Romo see's, but he will have Romo on the sideline watching and telling him what to look for and what to do in various situations. It is not the ideal scenario I had hoped for which involved Dak sitting on the sideline, clipboard in hand, listening to the plays called and watching how Romo adjust. But for what Dak lacks in experience, he makes up for in physical ability and legs will get him out of lot of the trouble his lack of experience creates.

As for the biggest reason for hope, that is shouldered by two: Ezekiel Elliott and Alfred Morris. That, in my mind, with that ol is going to end up being considered the best running back tandem in the league. With that running game, Dak's job is the easiest it has ever been in his career. At Mississippi state, he did have to carry the team to every win they got. By comparison, here all he has to do is protect the football and get it to his playmakers when the opportunity present itself. The majority of the time, though, he will be handing the ball off. That, teamed with the threat of his legs are going to force opponents to open up their secondary...and when that happens, the game is over for the Cowboys my opinion.


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Here's my guess about OBJ...they will have Scandrick follow him around, Byron Jones will shade to his side deep and Lee will play underneath to cut down on throwing lanes from Eli. Of course, there are alot of variables involved that may pull the Cowboys away from boxing in OBJ, but the majority of the day that is what we are likely to see. In other words, I suspect, if the Giants beat the Cowboys it will be because of someone other than OBJ, who is benefiting from the attention OBJ gets.

But I still say, they won't be able to keep up with the Cowboys ultimately and that will force Dumbface to get careless with the ball in an attempt to keep up...if the Cowboys can capitalize on those opportunities, this game could be over before the end of the 3rd quarter.

"Dumbface" LOL. He has that dumb face, but he does seem to have dumb luck which dumbfounds me in most cases. I still look back and shake my head at those SB's he won.
The tell all was his obviously frustration on his face after the decisive play that his brother won his last SB for the Broncos.


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"Dumbface" LOL. He has that dumb face, but he does seem to have dumb luck which dumbfounds me in most cases. I still look back and shake my head at those SB's he won.
The tell all was his obviously frustration on his face after the decisive play that his brother won his last SB for the Broncos.

This is my favorite Eli face:



You Have an Axe to Grind
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For every reason of concern, we simultaneously have reasons for hope. As for our pass rush (or lack there of as many zoners would have us believe), I think it will be good enough. Not great. Not league leading. But enough. The problem is most people tend to look at sacks and sacks alone as proof of an effective pass rush and that really is not the only stat that suggest a good pass rush. Granted, we have not racked up alot of sacks thus far in preseason, but on the other hand the opposing QB has not been afforded the opportunity to just sit in the pocket and pick the Cowboys apart. Many were frustrated by the circles Wilson and the backup seemingly ran around our defensive line, but what many people are missing is that their QB had to run circles in the first place. That means we have a passrush. You think Eli is going to be able to run those same circles around our Dline? Not. At. All. Eli is as close to a statue in the pocket that you can get at this point in his career. The Cowboys may not register a single sack (though I doubt it) but they will effect the passer in one way or another...and I think that will be just enough to give the Cowboys an edge on the day.

Futhermore, unlike last year, this defensive line is still much improved compared to their 2014 and 2015 iteration. You need only look at the DT's now versus then. So, despite all of the concerns, in hindsight, I believe, it will be much ado about nothing.

As for now having to rely on Dak in Romo's sted, this too could be a really good thing. No, he won't see the things Romo see's, but he will have Romo on the sideline watching and telling him what to look for and what to do in various situations. It is not the ideal scenario I had hoped for which involved Dak sitting on the sideline, clipboard in hand, listening to the plays called and watching how Romo adjust. But for what Dak lacks in experience, he makes up for in physical ability and legs will get him out of lot of the trouble his lack of experience creates.

As for the biggest reason for hope, that is shouldered by two: Ezekiel Elliott and Alfred Morris. That, in my mind, with that ol is going to end up being considered the best running back tandem in the league. With that running game, Dak's job is the easiest it has ever been in his career. At Mississippi state, he did have to carry the team to every win they got. By comparison, here all he has to do is protect the football and get it to his playmakers when the opportunity present itself. The majority of the time, though, he will be handing the ball off. That, teamed with the threat of his legs are going to force opponents to open up their secondary...and when that happens, the game is over for the Cowboys my opinion.

There's some reason for hope but there's a lot more reason for concern and I went through the entire list of concerns we have. We had ZERO pass rush the other night with DLaw on the field. I haven't seen anything to give me confidence the defense will be any better than what we've seen. Dak having to be put in the position Romo has been put in throughout his career isn't a good thing for a rookie QB. Allowing him to be able to play within himself would a really good thing because having to win games with his arm and legs could ruin his confidence with all the mistakes he's undoubtedly going to make. Zeke and Morris gives us some hope provided we're not having to play catchup every week and abandon the run.

Running the ball can keep your score down so if our defense can't keep the opponent out of the end zone it's going to be put on Dak's shoulders and defenses are going to pin their ears back and come after him. Dak can run but if he's having to run for his life he could be knocked out. Our OL is a great run blocking unit but pass protection hasn't been a strong point. It's a MUST the defense steps up this season or it's going to lead to another losing season unless Dak turns out to be the best QB the NFL has seen since Dan Marino.
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If the club pounds the Eagles I can deal with the rest.....The Giants will be tough. But, really all division games are hard fought.


You Have an Axe to Grind
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So what really is the argument here? I'm really curious. Is your point that we have reason to be concerned? I can go along with that, but that point could be made for 31 teams.

My argument is pretty clear if you take off your blinders. Name some of the 31 teams that just lost their
starting QB in preseason and are forced to go with a rookie? Name some of the 31 teams that lost what little pass rush they had from last season due to a troubled player being released and suspensions? When you consider the Cowboys are 1-13 without Romo the past 3 seasons there's not a team in the league that has more concerns entering the season than we do.


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There's some reason for hope but there's a lot more reason for concern and I went through the entire list of concerns we have. We had ZERO pass rush the other night with DLaw on the field. I haven't seen anything to give me confidence the defense will be any better than what we've seen. Dak having to be put in the position Romo has been put in throughout his career isn't a good thing for a rookie QB. Allowing him to be able to play within himself would a really good thing because having to win games with his arm and legs could ruin his confidence with all the mistakes he's undoubtedly going to make. Zeke and Morris gives us some hope provided we're not having to play catchup every week and abandon the run.

Running the ball can keep your score down so if our defense can't keep the opponent out of the end zone it's going to be put on Dak's shoulders and defenses are going to pin their ears back and come after him. Dak can run but if he's having to run for his life he could be knocked out. Our OL is a great run blocking unit but pass protection hasn't been a strong point. It's a MUST the defense steps up this season or it's going to lead to another losing season unless Dak turns out to be the best QB the NFL has seen since Dan Marino.
Wow. You seem to be in a very dark place right now. Things aren't nearly as bad as you just painted them. Again, pass rush doesn't necessarily mean a team racks up a bunch of sacks. All they really need to do is effect the QB...force him to throw before he wants to, make him throw it on the move, or make him throw it short as opposed to the long route he was hoping to have time to throw to. The Cowboys defensive strategy is predicated on the opposition eventually making a mistake. There is a reason why the Cowboys allow teams to dink & dunk down the field...much of that allowance is by design. If the Cowboys passrush can consistently force those types of situations, the opportunities for takeaways will come. The thing that most people sleep on about the Cowboys defense is that they aren't a turnstile. Points do not come easy against this defense. Despite not having anything resembling an offense in 2015, they were still middle of the pack on defense...which is saying something given the fact that Scandrick wasn't playing and the entirety of our defense just about were nursing injuries throughout the year. I'm not saying this defense is ushering in the return of Doomsday; I am merely saying they are going to be good enough to slow the opposition down...which is all the Cowboys offense should need.

If the Cowboys can get a little luck on the health front, for both sides of the ball, they could make a very deep push into the playoffs. But I think the big difference between your perspective and mine is that I believe Dak can get it done on offense. The threat of his legs teamed with the threat of the run is going to force teams to crowd the box. As we already have seen time and time again, Witten and Dez win 1 on 1 matchups for the ball the majority of the time...and an 8 man box means Dak and Dez and Witten and Beasley can go to work. It's gonna happen...but I get it, you are going to have to see it first.


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My argument is pretty clear if you take off your blinders. Name some of the 31 teams that just lost their starting QB in preseason and are forced to go with a rookie? Name some of the 31 teams that lost what little pass rush they had from last season due to a troubled player being released and suspensions? When you consider the Cowboys are 1-13 without Romo the past 3 seasons there's not a team in the league that has more concerns entering the season than we do.
It's all in how you want to look at it. No, 31 other teams aren't being forced to hand the reigns over to their rookie, but then again, this isn't just any rookie. You can dismiss what has happened in preseason all you like, but please tell me how the air in a regular season game is any different from the air that Dak is already thrown in? The reason I ask is because on the majority of touchdown passes he has thrown, he actually threw them in good coverage...but his ball placement was such that only his receiver could make a play on the ball, for the exception of the Witten touchdown (and on that Witten said Dak did what he was taught to do - throw the ball when the linebackers head is turned so that he doesn't have time to react to it - which is exactly what happened). So please explain how the regular season will in some way hinder Dak's ability to continue what he had already done in preseason.

The problem is this: People are told not to pay attention to the scoreboard in preseason...the score doesn't matter. And that is absolutely true. What is not true, is the performance doesn't matter. Performance is everything. And there is nothing in Dak's performance from preseason that suggest this game is too big for him. Nothing. In fact, everything we have seen scream's this kid can play. I know he does not have Romo's experience, but Romo's not going anywhere. He will be at every game in Dak's ear. Because while I know it's going to hurt Romo to watch from the sideline, it would hurt him more if he didn't do everything within his power to help his team win, even if it is from the sideline. So know this, even if the Giants are going to be throwing things at Dak that he hasn't seen before, he will be prepared. And if they throw a new wrinkle in that not even Romo has seen, how many times do you think they are going to get away with it before Romo/Linehan/Garrett/Dak catches on? But the truth is there are few new things under the football sun; it has all been done before. And there is only so many things they can do to trip up the rookie before the rookie catches on and makes them pay for it...which I have every confidence Dak will do, with the help of his brain-trust on the sideline.


Lightning Rod
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Wow. You seem to be in a very dark place right now. Things aren't nearly as bad as you just painted them. Again, pass rush doesn't necessarily mean a team racks up a bunch of sacks. All they really need to do is effect the QB...force him to throw before he wants to, make him throw it on the move, or make him throw it short as opposed to the long route he was hoping to have time to throw to. The Cowboys defensive strategy is predicated on the opposition eventually making a mistake. There is a reason why the Cowboys allow teams to dink & dunk down the field...much of that allowance is by design. If the Cowboys passrush can consistently force those types of situations, the opportunities for takeaways will come. The thing that most people sleep on about the Cowboys defense is that they aren't a turnstile. Points do not come easy against this defense. Despite not having anything resembling an offense in 2015, they were still middle of the pack on defense...which is saying something given the fact that Scandrick wasn't playing and the entirety of our defense just about were nursing injuries throughout the year. I'm not saying this defense is ushering in the return of Doomsday; I am merely saying they are going to be good enough to slow the opposition down...which is all the Cowboys offense should need.

If the Cowboys can get a little luck on the health front, for both sides of the ball, they could make a very deep push into the playoffs. But I think the big difference between your perspective and mine is that I believe Dak can get it done on offense. The threat of his legs teamed with the threat of the run is going to force teams to crowd the box. As we already have seen time and time again, Witten and Dez win 1 on 1 matchups for the ball the majority of the time...and an 8 man box means Dak and Dez and Witten and Beasley can go to work. It's gonna happen...but I get it, you are going to have to see it first.

get a little luck on health front, didn't Romo's injury prove we have no luck that way?


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I can't figure out how to draw any conclusions from preseason. Wasn't it last year that Philly looked like they were going to destroy everyone based on their preseason performances?

And in 2014, we looked terrible and like a 6-10 type team. Went 12-4 and one of the best teams in the NFL. So many variables that go into preseason. It's not an accurate barometer for what is to come when it counts. I never pay attention much to the scores or the records. It's more for the younger players and rookies to get some real game reps.


You Have an Axe to Grind
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Wow. You seem to be in a very dark place right now. Things aren't nearly as bad as you just painted them. Again, pass rush doesn't necessarily mean a team racks up a bunch of sacks. All they really need to do is effect the QB...force him to throw before he wants to, make him throw it on the move, or make him throw it short as opposed to the long route he was hoping to have time to throw to. The Cowboys defensive strategy is predicated on the opposition eventually making a mistake. There is a reason why the Cowboys allow teams to dink & dunk down the field...much of that allowance is by design. If the Cowboys passrush can consistently force those types of situations, the opportunities for takeaways will come. The thing that most people sleep on about the Cowboys defense is that they aren't a turnstile. Points do not come easy against this defense. Despite not having anything resembling an offense in 2015, they were still middle of the pack on defense...which is saying something given the fact that Scandrick wasn't playing and the entirety of our defense just about were nursing injuries throughout the year. I'm not saying this defense is ushering in the return of Doomsday; I am merely saying they are going to be good enough to slow the opposition down...which is all the Cowboys offense should need.

If the Cowboys can get a little luck on the health front, for both sides of the ball, they could make a very deep push into the playoffs. But I think the big difference between your perspective and mine is that I believe Dak can get it done on offense. The threat of his legs teamed with the threat of the run is going to force teams to crowd the box. As we already have seen time and time again, Witten and Dez win 1 on 1 matchups for the ball the majority of the time...and an 8 man box means Dak and Dez and Witten and Beasley can go to work. It's gonna happen...but I get it, you are going to have to see it first.

The world of reality is not a dark place. If you think Dak is going to pick up where he left off in preseason in the regular season we'll found out. I'm not saying he won't play well but he's going to suffer rookie mistakes that are going to put our D back on the field. Romo has missed 14 games the past 3 seasons and the Cowboys are 1-13 so him being out is a huge reason for concern despite Dak's stellar preseason play. Last season our struggles on offense were due to Romo being out but we still had some resemblance of an offense.

We had three 14 point leads against Atlanta evaporate because of our defense. We lost 2 OT games in which our offense never saw the field because our defense gave up 2 first possession TD's. We had Tampa beat but our D coughed up the lead in the closing seconds. As for racking up sacks we also need some pressures those can result in INT's. Someone posted a stat during the offseason saying the Cowboys had the fewest pressures of any team in the league. The defense is going to have to step up!


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We have a lot of questions headed into the season so yeah I'm concerned about every team we play


You Have an Axe to Grind
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It's all in how you want to look at it. No, 31 other teams aren't being forced to hand the reigns over to their rookie, but then again, this isn't just any rookie. You can dismiss what has happened in preseason all you like, but please tell me how the air in a regular season game is any different from the air that Dak is already thrown in? The reason I ask is because on the majority of touchdown passes he has thrown, he actually threw them in good coverage...but his ball placement was such that only his receiver could make a play on the ball, for the exception of the Witten touchdown (and on that Witten said Dak did what he was taught to do - throw the ball when the linebackers head is turned so that he doesn't have time to react to it - which is exactly what happened). So please explain how the regular season will in some way hinder Dak's ability to continue what he had already done in preseason.

The problem is this: People are told not to pay attention to the scoreboard in preseason...the score doesn't matter. And that is absolutely true. What is not true, is the performance doesn't matter. Performance is everything. And there is nothing in Dak's performance from preseason that suggest this game is too big for him. Nothing. In fact, everything we have seen scream's this kid can play. I know he does not have Romo's experience, but Romo's not going anywhere. He will be at every game in Dak's ear. Because while I know it's going to hurt Romo to watch from the sideline, it would hurt him more if he didn't do everything within his power to help his team win, even if it is from the sideline. So know this, even if the Giants are going to be throwing things at Dak that he hasn't seen before, he will be prepared. And if they throw a new wrinkle in that not even Romo has seen, how many times do you think they are going to get away with it before Romo/Linehan/Garrett/Dak catches on? But the truth is there are few new things under the football sun; it has all been done before. And there is only so many things they can do to trip up the rookie before the rookie catches on and makes them pay for it...which I have every confidence Dak will do, with the help of his brain-trust on the sideline.

Dak isn't just any rookie? Lol He was a 4th round pick not the #1 overall pick and although he's looked great in preseason you need to tap the brakes because the regular season is going to be a much tougher test for him. Can you not see that? A QB throwing in the preseason is a lot different than throwing in the regular because Dak wasn't being game planned and the games didn't count. I'm not saying Dak won't play well but a lot of how he plays will depend on how well or how poorly our defense plays. We've exhausted this let's wait for the regular season and see what happens.


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The world of reality is not a dark place. If you think Dak is going to pick up where he left off in preseason in the regular season we'll found out. I'm not saying he won't play well but he's going to suffer rookie mistakes that are going to put our D back on the field. Romo has missed 14 games the past 3 seasons and the Cowboys are 1-13 so him being out is a huge reason for concern despite Dak's stellar preseason play. Last season our struggles on offense were due to Romo being out but we still had some resemblance of an offense.

We had three 14 point leads against Atlanta evaporate because of our defense. We lost 2 OT games in which our offense never saw the field because our defense gave up 2 first possession TD's. We had Tampa beat but our D coughed up the lead in the closing seconds. As for racking up sacks we also need some pressures those can result in INT's. Someone posted a stat during the offseason saying the Cowboys had the fewest pressures of any team in the league. The defense is going to have to step up!
You are really hung up on the Cowboys win/loss ratio without Romo...and I'm not even sure it's applicable in this conversation because no back up in the history of back ups while Romo has been on this team has looked even half as good as Dak has for the exception of Romo himself. Now I get it. It was in preseason. But, like I said in another response, what Dak is doing does translate to the regular season. The bulk of his work has been against the other teams starters, so I'm not sure what will be different against the Giants. For him, I suspect, it will be business as usual and business will be very good. But, again, that's just what I thinks gonna happen...and what do I know?


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Dak isn't just any rookie? Lol He was a 4th round pick not the #1 overall pick and although he's looked great in preseason you need to tap the brakes because the regular season is going to be a much tougher test for him. Can you not see that? A QB throwing in the preseason is a lot different than throwing in the regular because Dak wasn't being game planned and the games didn't count. I'm not saying Dak won't play well but a lot of how he plays will depend on how well or how poorly our defense plays. We've exhausted this let's wait for the regular season and see what happens.
That's where I'm at in this conversation. lol. Kudos to you sir. I hope you are wrong...and I'm sure you do too!