jterrell said:
I am a teleological guy Hos.
I expect forum arguments to be towards some aim beyond getting carpal tunnel.
Part of bringing value to this board or any other is being mature enough to see logical arguments made by other people and accept them as being such. Yet far too often we see people wed to pure opinion based on a subjective take. In those instances discussion is useless.
Anyone on this board who hasn't been wrong and admitted it really needs a reality check.
I am fairly certain Drew Bledsoe will have the best year in a long while by a Dallas QB. I am also fairly certain plenty of folks will argue til their green in the face that they were never wrong about Drew at all.
Ah, therein lies the rub, the proverbial conundrum as it were. You see JT what you have outlined in that first sentence is problematic. It cannot be quantified in any way, shape, or form so that it will ever come to this "aim" you speak of. So in other words, what you are basically saying is that you want acclimation for your ideas or the point of discussion is useless. Please don't deny it JT. Look at it closely.
What defines the "aim" so perfectly that all can agree that this indeed is the "aim?" You see it is quite possible (in fact probable) that you and I will not agree on the "aim" any more than we agree on the sides we debate. It is the equivalent of 2 steps forward, 2 steps back.
On a message board to stringently define an "aim" to every thread, topic, or discussion and to attempt to steer those discussions within that "aim" and nowhere else is simply not plausible. Imagine that forum for just a minute.
"Today the topic of discussion is 'what do you expect out of Peerless Price this year?' Here are the goals of this discusson. Here is how you get there. Have fun."
See, I call that brainwashing. I much prefer open debate.
Your mind is made up on how Bledsoe will do. That works for you. Why do you insist it has to work for everyone else because it works for you? See, I don't get that.
Let's say just for giggles that this thread accomplished the "aim." Everyone here agrees on what we expect out of Bledsoe. Fine, what next? For every new member that joins the site and asks a question on Bledsoe do we give them the link to this thread? Do I force them to read this thread before I activate their accounts?
Sounds awfully robotic and emotionless from where I sit JT. Rather vanilla as I like to say. If it's all the same to you, I think I'll pass on coming to some forordained "aim" to all topics.
The debates may be pointless to you, but to others it might be a reminder that difference of opinion is fun and even a bit exciting. I've been handed my head more than a few times in debates on this forum. I've also handed some folks their head a few times. If the "aim" you have from the outset is to define the debate and therefore steer the outcome to your opinion it was the epitome of preparation for carpel tunnel. You spun your wheels.
There is no way on this earth that the fanbase of any football team on any forum is going to be 100% in accord with each other. To that I would just like to say "thank heavens." The day every person is of the same mind and thought is the day I am no longer interested in reading what someone else has to say. Why bother? I could just as easily say it myself.
In other words, the value of this board (at least to me) lies in the fact that not everyone here agrees with me and occasionally someone will tell me I'm wrong and set out to prove it. I relish days when someone does that. It isn't a challenge of my manhood. It's an invitation to the ball. Let's party.
See, we can't even agree on "value." How do you think we'll ever agree on "aim?" Much less "acceptable expectations?" I just don't see how that is valuable at all. If the goal is avoid carpel tunnell it seems like a strange way to achieve it.
C'est la vie. Enjoy.