Former Falcon rats out Vick

Twyst;1495913 said:
well I guess vick has made a contribution to the DA's office, check this out

Twyst;1495920 said:
sorry I posted a bad link

that should work for you but if it doesnt its the DA laughing at the idea of charging vick and saying there were no injured dogs, then the reporter shows video of the injured dogs :lol:
Neither work. Someone doing microphone checks is all I get.
weird, works for me. there is a commercial before the report though
BlueStar22;1495868 said:
tattle tale, this is so high school. grown men ratting out grown men.

:rolleyes: You've got to be joking. What would he have to have done in your opinion before it was ok to tell the truth about what he knew? Murder? Or would that have been "ratting out" too? If Vick is guilty of this and ANYONE knows anything about it they have a DUTY to report it. Dog fighting is a cruel and horrible thing. If Vick is involved he should be suspended for at least a year, period. And if so Buchanan deserves praise not insults for blowing the whistle. Your attitude truly sickens me.
sacase;1495943 said:
Its going to be interesting to see what happens.
Sadly I think nothing will happen unless someone finds a video of vick at a dogfight :(
BlueStar22;1495868 said:
tattle tale, this is so high school. grown men ratting out grown men.

If I knew somebody was doing that, even my own family, I'd rat 'em out in a Noo Yawk minute...
headhunterroy05;1495869 said:
I hope the Commish throws the book at this punk. If it's true about this dog fighting I never want to see him in the league again or I would pay to see him thrown in with the dogs.

Hands and feet shackled, his arms and legs smeared with Spam... the "gravy" from a bowl full of Gravy Train poured on him...
BlueStar22;1495878 said:
sure i'd tell if asked. however, it's just weird to see Buchannan rat out a former teammate.

The only thing weird is that he waited until it all hit the fan to come forward with what he knew... he should have done it just as soon as he learned about it...
Cajuncowboy;1495884 said:
It's a Felony. Also, if he conducted this illegal activity using the internet or a phone or the mail it is also a federal offense.

So yeah, I would expect a grown man to "rat out" the criminal.

Ask yourself if you'd "rat out" somebody you knew to be abusing children... breeding pit bulls for fighting isn't that bad, but it's pretty d***** bad...

If I've got a neighbor growin' his own weed, or with a still in the back yard, I'm gonna leave him in peace... if I see a neighbor with a dog fighting operation, I'm droppin' a dime on him...

Dogs are great animals, how anybody could get pleasure from seeing one killed or maimed is beyond me... how anyone could hear a dog howl in pain and enjoy it is beyond me...
DragonCowboy;1495887 said:
And then have him fight Simba or another lion (for the dogs' enjoyment, of course).

Naw, to make that work you'd have to put him in against the biggest, meanest defensive lineman he ever faced-- alone, with no pads, and no way out... maybe you get the lineman wired on crystal meth first...

Hmmmm, I MIGHT pay to see that... :D
I wonder if perhaps the DA himself has been out there to enjoy some dog fights. He seems rather emphatic in trying to deny that there's been anything wrong at Vick's place. Judging from Buchanon and the Humane Society, this is something that's been going on for a long time AND it's been known to a rather large number of people. Add in the DA's response and I wonder if Vick's been spreading some cash and other favors among local law enforcement.
silverbear;1496060 said:
Ask yourself if you'd "rat out" somebody you knew to be abusing children... breeding pit bulls for fighting isn't that bad, but it's pretty d***** bad...

If I've got a neighbor growin' his own weed, or with a still in the back yard, I'm gonna leave him in peace... if I see a neighbor with a dog fighting operation, I'm droppin' a dime on him...

Dogs are great animals, how anybody could get pleasure from seeing one killed or maimed is beyond me... how anyone could hear a dog howl in pain and enjoy it is beyond me...

So u want snitch on one felony but will snitch on the other............ i see Felonies done every day, as long as it has no effect on me I'm cool.....

Oh well, Dog fighting is dog fighting been going on for years, u can box in a ring in die, I guess we should drop all violence

We need to worry about getting our soldiers out of Iraq, then bothering with Vick. He doens't even live their, he bought his family a house and they misused the house and put Vicks name in the News.

That's like saying Romo buys family house and house gets rraided with 1000's of pounds of cocaine, then everyone on this board would be protecting Romo saying he didn't know...............
We pay to see grown men fight

but paying to see two dog's fight is wrong?

I seriously don't get that. We'll kill cows, dogs, birds, and pigs, to make food. We'll beat the crap out of each other for money. but you do it with dogs, and its a felony crime. and it's a big issue? i mean come on. Some of ya'll acting like some tree huggers
Q_the_man;1496081 said:
So u want snitch on one felony but will snitch on the other............ i see Felonies done every day, as long as it has no effect on me I'm cool.....

That's absolutely right-- I'm a live and let live kind of Bear, up to a point... when animals or innocents are being hurt, you lost me...

If you'll turn a blind eye to that kind of thing, shame on you...

Oh well, Dog fighting is dog fighting been going on for years

And those who have been doing it are subhuman pieces of garbage...

Frankly, those that defend it aren't a whole lot better...

u can box in a ring in die

The difference being that going into the ring in the first place is your CHOICE... you weren't starved, then thrown into a pit with another starved animal, forced to fight to the death...

We need to worry about getting our soldiers out of Iraq, then bothering with Vick. He doens't even live their, he bought his family a house and they misused the house and put Vicks name in the News.

You sound really, really stupid with this lame attempt at defending the actions of an animal... there is ample evidence that Vick knew ALL about what was going on there, was in fact the ringleader of the operation... even his TEAMMATES on the Falcons have talked about how he tried to recruit them into the lifestyle...

In the future, you might want to make more of an effort to inform yourself as to the facts before you go defending a piece of garbage like Ron Mexico...
Vick's rep has taken a pounding over the past few months - this story is just another bad thing to attatch to him. I don't like a team-mate or ex team-mate snitching though.
dargonking999;1496089 said:
We pay to see grown men fight

but paying to see two dog's fight is wrong?

I seriously don't get that.

Do the dogs get to CHOOSE to fight?? Are the grown men FORCED to fight??

I like you, but if you don't get that, you're not the sharpest knife in the drawer...

We'll kill cows, dogs, birds, and pigs, to make food.

Food is necessary to exist, sadistic amusement is not...

Some of ya'll acting like some tree huggers

If I ever hear a tree scream in pain, I'll probably stick up for them, too... but don't you feel JUST a bit foolish, comparing a tree to an animal??

I find myself suspecting that you and the others defending this thoroughly despicable-- and ILLEGAL-- pastime might enjoy going to a good dog fight, perhaps even breed fighting dogs yourself??

Bluntly, anybody who doesn't hold this sort of thing in utter contempt is lacking something in the way of humanity...

And just FWIW, I personally don't pay to see grown men fight... never have found any form of fighting to be entertaining... I did a little of it as a young cub, maybe that was enough to cure me of enjoying such things... never really enjoyed it then, either, but a boy will do all kinds of things to please his father, and my Dad purely loved boxing, was an all-services boxer his own self as a young man...

It would seem that he didn't pass that gene along to me... he was also a hunting man, I mean devoted to his bird dogs, and I could never get into that, either...

But I did follow him into the golf bidness, so maybe some of his DNA did get passed along... certainly, nobody on my Mom's side of the family could play the game a lick...

I think I'm gonna try to forget you made this post, so that I can continue to hold you in high regard...
dargonking999;1496089 said:
We pay to see grown men fight

but paying to see two dog's fight is wrong?

I seriously don't get that. We'll kill cows, dogs, birds, and pigs, to make food. We'll beat the crap out of each other for money. but you do it with dogs, and its a felony crime. and it's a big issue? i mean come on. Some of ya'll acting like some tree huggers

now I am a huge fan of boxing but the big difference is there is an art to boxing and it takes a lot of talent from the people that WANT to get involved - dog fighting is not an art, the dog's don't have a choice and it is illegal, those are the big differences.
gazmc_06;1496101 said:
now I am a huge fan of boxing but the big difference is there is an art to boxing and it takes a lot of talent from the people that WANT to get involved - dog fighting is not an art, the dog's don't have a choice and it is illegal, those are the big differences.

cows dont have a choice in getting milked but we do it anyways. PIgs dont get a choice it getting fattened up and eaten. but it's legal

dog fighting is violent. But so is a whole lot of things we do. I mean people shoot birds as a sport. You tell me. What's worse, shooting and killing birds that happen to fly through the air. Or raising and training dogs to fight?

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