Former Falcon rats out Vick

dargonking999;1496089 said:
We pay to see grown men fight

but paying to see two dog's fight is wrong?

I seriously don't get that. We'll kill cows, dogs, birds, and pigs, to make food. We'll beat the crap out of each other for money. but you do it with dogs, and its a felony crime. and it's a big issue? i mean come on. Some of ya'll acting like some tree huggers


You are about as clueless as I have seen in a long while.
silverbear;1496100 said:
Do the dogs get to CHOOSE to fight?? Are the grown men FORCED to fight??

I like you, but if you don't get that, you're not the sharpest knife in the drawer...

Food is necessary to exist, sadistic amusement is not...

If I ever hear a tree scream in pain, I'll probably stick up for them, too... but don't you feel JUST a bit foolish, comparing a tree to an animal??

I find myself suspecting that you and the others defending this thoroughly despicable-- and ILLEGAL-- pastime might enjoy going to a good dog fight, perhaps even breed fighting dogs yourself??

Bluntly, anybody who doesn't hold this sort of thing in utter contempt is lacking something in the way of humanity...

And just FWIW, I personally don't pay to see grown men fight... never have found any form of fighting to be entertaining... I did a little of it as a young cub, maybe that was enough to cure me of enjoying such things... never really enjoyed it then, either, but a boy will do all kinds of things to please his father, and my Dad purely loved boxing, was an all-services boxer his own self as a young man...

It would seem that he didn't pass that gene along to me... he was also a hunting man, I mean devoted to his bird dogs, and I could never get into that, either...

But I did follow him into the golf bidness, so maybe some of his DNA did get passed along... certainly, nobody on my Mom's side of the family could play the game a lick...

I think I'm gonna try to forget you made this post, so that I can continue to hold you in high regard...

Ok, i dont care for dog fighting. I hate vick for doing this. I just find it kind of stupid, that America does a lot worse things, for entertainment, but this is viewed as illegal and crime against animals. Am i sticking up for Vick? Am i saying dog fighting is good? No. I just find it very contradictory of America. To allow other atrocities to happen. While others are deemed "illegal" just like everything in America. It's about congress morals and Christian beliefs. And sometimes that gets annoying.
dargonking999;1496102 said:
cows dont have a choice in getting milked but we do it anyways. PIgs dont get a choice it getting fattened up and eaten. but it's legal

dog fighting is violent. But so is a whole lot of things we do. I mean people shoot birds as a sport. You tell me. What's worse, shooting and killing birds that happen to fly through the air. Or raising and training dogs to fight?

is milking cows illegal?, is fattening pigs illegal?, is bird shooting illegal? - they are legal for a reason, raising fighting dogs is raising an animal with the intention to kill it and make money from it.
Video worked for me.....

The DAs name is POINDEXTER!!!

Basically just video of animal control officers taking some dogs away and the DA denying that there were scarred dogs. Immediately following is a dog with MULTIPLE scars on his face alone.

Vick is asked about it and gives the "Lawyers told me to shut up" line.

Sold his house for 300K or is valued at 700K.

Reporter talked about "training equipment". Treadmills and such to get the dogs in top shape. Also mentioned bloody carpets found on the property.

I hope Vick gets slammed on this deal.
Just for the record. I am not conding dog fighting or Vick's behavior. Just merely pointing out the stupidy of America. And how they let worse things happen, but decide that this is such a haneaus crime.
gazmc_06;1496105 said:
is milking cows illegal?, is fattening pigs illegal?, is bird shooting illegal? - they are legal for a reason, raising fighting dogs is raising an animal with the intention to kill it and make money from it.

So we can kill animals for pleasure? but we can't raise them to do something they do in the wild? Last time i checked You stick two dogs out in the wild they'll end up fighting each other, and killing one another. Like i said. To say that this is crime, while we kill other animals, and make other animals do what we want, is pure stupidity.
putting 2 dogs in the wild is a different story - if they fight out there then it is their choice, thses dogs are being raised by Vick in order to fight and kill - they are not given any choice.
gazmc_06;1496110 said:
putting 2 dogs in the wild is a different story - if they fight out there then it is their choice, thses dogs are being raised by Vick in order to fight and kill - they are not given any choice.

There not given a choice in the wild either. You either eat or get eaten. Or have you not heard about those rules

Look, bottom line. We allow worse in this country. The fact that this is a major issue, is only because it's a high profile athlete. If it was you or me. This case would have been done over. I get so sick, of everyone gunning for athletes while i watch murders run free in the streets because the cops cant find evidence of it. You want to piss and moan about another athlete doing something stupid be my guest. But im going to sleep
if it were you or me then we would have been charged by now......the athletes get the benefit on these thing coughOJcough - the bottom line is that dog fighting is ILLEGAL, end of story.
dargonking999;1496089 said:
We pay to see grown men fight

but paying to see two dog's fight is wrong?

If boxers were kept in inhumane conditions, beaten with a stick, and with-held food all in order to make them more violent, then there might be a parallel.

It's the treatment of the dogs that makes the sport so dispicable. If the dogs were just normal dogs, treated normally, and then put in a ring to fight.... I probably wouldn't have a problem with that. It would still be crude, but like you said we do alot of crude stuff in America.
headhunterroy05;1495869 said:
I hope the Commish throws the book at this punk. If it's true about this dog fighting I never want to see him in the league again or I would pay to see him thrown in with the dogs.
I couldn't agree with you more!
Twyst;1495866 said:
the plot thickens

there is audio at this link as well
Kinda reminds me of Kobe dimin' out Shaq.
dargonking999;1496089 said:
We pay to see grown men fight

but paying to see two dog's fight is wrong?

I seriously don't get that. We'll kill cows, dogs, birds, and pigs, to make food. We'll beat the crap out of each other for money. but you do it with dogs, and its a felony crime. and it's a big issue? i mean come on. Some of ya'll acting like some tree huggers
I am kind of with you on this. I dont share the same disgust as alot do with dogfighting, but it is illegal, and Vick should face charges for it.

Sort of like how I think its kind of laughable how weed is illegal, but if you are dumb enough to get caught with it, you should be punished.
Actually there have been some new studies come out about how Marijuana can cause psychotic reactions in some people. Just like Reefer Madness showed in the 50's. Now the reality is that you have to be disposed to be psychotic in the first place, but it DOES happen. The latest study by a British study came out a few weeks ago, and backed up a Harvard study of two years ago.
Now as regards dog fighting. Its illegal in most countries in the world. Its illegal in Japan- certainly not a christian country. Its illegal in Turkey- not a christian country. Its illegal in just about any country that people do not think that abusing animals is funny and enjoyable. Its illegal in countries that allow cockfighting. Sort of strange there.
Now as regards ranting about dog fighting when murderers walk free due to stupidities in our legal system. No arguement about screwed up priorities. But show me ONE COUNTRY ON EARTH where screwed up priorities are NOT HAPPENING?
America is the favorite whipping boy by those that do not have the courage to look in their own countries and try and fix their own problems.
dargonking999;1496107 said:
I am not conding dog fighting or Vick's behavior. Just merely pointing out the stupidy of America. And how they let worse things happen, but decide that this is such a haneaus crime.

Well you've failed miserably, and in fact, your pointing out of stupidy has backfired.
BlueStar22;1495868 said:
tattle tale, this is so high school. grown men ratting out grown men.

I called Animal Protection on my first roommate.

I threatened to call them on my sister if she didn't change the set up with her dog. (she said "don't tell me what to do." I told her I wasn't telling her what to do, I was telling her what I was going to do)

I chased 2 people in a vehicle that dropped off a mangy mutt at my house til their car blew it's engine. Then threatened to call the police on the guy (who was just released from jail and on probation) if he didn't reimburse me for the vet bill I ran up getting that dog back to good health.

Call me high school all you want, but if you do it, and I know, you're busted, and I don't care who you are.
There are so many flat out ignorant statements in this thread I wouldn't know where to begin. With some of these folks their ignorance is a tad suprising-- with others it just piles on previous ignorant statements.
dargonking999;1496102 said:
cows dont have a choice in getting milked but we do it anyways. PIgs dont get a choice it getting fattened up and eaten. but it's legal

dog fighting is violent. But so is a whole lot of things we do. I mean people shoot birds as a sport. You tell me. What's worse, shooting and killing birds that happen to fly through the air. Or raising and training dogs to fight?

No, you tell me-- which one is ILLEGAL??

Now, try to figure out for yourself why that is...
dargonking999;1496104 said:
Ok, i dont care for dog fighting. I hate vick for doing this. I just find it kind of stupid, that America does a lot worse things, for entertainment, but this is viewed as illegal and crime against animals. Am i sticking up for Vick? Am i saying dog fighting is good? No. I just find it very contradictory of America. To allow other atrocities to happen.

Name one "atrocity" that is as bad as fighting dogs, and is legal...

Boxing, the example you use, doesn't qualify, because the boxer has a CHOICE in the matter... those dogs didn't...

Let's say YOU were FORCED to put on the gloves and step into the ring with a Mike Tyson... that would be wrong, and ought to be illegal... but if you see a chance of a big payday, and don't mind gettin' the livin' crap beat out of you, God bless you, go for it...
dargonking999;1496107 said:
Just for the record. I am not conding dog fighting or Vick's behavior. Just merely pointing out the stupidy of America. And how they let worse things happen, but decide that this is such a haneaus crime.

This is a heinous crime... and IF there are other things as bad out there that are not illegal, that doesn't mean that this is right, or should be legal...

Once again, I invite you to list the other actions that are as heinous, and still legal...

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