Former Falcon rats out Vick

JVita17;1496800 said:
lol at silverbear needing permission to say whats on his mind, and lol at iceberg really thinking that dog fighting is wrong

it is wrong.

you happen to know your parents? they ever give a damn about you or introduce you to "right" and "wrong"? was no one there to slap your hand when it went too far? are you such a gomer-fied idiot that you really believe training dogs to kill each other compares to boxing? has every ounce of something in any way related to common sense left you or got sold on ebay so you can stock up on stupidity? i mean - WAY MORE than your legal share of it?

or are you just a bored pre-teen who found mommys computer and you can't wait to tell the other kids in your class how riled up you got a board cause of the stupid things you said while you were safely behind the walls of the internet?

if 1 - sorry and you have my condolences. you're likely to die this stupid also.
if 2 - go back to porn and wondering why you feel so tingly.

fyi - if the dogfights make you feel "tingly" i suggest therapy and experimental medications.
silverbear;1496807 said:
Somebody attacks somebody I love, I'm droppin' him in his tracks-- if I'm there at the time... then I'm callin' the law to come get his unconscious ***...

But the ONLY reason I'd do that is to stop him from punching on my loved one... that's called "defense of others", and is a moral imperative...

But if it happens while I'm not around, I'm letting the law take care of it... perhaps if they failed to arrest the guy, THEN I might go looking for personal satisfaction, but only if I fail to get some measure of satisfaction via the legal system...
thats what i'm sayin except the whole legal system crap
JVita17;1496804 said:
i cant see how yalll are at an uproar i dont dog fight i just dont think its that bad or wrong and i dont care about animals THEY ARE ANIMALS

well they're not alone there, now are they?

if you truly don't care about *animals* then you really need my pity more than anything. there's a huge hole in your life that won't ever be filled if you can't find love for the animals on this earth.
JVita17;1496800 said:
lol at silverbear needing permission to say whats on his mind, and lol at iceberg really thinking that dog fighting is wrong

I wish I could LOL at you for being a total sociopath, but there's really nothing amusing about it...

I have more respect for the steaming mounds of dog feces those pit bulls left behind at Vick's house than I do for you...
bigbadroy;1496801 said:
yeah cause everytime somebody commits a crime they get locked up right? you don't know what your talkin bout

Gotten away with a lot of crimes, have you??

Or are you just a loud-mouthed gangsta wannabe??
JVita17;1496806 said:
as a matter of fact, in the wire there were dog fighting scenes was the best part of the show

yea, you probably also loved the ending of "the crying game".
JVita17;1496806 said:
as a matter of fact, in the wire there were dog fighting scenes was the best part of the show

Those who fight dogs are gutless punks, and those who defend the practice aren't a whole lot better...
Vick is Garbage.

If I caught someone Dog fighting...Calling the Police on them would be the best that they could hope for.

I have ZERO tolerance for animal cruelty.

There is no such thing as a Snitch or Rat in cases like this.
silverbear;1496816 said:
Apparently, so are you... your parents must be SOOOO proud of the way you've turned out...

actually my parents dont care for animals
bigbadroy;1496809 said:
thats what i'm sayin except the whole legal system crap

Absent the "whole legal system crap", your stance is morally indefensible...

But hey, that's just me... I'm silly enough to be proud of the fact that I'm roaring up on 55 years old, and have never had a pair of handcuffs on...

Not even fur-lined handcuffs, LOL...
silverbear;1496823 said:
Absent the "whole legal system crap", your stance is morally indefensible...

But hey, that's just me... I'm silly enough to be proud of the fact that I'm roaring up on 55 years old, and have never had a pair of handcuffs on...

Not even fur-lined handcuffs, LOL...
well your 55 years old. i'm 21 and can take care of what i gotta do (not saying you can't) thats just how i am. you call the police or snitch and it usually just brings more problems
JVita17;1496818 said:
amazing dog fight here for all you dog fighters

so since you've established that if you don't *care* about something that can be the sole basis of right or wrong, correct?

so far i'd say no on in here cares about you - so we can simply now take you to an ant farm, dress you in a pink tutu with ronald mcdonald hear, bury you waiste deep with your arms tied outstretched with bungee cords that only let you get CLOSE to yourself to brush the ants off but when you try, it pulls a lever and also drops honey on you.

honey? oh, that's for the starved grizzlies off in the corner that each pull opens up another door to let them get close to you and after 4-5 pulls you're covered in honey, arms too tired to try any more, and you've got some hungry grizzlies munching on your head.

would that be wrong? well, other than the fact no one cares about you that is so that makes it ok...
Taps-n-1;1496829 said:
They've been some really pathetic and moronic posts in this thread, but this is becoming offensive and it's way past time for one of you mods to take charge IMO.

they'll shut it down soon, i'm sure.
bigbadroy;1496827 said:
well your 55 years old. i'm 21 and can take care of what i gotta do (not saying you can't) thats just how i am. you call the police or snitch and it usually just brings more problems

Then you really should take the advice of some others in here, and find another place to live... there are places around this great nation where you don't have to rely on street justice...
The equivocating on this thread is so funny. Dog fighting is like boxing, if that lets you sleep better at night more power to you. We have people here that say they believe in vigilantism in the cases of assualt and battery, I wonder how many would do what they want to the offender in front of a cop. For those that don't want to snitch fine we need gene pool and popualtion control anyways. As for due process this website, at least the last time I checked, isn't a court of law and due to Mr. Vick's prior actions I consider him a dirt bag and wouldn't put his latest "humanitarian" effort past him. I could care less if he is found guilty or innocent because in my book he is as low as some of you here trying to marginalize animal cruelty by equivocating it to something that isn't related or in the same boat.

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