Former Falcon rats out Vick

JVita17;1496747 said:
i really could care less about what happens to animals but he broke ethic codes snithcing on vick

and some would say he broke moral, ethic, and LEGAL codes when he harbored dog fighting. your personal stance on it is about as worthless as a political promise. it's the legal stature of things that guide actions.

what if he were running a child porn farm?

what if he were running a sports car chop shop?

what if he were doing something wrong YOU DID CARE about.

if i follow your stance you only get involved in the world around you if you have a strict definate connection you care about and ONLY then.

if you choose to look for honor among thieves, that's your choice. i just hope you have long arms for that knife that will eventually be in your back from them cause i'm sure they don't share the same "ethic values" that you do.

well, directly.
vick was wrong for having dog fights and ray was wrong for snitching. they both suck as people
iceberg;1496748 said:
and some would say he broke moral, ethic, and LEGAL codes when he harbored dog fighting. your personal stance on it is about as worthless as a political promise. it's the legal stature of things that guide actions.

what if he were running a child porn farm?

what if he were running a sports car chop shop?

what if he were doing something wrong YOU DID CARE about.

if i follow your stance you only get involved in the world around you if you have a strict definate connection you care about and ONLY then.

if you choose to look for honor among thieves, that's your choice. i just hope you have long arms for that knife that will eventually be in your back from them cause i'm sure they don't share the same "ethic values" that you do.

well, directly.

i care about kids so yea i may care about that but i could care less if he ran a chop shop and he isnt doing somethin i care about so frankly i dont care that he is fighting dogs i wished i could watch the dogs he trained to fight
iceberg;1496734 said:
if you're serious, get help now man. i seldom feel people should resort to medications but in this case, it could be a good place to start.

and if vick ran around trying to get people involved and NO ONE (that we know of yet) took him up on it - there are times you need to understand when you're the only one in a group approving of something, you could be wrong.

if you're kidding - then you're just trolling around trying to stir up a rukus. go away.

JVita17;1496751 said:
i care about kids so yea i may care about that but i could care less if he ran a chop shop and he isnt doing somethin i care about so frankly i dont care that he is fighting dogs i wished i could watch the dogs he trained to fight

that's my point though - there's right and there's wrong. something wrong isn't "less wrong" cause you don't care as much - it's still wrong. however, it doesn't sound like you feel dog fighting *is* wrong so that part of the discussion is pointless with you.

as would the rest be after that, i suppose.

and you'd care about the chop shop if your car was stolen and he was cutting it up for parts, i'll bet. : ) but hey, your car. you go figure it out i just don't care.

well, till it's my car then there's less people to help cause i never bothered to stop the wrongs when there were enough voices to do so.
bigbadroy;1496257 said:
i'm not talking about taking care of it in court buddy. man are all you texans this soft?

Been in jail before, have you??

That's what happens to people who "take care of it" themselves...

We truly are uncovering a number of card-carrying sociopaths in this thread...
iceberg;1496753 said:
that's my point though - there's right and there's wrong. something wrong isn't "less wrong" cause you don't care as much - it's still wrong. however, it doesn't sound like you feel dog fighting *is* wrong so that part of the discussion is pointless with you.

as would the rest be after that, i suppose.

and you'd care about the chop shop if your car was stolen and he was cutting it up for parts, i'll bet. : ) but hey, your car. you go figure it out i just don't care.

well, till it's my car then there's less people to help cause i never bothered to stop the wrongs when there were enough voices to do so.

its apart of life, fighting dogs arent wrong it shouldnt be wrong, its entertainment, and we dont got chop shops here so i dont care
JVita17;1496756 said:
its apart of life, fighting dogs arent wrong it shouldnt be wrong, its entertainment, and we dont got chop shops here so i dont care

like i said - we disagree quite a bit her so there's not much point in going on. it's illegal, and while i may not snitch on you if i saw you doing it, i'd definately get medieval on you and hope you live by the "code" and not snitch on me.
DallasEast;1496396 said:

I'm lost.

Pulling on a cow's udder to get milk is a form of violence..?

Vigilante justice is common and (worst) acceptable way of life for some..?

Dog fighting and ultimate fighting are equalivant to apples and apples..?

And these are just some of the examples on this thread.

My brain hurts.

Winicki, if that's a scene from Deliverance, you hit the nail on the head.

Jesus needs to come back quick. Some of us have lost our damn minds.

Suddenly, I'm reminded of the song (a minor hit) by the Bellamy Brothers, titled "Jesus Is Coming (And Boy, Is He Pissed)"...
Me thinks you need to get a dog and then rethink what you have said.

Would your hurt child???

Me thinks, you need to rethink. Pure and simple.

And if you said, after you were abused it would be OK, then I would say, well at least you were consistent. Somehow I do not think that would be the case.

Rat out, darn right. And be proud of it.

So, if it is an animal, the pain they feel, the hurt, it just does not count.
Vintage;1496430 said:

The first reply in this thread called Buchanon a tattle tale....and since then, these have been some of the replies....


Seems like plenty of people are assuming it to be true, or at the very least, taking Buchanon's word for it without giving Vick a chance to defend himself. Until Vick gets charged and found guilty, I am not going to "hang him" like many others are already willing to do so.

Should I keep reading and posting quotes, or will this suffice?

It doesn't strike you as significant that Vick sold the house within days of this story hitting the media, at less than half its appraised value?? That doesn't STRONGLY suggest a knowledge of complicity??

Yeah, I think I've seen enough evidence in the court of public opinion to cast my guilty vote... having seen the maimed dogs being taken off the property, I know good and well what went on there, and if you think that it went on without Vick's knowledge, you still believe in the tooth fairy, too...
silverbear;1496754 said:
Been in jail before, have you??

That's what happens to people who "take care of it" themselves...

We truly are uncovering a number of card-carrying sociopaths in this thread...
ive never been to jail. you watch too many movies
JVita17;1496756 said:
its apart of life, fighting dogs arent wrong it shouldnt be wrong, its entertainment, and we dont got chop shops here so i dont care

Me thinks you need to get some help.
iceberg;1496758 said:
i'd definately get medieval on you and hope you live by the "code" and not snitch on me.

now internet "thugs" are a totally different subject
Vintage;1496448 said:
Until all the evidence gets released, a trial occurs, etc, I am not making an opinion on anything.

So far, we half of one side to the story.

Hardly seems appropriate to assume one way or another based off what little has been released....not to mention we haven't heard Vick's defense yet either.


And before someone says "well, how could he not know what was happening on his property...."

Its definately possible he did not know this was occuring. I rent an apartment with 3 other roommates. Two of my roommates and I were not living in the place when our lease started in June of last year. Only one of our roommates was.

The day the rest of us moved in, we found a letter from our landlord telling us we had to write him an apology letter that he would then put on file and send copies to our parents for all of the noise complaints that had occurred during Summer.

We knew nothing of this. Apparently our 4th roommate was throwing parties and things got out of hand repeatedly.

It is possible to be paying for property and not know what is going on.

All those cages, all those maimed animals, that fighting pit... if he EVER set foot on that property, he knew good and well what was going on there...

But hey, let's play Devil's Advocate for a second; let's say that Vick had NO knowledge of what happened on his property... that makes him forty-'leven kinds of a FOOL, who allowed himself to be victimized by people he apparently trusts a LOT...

Good Gawd, man, if YOU owned a home appraised at three quarters of a million dollars, wouldn't you keep tabs on what was goin' on over there??

It's pretty clear you don't WANT to believe that Vick has involvement in this... never mind all the people close to him that are coming forward to say he was deeply into that "lifestyle"... never mind all those dogs on HIS property...

If they had a meth lab on his property, it's his responsibility for allowing it, and it's his responsibility for what was actually going on there...

I was prepared to be amused at him for the Ron Mexico thing, but this is nothing less than the actions of a piece of excrement...
JVita17;1496766 said:
now internet "thugs" are a totally different subject

Come near my dogs bud, and well, forget about it.

It's your problem that you are so angry with the world. But to take it out on dogs== the guys and gals that love us, well, just because.

I LOVE my dogs. Don't come near my house bud.
JVita17;1496766 said:
now internet "thugs" are a totally different subject

only if you care about the topic. : )

more to the point - would i sound "tougher" if i said i wanted to see dogs fight other dogs?

you want to say and participate in controversial activities, don't get all in a moral uproar when someone slaps that idea down.
Yes, right on the money.

Let's bring all the animal haters in this world to bear.

Bring it on.
Pats Fan;1496769 said:
Come near my dogs bud, and well, forget about it.

It's your problem that you are so angry with the world. But to take it out on dogs== the guys and gals that love us, well, just because.

I LOVE my dogs. Don't come near my house bud.

and AGAIN i will repeat myself internet thug are a different subject :bang2:
iceberg;1496771 said:
only if you care about the topic. : )

more to the point - would i sound "tougher" if i said i wanted to see dogs fight other dogs?

you want to say and participate in controversial activities, don't get all in a moral uproar when someone slaps that idea down.

not tougher but a little smarter maybe, maybe not but all in all i could care less about some damn animals especially dogs fighting, nobody has an uproar with boxing or UFC

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