theogt;1818017 said:
Again, you don't have to tell your boss that it's "crap." You don't have to crumple the paper. You don't have to be mean spirited at all. Simply saying they made the wrong call can get you fined.
That's odd to me.
Here's a better analogy. Say you're a high school teacher. And you don't like the way the overnight janitors are doing their job. Perhaps they're not emptying all of your trashcans.
Well, you decide to go to the principal and make a complaint about it. Or perhaps you decide to discuss your complaint with other teachers, and maybe even some students. Then the principal fines you. Would that not seem strange?
Why would a high school teacher complain to students about their school's employees? What good does that do except to reflect badly on the school. Before you say its not the same thing, remembe you are the one using this analogy.
What those players did was go a step further than your analogy in going public AFTER the game.
No one is saying they cannot complain, but their is a way to go about it so that it does not hurt the product.
If you owned a business selling computers, and an sales rep went on public tv complaining about a new production process that he felt was not good for the business.His complaint may be valid, but how do you feel about him going on public tv with his complaint. Would it not have been better for him to go to you with his concern. His public complaint would hurt the very business that he works for.