News: Fox: Dak Prescott rips media coverage of Texas mansion demolition: 'I think it's crazy'

I don’t have any problem with him or anyone spending the money they earn anyway they like, he could burn it for all I care. It’s still stupid on his part,
That's your opinion..and just like other things, everyone has one.
I heard A/C is getting a room right next to Dak's and it will be wallpapered with "Hater" and "go root for another team" on every wall. And for his loyalty Dak is getting an "A/C" tattoo on his back. BFF's forever.
I hope he gets bunk beds and invites me over, there will be all kinds of room for activities and tattoos for me, though!
Yes he has the money it’s still stupid no matter your spin stupid is as stupid does and this is stupid.
You're entitled to feel the way you feel.

I personally don't worry about what's in another man's pockets or about what they do with their money, but that's just me.

I'm not broke or jealous. Not everyone can say the same, I suppose.
When you steal about 500M from a team. You may do as you please. I blame no one but JJ for this.
Rich people problems but at the same time, it's his money and his property. Why should anyone care, really? If I had his money and I liked my land, I'd probably build a dream house too...
It’s only a thing because the size of the house. If it was a mere 3K sq ft, it probably would have never been mentioned. I still say go bigger and on a lake!
Dak needs to learn how to shut up. No one is going to feel sorry for him except his stupid brother.
Straight from the Jerral Jones School of Media Relations.

When you have nothing good to say that will make the situation better...step up to the mike and open your piehole.

It’s only a thing because the size of the house. If it was a mere 3K sq ft, it probably would have never been mentioned. I still say go bigger and on a lake!

I don’t have any problem with him or anyone spending the money they earn anyway they like, he could burn it for all I care. It’s still stupid on his part,
I think he isn't making a big enough statement on his ability to exploit his personal wealth and the difference between him and the dull normal skin bags who breath the precious air around him.

I think he should find out what the value of his current home is and then line up a bunch of poor trailer souls from Mississippi around a dumpster and burn the equivalent in paper dollars in front of them.

That will teach them not to be nosy about his bizness.

I got a new contract, a lady and a new baby. That outhouse isn't gonna work for me, and that piece of dry Texas dirt isn't available anywhere else in the world. I gotta go Jerry Jones big.
You're entitled to feel the way you feel.

I personally don't worry about what's in another man's pockets or about what they do with their money, but that's just me.

I'm not broke or jealous. Not everyone can say the same, I suppose.
I don't disagree with you at all until it looks like a complete disregard for waste of resources.

I think everyone in life is exposed to answering for a waste of resources in the public eye. Especially someone who is in the public eye as the starting QB of the Dallas Cowboys.

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