News: FoxSports: Cowboys top list of most valuable NFL franchises at $9.2 billion

Its the brand, like Coke and Nike....created by Tex, Tom and Clint. Jerry to his credit, has continued promoting the heck out of it......3 SBs in the 90s bought him at least 30 more years of sales.....30 more if he ever wins another SB....and Im not a big fan of Jerry.
If they were to go on the market I would bet the over on the selling price
More money for booze and ****** Jerry gonna be happy to hear this.
I remember he had to chip in a ton of his own money and the Arlington tax payers paid the other part. He owns at least part of it if not all
I could not find any details, and it is confusing .
like if they have a concert or rodeo, who gets that money and how much does jerry get.
I had thought jerry got most of the $ on any event and all for the cowboys games, but I cant verify any of that.

But I think it factors in to how much the "cowboys" net worth.
They aren’t worth a damn in my estimation. They’re a bottom tier NFL franchise if you subtract ancient history.
You are a little off. Since when do bottom tier teams win 25 games in 2 years and should win 12 games this year as well?
If I owned the Cowboys in 1988 I would've never sold the team to Jerry Jones.

Almost every professional sports franchise is a guaranteed many times over increase over the years in ROI, especially one that comes with the moniker "America's Team".
Well, that sucks.
So, they have the most valuable franchise, the biggest and "best" stadium and the best training/office complex. Big whoop!!!! Truth is they are in the business of winning football games and championships. The thing that matters in sports and in the NFL in particular is winning playoff games and championships. Winning big is the only thing! You can have a nice restaurant building decorated nicely with a friendly staff but if the food is bad you are a failure. Same with NFL teams.

All NFL franchises are "cash cows." They all make big money. Virtually impossible to fail. Dan Snyder blundered and mismanaged Washington badly. He still made a huge profit from his time as owner when he sold.

I do not know which franchise was the "Most Valuable" during the glory years under Landry/Scharmm and later under Jimmy Johnson. (Please do not go to the trouble to research it. I DO NOT CARE.) I do know the Cowboys had a nice bottom line back then as all NFL teams do every year. But the WON. That was what mattered. I would gladly still be sitting in the old Cotton Bowl Stadium watching a well managed team with hope and direction than endure what the Cowboys have given us for nearly three decades in ATT.

I am sure KC or Philly or Tampa or the Rams fans would not trade their recent championships for the Cowboys glitzy trappings of the Cowboys.

Quoting NFL franchise values is a great example of a stat that is for losers. It matters not. They are all filthy rich. Lets get past all that nonsense and hope, just hope things get better on the FB field starting this season. GO Cowboys!!! WIN and win BIG. I want to be able to yell "HOW 'BOUT THEM COWBOYS" again and mean it. Been a long long time but I can still do it.

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