Video: Friendly reminder of how awesome 9 was


The Cook
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Tony was exciting to watch. There are no qualms about that.

But I have to believe in a tight Super Bowl game that Tony would have made an inexplicable boneheaded throw to crush the Cowboys. I think the game would have been too big for him. His history tells us that.
I understand it would be trending that direction but, you just never know.


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I enjoyed watching him.
Some games he would make me yell at the TV and then others where I would be wondering how TF he pulled it off.
Guy who would never give up, for better or worse. Shame his career ended like it did, football wise.

T'was fun watching him, but I'm good with where the Cowboys are at now at QB too.


Well-Known Member
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Tony was exciting to watch. There are no qualms about that.

But I have to believe in a tight Super Bowl game that Tony would have made an inexplicable boneheaded throw to crush the Cowboys. I think the game would have been too big for him. His history tells us that.

His 4th quarter comeback numbers and GWD's are some of the best of all time


Well-Known Member
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Tony was exciting to watch. There are no qualms about that.

But I have to believe in a tight Super Bowl game that Tony would have made an inexplicable boneheaded throw to crush the Cowboys. I think the game would have been too big for him. His history tells us that.
I think your perception is off.


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His 4th quarter comeback numbers and GWD's are some of the best of all time

And 4th quarter/end of half/ end of game passer rating numbers. The list goes on but the facts aren't changing any minds at this point. That ship has sailed.

Cowboys fans will never forgive Romo for only being very good instead of historically great. That's the bottom line, and it's psychotic.

Honestly I'm not confident that ANY quarterback makes the burned out Parcells/soft Wade Phillips/training wheels Garrett-era teams matter any more than Romo did. In 2014 he was the highest rated passer in the entire league and had a 143.6 passer rating and 0 turnovers in the Packers game and the team still lost. At that point I'm not sure what the hell is even left when you're completing 79% of your passes at over 10 yards per attempt.


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And 4th quarter/end of half/ end of game passer rating numbers. The list goes on but the facts aren't changing any minds at this point. That ship has sailed.

Cowboys fans will never forgive Romo for only being very good instead of historically great. That's the bottom line, and it's psychotic.

Honestly I'm not confident that ANY quarterback makes the burned out Parcells/soft Wade Phillips/training wheels Garrett-era teams matter any more than Romo did. In 2014 he was the highest rated passer in the entire league and had a 143.6 passer rating and 0 turnovers in the Packers game and the team still lost. At that point I'm not sure what the hell is even left when you're completing 79% of your passes at over 10 yards per attempt.
I believe that went down as the only QB to ever lose with a rating that high


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Only thing I have to say here and what anguish it creates is the fact and just imagine Romo+Zeke the last 3 years.
Man you know we have left at least 1 Lombardi Trophy in the air and at least 1 more till Romo retired.:banghead:

Jerry you fool......

To say we would have had a lombardi is tough, anything could have happend BUT I do agree we would have had a much better chance to have it.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Other than Favre's style of play, Romo's was the most magical since The Scrambler.

However, he was his own worst enemy. That style of play that thrilled the fans also thrilled the owner watching his Center Ring act and instead of understanding why he had to do that, just kept applauding. That was the GM's greatest failing. Instead of making a unique talent even better and more effective, he relied on him to create his own magic.

One thing I wonder about Romo. When he thinks of that play, the useless one that cost him his job, career and a possible shot at the title, does he see himself just downing the ball? I don't think it ever entered his mind that he could rehab and get back to 100% and not get his job back.

However, I look at this in a fatalistic and inevitable viewpoint. He would have gotten injured anyway on another play. His greatest failing at QB was not realizing when it was time to throw it away to play another day. QB's that are "every play matters" are high risk players. They play too much with the arm and not enough with the head.


Cowboys 24/7/365
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In 2014 he was the highest rated passer in the entire league and had a 143.6 passer rating and 0 turnovers in the Packers game and the team still lost.
None of that matters.

As a passer, any quarterback must throw catchable passes. Does not matter which down the ball is thrown. The only essential factor is throwing a pass that his receiver can catch the ball.

In the running game, any quarterback must securely hand off or toss the ball. Does not matter how the offensive line blocks or how effective the defense counters the run play. Making sure the running back has the ball is the only requirement.


The quarterback threw a long pass on 4th and short. The pass was catchable. The play was ruled incomplete.

Which player received and continues to receive the most blame from some fans for the team's eventual defeat?

Answer: Romo


The quarterback handed off the ball. The running back had secured the ball before entering the assigned hole. The offensive line, especially the right guard, blocked well. A defensive lineman makes a great play by extending his arm back into the hole and knocks the ball out of the running back's flimsy grasp. A fumble results. Drive dies.

Which player was and has been held the most accountable from some fans for the team's subsequent loss?

Answer: Romo

How can any argument ever be made that refutes such impeccably logical conclusions?



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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
One thing I will always be thankful to Tony Romo for, he was our first "Forum Wars" player. Surely, Dandy and Danny would have been great for that but this wasn't around then.

Before there was "Dak Wars", there was Romo and he was not only the most polarizing player in the NFL, he ruled the forums unlike any other player before or since but Dak could threaten that with a fat contract.

Some of the most baffling, befuddling, bewildering, beguiling, belittling and beautiful posts written on these forums were because of him. He helped that along, unwittingly, with his backwards cap, golf and taking a vacation and it is still a hot topic whether he actually let his butt get too big. But for pure fun and driving most up the wall, you couldn't beat it.

We have the Romo template to thank for the Dak polarization. The most over and under appreciated player in Cowboys history. Dan and Danny might have given him a run for the title but that's all his.


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And 4th quarter/end of half/ end of game passer rating numbers. The list goes on but the facts aren't changing any minds at this point. That ship has sailed.

Cowboys fans will never forgive Romo for only being very good instead of historically great. That's the bottom line, and it's psychotic.

Honestly I'm not confident that ANY quarterback makes the burned out Parcells/soft Wade Phillips/training wheels Garrett-era teams matter any more than Romo did. In 2014 he was the highest rated passer in the entire league and had a 143.6 passer rating and 0 turnovers in the Packers game and the team still lost. At that point I'm not sure what the hell is even left when you're completing 79% of your passes at over 10 yards per attempt.
I've said the same. If Brady or Rogers was our QB, I think they would have 0 super bowls as well.

Red Dragon

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None of that matters.

As a passer, any quarterback must throw catchable passes. Does not matter which down the ball is thrown. The only essential factor is throwing a pass that his receiver can catch the ball.

In the running game, any quarterback must securely hand off or toss the ball. Does not matter how the offensive line blocks or how effective the defense counters the run play. Making sure the running back has the ball is the only requirement.


The quarterback threw a long pass on 4th and short. The pass was catchable. The play was ruled incomplete.

Which player received and continues to receive the most blame from some fans for the team's eventual defeat?

Answer: Romo


The quarterback handed off the ball. The running back had secured the ball before entering the assigned hole. The offensive line, especially the right guard, blocked well. A defensive lineman makes a great play by extending his arm back into the hole and knocks the ball out of the running back's flimsy grasp. A fumble results. Drive dies.

Which player was and has been held the most accountable from some fans for the team's subsequent loss?

Answer: Romo

How can any argument ever be made that refutes such impeccably logical conclusions?


I once saw a YouTube video in which Romo threw a pass to Dez during a game, Dez caught it but then fumbled the ball a few moments later - and the maker of the video blamed Dez's fumble on Romo.

You just can't reason with these folks.


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Awesome video. Thanks.

And I like Dak, too.

In fact, I started as a fan of Roger, became a big fan of Danny White, sung the praises of Troy Aikman, was thrilled with Tony, and am now a big fan of Dak. It would be great to post highlight videos of all the great Cowboys QB's going all the way back to Meredith throwing to Bullet Bob Hayes.


Cowboys 24/7/365
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
One thing I will always be thankful to Tony Romo for, he was our first "Forum Wars" player. Surely, Dandy and Danny would have been great for that but this wasn't around then.

Before there was "Dak Wars", there was Romo and he was not only the most polarizing player in the NFL, he ruled the forums unlike any other player before or since but Dak could threaten that with a fat contract.

Some of the most baffling, befuddling, bewildering, beguiling, belittling and beautiful posts written on these forums were because of him. He helped that along, unwittingly, with his backwards cap, golf and taking a vacation and it is still a hot topic whether he actually let his butt get too big. But for pure fun and driving most up the wall, you couldn't beat it.

We have the Romo template to thank for the Dak polarization. The most over and under appreciated player in Cowboys history. Dan and Danny might have given him a run for the title but that's all his.
I believe Prescott is receiving the same degree of over criticism as Romo at comparable points of their careers but the scrutiny has not nearly approached the overall quantity as faced by his predecessor. [Heck, the nonsense is still strong with news about Romo playing GOLF! :rolleyes::p ]That may happen with the passage of time. In the meantime, I doubt Prescott's upcoming contract finalization will suddenly make discussions "10 times worse" than they have been, because that is how I would superficially describe what would need to happen for Prescott to reach Romo's Forum Wars level in such a short time.