Fun fact about the rest of the NFC East


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Maybe to a tiny extent but in the end, they draft based on needs within the systems they put in place. I mean it's downright hilarious that you guys think the other teams in the division are having player personnel meetings in the offseason and are like, "Damn, that Elliott, what a load, we need to draft DTs!"

No, they sit around and look at their needs within the system and scheme they play.

This is just another version of blatant homerism....... the other teams are so scared of us and our prowess they base their draft strategies on what the Cowboys are doing! COWBOYZ!!
Not sure why you keep referencing homerism and Zeke. I clearly stated that our offensive system has been about running the ball. I clearly stated that Dallas has invested in its offensive live to an unparraleled level in the NFL.

Zeke is just the cherry on top of both of those facts.

What was everykne screaming for after getting trounced by the rams in the playoffs? DTs. Dallas did address the position through the draft and FA, probably not to the extent that most wanted.

The fact that you and apparently others dont think dallas's offensive philosophy, investment and success hasn't influenced how teams in the NFC East build their teams is naive, imo.

America's Cowboy

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Let's see...

The Giants had 4 full quarters and a halftime period to make adjustments to counter what Dak and Kellen Moore were running (and making adjustments/changes themselves), yet the Giants got their butts kicked all game long.

It must have been pure luck? What we say in Spanish... a "hueva"... a "gallo"!?!? Pfft!

Do y'all believe Dak and Moore didn't see the adjustments the Giants tried to make during the game or halftime? And do you believe Dak and Moore simply ran the same scheme all 4 quarters, but got lucky the Giants didn't figure them out?

Come on, now. Let's give credit where credit is due. The total beat down for all 4 quarters against the Giants was real, including making changes to the Giants adjustments during the game and during halftime. Moore's new playbook is legit, and I bet he will keep on adjusting and improving on it for each opponent as the season goes on.


I Copy!,,, er,,,I guess,,,ah,,,maybe.
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I think they do both. I think the 'need' becomes bigger at NT when you have a team like the Cowboys you have to play twice a year.

It affects priorities in the draft and FA. It has to.
It's most definitely bound to dictate a teams drafting priorities in their attempt of "keeping up with the Jones's" ,,,er,,, or at least, in the attempting of thwarting those pesky Jones's down the street from winning the hood's chili cook-off every late fall festival seasonal extravaganza fandango,,, those of turned up to the sky snozz's in disagreement of that fact,are just so full of themselves& their self percieved superior opinions? Hell, their eyes are prolly colored brown from the backlogged blockage ( bunghole being corked)

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Interesting how building your team solely to stop Zeke allows you to beat the Patriots in the Super Bowl.


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These fools spend the last few years drafting run stuffers to stop Zeke. This is their entire blueprint and gameplan. Stop the run, sit on linehans basic playcalling, play in and play out.

But then Kellen Moore happened.

How do you go from years of conditioned traditional defense against the linehan cowboys, to having to get up, move around, and do all this technical **** just to defend one play, but over and over for 4 quarters.

Atleast for this year I believe this will give Dallas a leg up in the division until the skins, giants, and eagles have a whole offseason to study Moore and make a complete transition.

I am very interested in seeing how the eagles and Commanders defenses approach a situation that is not of the norm.

Sounds like you believe the Eagles defense doesn’t get to practice against their own offense which uses the same concepts