Funny Thread from Art at Extremeskins

Mr. Hetfield said:
bahh hahahahahah ohhh thank you cowboysprincess, that is too dang funny, i can just picture this guy gettin in someones face bahahahaha oh i will be laughin for days on that!! thanks again!! i will look at this whenever i need a laugh!!

Wouldn't that gut get in the way if he tried to get in someone's face?
Duane said:

In my section there were very few Cowboy fans, but, in my row, there were three and a Commander fan all together. A big, fat, old black guy the row behind them started laying into one of the Cowboy fans toward the end of the game.

Surprisingly the Cowboy fan stood his ground yelling back. Friends of the Commander fan and the Cowboy fan got them calmed, but, the sniping continued for a while. Eventually I tired of his little show and grabbed the Cowboy fan who was shouting up to the Commander fan.

I pulled him to me and said, "Time for you to go." He realized he was about to be beaten unto death, and said, "I don't want no problem. He started it." I just calmly said, "Don't care. It's his house. You're surrounded. Leave now."

And he did.

As long as I'm at a game, FedEx won't ever be a safe haven for all Cowboy fans. Respectful ones I'm good with. Ballsy ones get to whimper off as this one and his friends did. The benefits of being me.

Would love to have seen that. But wait, that would have meant I would have been in his dream. :rolleyes:

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