Fuzzy Thoughts at GB 2016

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@Gameover if you choose to not believe that I looked at each play closely in making my evaluation then I am not going to lose sleep over it. I'm not going to jump through hoops for you. Sorry.

Fuzzy, anyone here with half a brain knows how much work you put into your game assessment.

@Gameover is riding the short bus and probably needs to be spoon fed by some sort of hospital staff every evening.

He isn't worth your time. For me, I'm locked on him, as he thought he could **** with me and slide on by. A reject like him is far, far below your level of intellect, but not below my level of rage.
He did more than state his case but whatevs.

Now the thread has been derailed to this nonsense.

I thought the take about Jackson and Eberflus's contributions was interesting. I thought the receivers were outstanding and an interesting topic. I thought the matchup between Daniels and our interior OL was interesting.

What holds no interest to me is people going cavalier for their favorite QB that will accept no criticism and label any detraction as an attack.

I still check in on the thread. I have no interest in the discussion that is taking place.

As soon as I saw your comments on Dak I knew someone would probably comment. But you're also pretty stubborn yourself so I knew the direction the thread was going to go BUT I can appreciate both takes. As I said, Dak has played great especially when considering he's a rookie. It's all relative. Which is why I agreed with you in the sense that Dak left yards on the field or missed some throws that a more seasoned QB (ie: Romo) may not have missed. But my praise of Prescott is very proportionate to his status as a rookie. I think even you can agree the guy is doing things and winning games we never thought he'd do and may not see this type of play from a rookie again in our lifetime. It's unique.

Having said that, I really was thinking the same thing you were saying. I also think Prescott got the benefit of some really good defense that allowed the team to overcome his mitakes. I've seen it way too many times that those mistakes have been fatal when Romo played. As much as I can appreciate what Dak is doing as a rookie, I think our D (if they continue with this pace) has made us a playoff caliber team.
Fair enough, Dodger. I like your posts, and I was still heated from last night. He derailed the thread by getting personal with Fuzzy and causing Fuzzy to leave the thread.

But in any event, my beef isn't with you, bud, and I'm willing to let this die between the two of us. If you want to stick up for your guy, that's fine, too man. But know, I'm gonna stick up for mine.

Personally, I do, in fact, enjoy you a great deal as a poster. You bring a balance to this site that isn't full blown homer. You're smart and have good takes. I never wanted to get into a tissy with you, but I have to defend myself because I'm a hot-head with a big mouth.

I hope we can move on, brudda. Check out my PFF secondary graded thread (shameless plug :))

Also, I never called Clove a troll. Just for the record.

I have no gripe so it's all good. But you should know that Clove is not my guy, per se. Just a guy who's been around a while who's not known, at least to me or from what I've read, to be anything but a decent poster. On the flip side, I disagree with Fuzzy more than I agree with him but if I think the guy is right, then I'll say it. This is just one of those things that both guys had valid points and when you can make a reasonable argument on either side, it's bound to get heated because, in my opinion, neither is wrong.

This is a great discussion to have because, quite frankly, the pro-Dak and pro-Romo contingent are going to have some heated debates as the season progresses. Dak is doing great things and I'm starting to believe but he needs to continue to check a few more boxes for me before I go into full blown franchise QB nirvana mode.
Clove ticked me off fierce last night. He made it personal and went on and on. And I say that as a guy who put my vote in for Dak since week 2 or 3.

However... I'll just assume Clove might have had a few extra ones that put him in a extra confrontational mood. Back in my drinking days I was known to sometimes rage-post on sports forums.

I'll give Clove a clean slate moving forward.
Just seems like Mr Fuzzy has a biased against Dak Prescott. I'll promise you that if Romo had the same game, all he would talk about is how wonderful Romo played and how we're lucky to have him. No bother reading the other crap if he's not going to be fair with the first part.
Jason had 4 catches, Beasley had 6 catches, Williams had 4 catches, how did this happen? It happened because the balls were accurately thrown to them. You spent several lines yapping about what he didn't do, very few times talking about what HE DID DO. So I felt compelled to let the world know since you've inconspicuously left it out.

Actually I remember quite a few on this forum right here dogging Romo in a game where he threw for like 500 yards and 5 TDs against Denver on a day where his defense simply refused to stop anyone.

The only thing they wanted to talk about was the one bad play.

So this isn't something new for this forum, although I'll say right now I have no idea of Fuzzy was one of those people trashing Romo on that particular day or not.
@Gameover if you choose to not believe that I looked at each play closely in making my evaluation then I am not going to lose sleep over it. I'm not going to jump through hoops for you. Sorry.

Im asking you to educate me!

I remember when Dan LeBatard referred to Tony as little erratic Tony Romo

I remember when a scout said Tony Romo only had to read half the field

Hell I remember when Mort said Brady would comeback to earth after he won the first SB

I know we nit pick young QB who are trying to establish themselves

Get lost Trouty
I'm going to just say I've seen you do the same snark thing towards when it comes to Romo. You may or may not be overly biased towards Dak, but your defense of him over some minor criticisms is odd to say the least.

Oh well, carry on..


Now his QB is getting some of the same treatments he's given Romo in the past and he's going to piss and moan about it.

How dare anyone say anything at all negative about Dak! HOW DARE THEY!!!

Funny to say the least.
People that dogged Romo were short-sighted and lacked football acumen.

People that dog Dak are short-sighted and lack football acumen.

Does this better clear up everyone's tissy?

Fuzzy did neither of which, so what's the problem?
Im asking you to educate me!

I remember when Dan LeBatard referred to Tony as little erratic Tony Romo

I remember when a scout said Tony Romo only had to read half the field

Hell I remember when Mort said Brady would comeback to earth after he won the first SB

I know how is it easy to nit pick a young QB

Get lost Trouty

Lol. That's all you got, dunce? You're another @Gabe with single sentence retorts.

Fine, nitwit. I'm going nowhere. So now what?
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It appears your only way of coming at me is at the very bottom of your posts to others. At least @Clove could bring the heat, you just cower like a dog with its tail between its legs. Taking a little pee-pee as it sniffs a tree stump.

If you're gonna come at me, come at me, boy
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It appears your only way of coming at me is at the very bottom of your posts to others. At least @Clove could bring the heat, you just cower like a dog with its tail between its legs. Taking a little pee-pee as it sniffs a tree stump.

If you're gonna come at me, come at me, boy

peeing on trouty leg
raise hind leg
Im asking you to educate me!

I remember when Dan LeBatard referred to Tony as little erratic Tony Romo

I remember when a scout said Tony Romo only had to read half the field

Hell I remember when Mort said Brady would comeback to earth after he won the first SB

I know we nit pick young QB who are trying to establish themselves

Get lost Trouty

You're trying too hard. If you're going for that troll you need to be subtle.
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