FWST Blog: Bolt's people have contacted Owens about a possible race

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Temo;2283672 said:
I'm sorry, but as an avid Track enthusiast...

Anyone who thinks Bolt would lose to Hayes under any circumstances is crazy.

Zrinkill would beg to differ.....

Into the wind and barefooted levels the field and quick twitch muscles....


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zrinkill;2283529 said:
I think people are underestimating Owens and overestimating Bolt.

If Bolt and Hayes were allowed to run on the same track, both in their prime, I think Hayes would beat him.

Bolt runs on synthetic tracks with shoes built specifically to him.

Bolt has been hyped up because they wanted people to be interested in the Olympics again.

Not under or over estimating. Owens is a football player Bolt is a world class track star who has not just broke world records but shattered them. I loved Hayes but Hayes record has fallen a few times since he was running track. Bolt is the real deal I don't care what track you put him on the guy is a freak. Not many tall men can put up those numbers and leave world class competition in the dust.


Salty *******
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Doomsday101;2283689 said:
Bolt is a world class track star who has not just broke world records but shattered them...on juice.

No other way to explain it.


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McCordsville Cowboy;2283677 said:
Zrinkill would beg to differ.....

Into the wind and barefooted levels the field and quick twitch muscles....

With that being said, it is quite possible that Hayes would be the 2nd best sprinter if he was in his prime today. He ran a 10.0 100m dash and one of the fastest anchor legs in a relay EVER.

With better training methods and obtaining track sponsorship (which didn't exist to the same degree back then), he could easily be on Tyson Gay or Asafa Powell's level. Though that's still somewhat doubtful.

The point though, is that Bolt is other-worldly great, and I don't see Hayes surpassing him at any point.

Chocolate Lab

Run-loving Dino
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trickblue;2283660 said:
CL... is that you in your sig?

Naw, I would run circles around those guys... :p:

Actually, as WV said, that's TN winning the Big XII 100m.


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cobra;2283697 said:
No other way to explain it.

Well the on juice has to be proven, accusation are easy to make and until someone shows he has broken the rules I'll stand by my comments.


That Guy
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zrinkill;2283579 said:
So everyone here thinks that given the same track and shoes in his prime, that Bolt could beat Hayes?

Oh well.
I think there are just too many variable to even get a comparison zrin.

You mentioned same track and shoes... but what about same training and weightlifting regimen? We all know sprinters have perfected the art of training to get much better performance from their bodies. Then what about supplements, enhancements, steroids... Not saying Bolt is on steroids, but the types of supplements available now is a massive disadvantage for Hayes.

I say all this to say... all things being equal, I have no idea. You could be right or not.

Da Hammer

The Natural
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zrinkill;2283529 said:
I think people are underestimating Owens and overestimating Bolt.

If Bolt and Hayes were allowed to run on the same track, both in their prime, I think Hayes would beat him.

Bolt runs on synthetic tracks with shoes built specifically to him.

Bolt has been hyped up because they wanted people to be interested in the Olympics again.
:banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

Anyways like someone said this would be great to do after we win the SB maybe the day of the parade they set it up so they race of course Owens would get destroyed and humiliated so bad that he would probably stop halfway so we dont see just how bad Bolt would dust him by. Seriously Bolt is so freakin insane that i dont even know how much of a head start for Owens there would have to be to make this race fair...


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Reality;2283563 said:
Speed is an illusion. Watching fast runners on TV is subjective perception based on other runners nearby.

Collins for example had been zig-zagging all over the field and was running cautiously behind his blockers. After being blocked, TO made a direct line (angle) for Collins which made him appear to be faster than everyone else.

When you watch runners like Bolt on TV in the olympics, you see the other runners staying near him which gives the illusion that he's not that fast, just fast enough. However, if you see the runners in person your mouth will drop after seeing just how fast they are.

I like TO's attitude and hussle but I think from a PR perspective, he's setting himself up to be laughed at and mocked by fans and the media for a long time.
TO has already beaten American track stars which is why he said he would take on Bolt. I doubt he expects to win but he will be closer than our American track team was....

Most football stars were track stars at one point or another.

Seeing football players in full pads it is often hard to imagine just how fast they would be in track shoes on a synthetic track running lanes. So the illusion does work both ways.


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peplaw06;2283787 said:
Then what about supplements, enhancements, steroids... Not saying Bolt is on steroids, but the types of supplements available now is a massive disadvantage for Hayes.

I say all this to say... all things being equal, I have no idea. You could be right or not.

Thats what I mean by level playing field.

I admit I do not know ...... But I do know how much faster my 36 year old body can run on those new synthetic tracks than an old school track.

Bolt is fast ..... do not get me wrong ..... quite possibly the fastest ever.

But the difference between the fastest ever and the 100th fastest ever is like minuscule when you start comparing generations and the equipment they use.

Thats all I am saying. I do not think T.O. has a chance ..... just dont think he will be smoked.

And I guarantee that if he is staying too close to Bolt ..... Bolt will pull a "Michael Johnson" and come up "lame".

Those track stars are more Diva like than even our Wide Receivers they cannot stand being made to look bad.


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2001 Superstars championship

Terrell Owens won the 100 yard dash in a record time of 9.02 seconds. Owens time appears questionable. It translates to about a 9.85 100 meter dash, which would place him among the fastest men of all time.


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zrinkill;2283834 said:
Thats what I mean by level playing field.

I admit I do not know ...... But I do know how much faster my 36 year old body can run on those new synthetic tracks than an old school track.

Bolt is fast ..... do not get me wrong ..... quite possibly the fastest ever.

But the difference between the fastest ever and the 100th fastest ever is like minuscule when you start comparing generations and the equipment they use.

Thats all I am saying. I do not think T.O. has a chance ..... just dont think he will be smoked.

And I guarantee that if he is staying too close to Bolt ..... Bolt will pull a "Michael Johnson" and come up "lame".

Those track stars are more Diva like than even our Wide Receivers they cannot stand being made to look bad.
Bolt broke the world record while pulling up and cruising the last 30 meters. He is by far the fastest man of all time.

No one from 1960 would touch him. They wouldn't have even made the semi-finals.

Trying to push someone forward that far is impossible. Every aspect is different now.


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If the race was run on turf, without blocks and in full NFL uniform it would be slightly interesting to see. Of course Bolt would still win but it might make it closer.


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Let's do Bolt vs Austin.

Problem is, Austin would run at a 45 degree angle to the finish line and lose by a mile.


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Wrangler87;2283908 said:
Let's do Bolt vs Austin.

Problem is, Austin would run at a 45 degree angle to the finish line and lose by a mile.
