FWST: Romo's ribs must be doing a lot better

5Countem5;2565525 said:
Then what does it matter how it "looks"? I don't think so either, but you and I know he wasn't faking, so why get concerned?

Just wondering.

I don't understand. What does the Philly injury have to do with Cabo, golf, or his cavalier attitude towards losing?
bbgun;2565529 said:
I don't understand. What does the Philly injury have to do with Cabo, golf, or his cavalier attitude towards losing?

No No...maybe I misunderstood you, the author obviously threw this out to fans HOPING to get the reaction he got from some- insinuating he wasn't really hurt.

I thought when you said he shouldn't be around photogs, you were indicating that he was bringing unneeded scrutiny - I was just pointing out that the way things "look" didn't change your mind and doesn't change anyone else's either...
I am through with Romo. I don't care about him anymore. He talks alot like he invented football. He can explain everything in front of the media but on the field he plays like - well you all saw it this season.

He talks nice and most of the time he finds the right words in public. He knows how to sell himself and he got me with it in the beginning. But i figured he is more fake than really authentic. I have one word for him: Celebrity.

If he plays good then nice for us if he sucks like this year i am the first one who wants him to be released. Right now i don't believe him anymore that he knows how to prepare for games or in the offseason. So to me he should spent every free minute training or studding the game. No more fishing golfing etc.. blabla..
5Countem5;2565539 said:
No No...maybe I misunderstood you, the author obviously threw this out to fans HOPING to get the reaction he got from some- insinuating he wasn't really hurt.

No, I never bought that for a second. The man who pulled himself up off the mat in the Giants game would never fake an injury for sympathy or any other reason.
TwentyOne;2565544 said:
I am through with Romo. I don't care about him anymore. He talks alot like he invented football. He can explain everything in front of the media but on the field he plays like - well you all saw it this season.

He talks nice and most of the time he finds the right words in public. He knows how to sell himself and he got me with it in the beginning. But i figured he is more fake than really authentic. I have one word for him: Celebrity.

If he plays good then nice for us if he sucks like this year i am the first one who wants him to be released. Right now i don't believe him anymore that he knows how to prepare for games or in the offseason. So to me he should spent every free minute training or studding the game. No more fishing golfing etc.. blabla..

Wow, just wow.

First of all, we would be a 2-14 team without Romo so this statement that you want him released is laughable.

Secondly, QBs dont grow on trees. We went through 17 starting QBs between Aikman and Romo. You want to go through another 17 QBs if you release Romo until you find a QB that meets your satisfaction. And before you say draft one, remember that for each Matt Ryan there is a Ryan Leaf, Jeff George, David Klinger, Andre Ware, Tim Couch...............you starting to get the point???? (QBs bust more than any pick in the 1st round).

Third, it seems alot of posters think this is Madden or something and they can just erase cap hits. How the hell are we going to release Romo when we gave him a zillion dollars with a huge chunk of that guaranteed??? This is been explained on this board in multiple post but some still for some reason cant understand capomonics. Its pretty simple.....YOU CANT RELEASE PLAYERS LIKE ROMO, TO, FLO, OR ANYBODY ELSE THAT HAS A LARGE CONTRACT WITH GUARANTEED MONEY........CAPONOMICS 101.
Beast_from_East;2565619 said:
Wow, just wow.

First of all, we would be a 2-14 team without Romo so this statement that you want him released is laughable.

Secondly, QBs dont grow on trees. We went through 17 starting QBs between Aikman and Romo. You want to go through another 17 QBs if you release Romo until you find a QB that meets your satisfaction. And before you say draft one, remember that for each Matt Ryan there is a Ryan Leaf, Jeff George, David Klinger, Andre Ware, Tim Couch...............you starting to get the point???? (QBs bust more than any pick in the 1st round).

Third, it seems alot of posters think this is Madden or something and they can just erase cap hits. How the hell are we going to release Romo when we gave him a zillion dollars with a huge chunk of that guaranteed??? This is been explained on this board in multiple post but some still for some reason cant understand capomonics. Its pretty simple.....YOU CANT RELEASE PLAYERS LIKE ROMO, TO, FLO, OR ANYBODY ELSE THAT HAS A LARGE CONTRACT WITH GUARANTEED MONEY........CAPONOMICS 101.

not only that we should not cut him. He had a bad year and still had a very high qb rating. He just needs to get healthy and re focus. With that said the board should quit acting like he is free of any blame.
His comments about losing not being that big a deal doesnt bother you all.

yeah, that was still weird to me. maybe he mourns in private, who knows? but as fans at least youd like to see and feel that he does care. he worded what he said nicely, but really, he could have said "who cares? it's just a loss. no big deal. let's move on" and it would have still meant the same thing. sometimes, when a thing isnt a big deal to you, you stop giving it your best. because why would you give it your best shot? its no big deal, its just a loss. its not worth spending energy on. can you imagine a player going before a game thinking, "who cares if we lose later? its just a game. no big deal...."

romo was a feel-good story before, and when he cried in that press conference after the loss to seattle, clearly distraught, saying he didnt know what happened but that he takes full responsibility for everything that went wrong in that botched fg, i was like, "what a guy..."

imo, he changed a lot since then, and for me, not for the better. now he's into finding excuses, not apologizing for his mistakes/masking his mistakes with, blaming other people for their failures as a team, not standing up and taking responsibilty for things he should.

the thing that stands out to me though is that the romo who cried after seattle game was coached by parcells. the romo who said "i dont care abt perception, i didnt do anything wrong..." and "if losing a game is the worst thing that happens to me, ive lived a pretty good life.." is coached by wade. i really think the coaches' personality really trickles down and influences the players greatly. if you have a coach who's always looking for a scapegoat, you'll tend to also look for a scapegoat.
Yakuza Rich;2564655 said:
Amazing. I hurt my ribcage about a month ago and it wasn't torn catilage and couldn't play for about 2 weeks.

That being said, I'm not sure what Romo is supposed to do for now. He can watch and watch game film, but there's no need to do it 24/7.

If we want to see some improvement from Romo, the best the team can do is draft a QB in say round 3 that is hungry to become a starter in this league and has the talent to become a starter.


I agree....
nyc;2564663 said:
That bum should be preparing for the New York Giants, Philadelphia Eagles, Washington Commanders, Atlanta Falcons, Carolina Panthers, Seattle Seahawks, Oakland Raiders, San Diego Chargers, New Orleans Saints, Tampa Bay Buccaneers, Green Bay Packers, Denver Broncos, and the Kansas City Chiefs!

He went from a hard working NFL player to a filthy bum!

Beast_from_East;2565619 said:
Wow, just wow.

First of all, we would be a 2-14 team without Romo so this statement that you want him released is laughable.

First of all i didn't write that i want him to be released. I wrote that i want him to be released when he plays the next season like the way he played this season. And if he shows the same attitude in front of the cameras and on the field i don't want him no more on this team.

Second i don't think we would be a 2-14 team without him but that's not a really important point. RW put it really good after - i think it was the Ravens game. 0-16 or 9-7 it doesn't matter we are all in the same boat and that's not in the playoffs. I will put this in my words: the only difference between Romo right now and a "virtual bad QB" is that Romo gives you hope for a winning season and the playoffs. But at the end of the season the result Romo or the bad QB gives you is exactly the same - no championship. And to me that's what counts.

But the really important point is the way we put hope in Romo the way we judged his talent and the way we paid him for that. This is not the league of brotherly love - this is the NFL where you get paid money and have to deliver. I will critic Romo as long as he doesn''t live up to what we pay him. And that's being a franchise QB a great QB and not a good one. I think we need a franchsie QB to win a championship if Romo is not one so why keep him and why for that amount of money ?

Romo had a great first season but when you judge players it's "what have you done for me lately". And face it Romo had a medicore season - even if the stats say else. He made alot of mistakes. He may have the talent but right now he is clearly on a downswing. I hope he will pick up his game again but right now i just don't see it if he doesn't change something in his attitude. And i really doubt he can do this without the right coach. I doubt Romo thinks the same way and that makes this thing scary for me.

Beast_from_East;2565619 said:
Secondly, QBs dont grow on trees. We went through 17 starting QBs between Aikman and Romo. You want to go through another 17 QBs if you release Romo until you find a QB that meets your satisfaction. And before you say draft one, remember that for each Matt Ryan there is a Ryan Leaf, Jeff George, David Klinger, Andre Ware, Tim Couch...............you starting to get the point???? (QBs bust more than any pick in the 1st round).

I did get the point but this is the wrong attitude. If you are afraid of old mistakes that they will repeat themself i hope you aren't in a position where you have to make decissions. Fear is the worst thing to follow when you have to decide. In my ecperience if you try to avoid something this thing will just haunt you all your life. But history doesn't repeat itself if you learn from your mistakes and change your approach.

Just because we were going through a long process of finding a good QB it doesn't mean that will happen the next time we search for one. But that we had to go through that list of QBs to find Romo has nothing to do with Romo. The problem is the approach we are taking as a franchise to find a QB. Bill Parcells changed that and found one in Romo in his first try! Romo was the first QB he invested a long period of time into his developement and Romo panned out. BP went away and Romo - without the right coach went braindead.
But because the way you approach to find or develope a QB for your franchise is a problem the way you handle your starting QB should not be mixed into this and be affected by that. That would be a big mistake. You can't make yourself dependent of one player just because the process to find another one is not in place[/QUOTE]

Beast_from_East;2565619 said:
Third, it seems alot of posters think this is Madden or something and they can just erase cap hits. How the hell are we going to release Romo when we gave him a zillion dollars with a huge chunk of that guaranteed??? This is been explained on this board in multiple post but some still for some reason cant understand capomonics. Its pretty simple.....YOU CANT RELEASE PLAYERS LIKE ROMO, TO, FLO, OR ANYBODY ELSE THAT HAS A LARGE CONTRACT WITH GUARANTEED MONEY........CAPONOMICS 101.

This is another point and you are rigth. But that has nothing to do with my argumentation. But again: you can't make yourself dependent on one player. A solution would be to make Romo take a drastical pay cut (say mabe 50-60%) and invest that money in finding another QB (FA or draft). If Romo plays medicore in 2009 and the other QB shows promises then sit Romo in 2010 and give the other QB a chance. Now you are not dependent on one player. You can cut Romo after the 2010 season the cap hit won't be that big anymore.

Remember: always be in charge and not your player!
Good...I hope he plays golf every other day of the week until Training Camp....just to make people who think he has to be in front of a screen all day long looking at defenses crazy.
Jimz31;2565898 said:
Good...I hope he plays golf every other day of the week until Training Camp....just to make people who think he has to be in front of a screen all day long looking at defenses crazy.

Maybe he can play with TO and Wade and Jerry and really make these people crazy...:lmao2:
man get real, just cause we had a bad season u expect romo to sit home and cry about it all offseason long. The guy has a personal life to live to, this site is startin to get worst then the media. People need to reconsider what nfl team fan they really are, all i hear is ppl bashing t.o,romo, coaching staff. AND THATS NOT A TRUE FANHOOD MY FREINDS
Mr Cowboy;2564648 said:
What do you Cowboys fans think of this?

- Rick Herrin

Posted at 08:44 AM | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)

i think it must be a slow news day and we're throwing stuff up against the wall to see what sticks... :bang2:
This is laughable, honestly. I have my beef with Romo, but the guy escaped countless beatings, bought himself numerous amounts of time to give his receivers an opportunity to get opened, beaten and bruised, and we have the nerve to doubt it?


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