Galloway reporting players yelling at Dennis

lmao @ the media being "an opponent". They're an "opponent" like Suzuki is a "legitimate manufacturer of automobiles".
superpunk;3131453 said:
lmao @ the media being "an opponent". They're an "opponent" like Suzuki is a "legitimate manufacturer of automobiles".
Hyperbole man. It's the French rage.
Maikeru-sama;3131452 said:
Again, this is going to be very interesting.

How this recent "Player's Revolution" against the media is eventually judged will be based upon how the Cowboys finish the season.

At 8-4 and in the Division lead, they are heroes for doing this but if disaster strikes this December, lookout :eek: .

If they don't win in Dec it would not have mattered if they confronted Dennis or not. I don't think this is so much about the media as one reporter who called them losers.
theebs;3131429 said:
Well I like DC, I like his blog and his radio show.

I think he does a really good job.

Everyone reacts to these types of things differently. he thinks this is the team breaking down again, some of us think it is them finally standing up for themselves while everyone bags on them.

none of us are probably are right.

I don't have anything against him either, really. I don't, however, like how he works. He consistently post his blogs and radio segments in a manner that that tries to influence the way his readers/listeners perceive his bias....and he is biased. That's his way...and its no different than the other reporters/media people that people here consistently ***** about.

If he just posted info, and let his fans decide and discuss, that would be one thing...but that's not how he rolls. If you agree with him prepare for an onslaught of smilies, headbangs, and lame insults. Shame really, I used to like his show and I can't find myself ever listening to it again simply because of they way he acts here.

He ALWAYS thinks this team is breaking down in one way or another.
dcfanatic;3131365 said:

It's 2008 all over again!!!


no. it's not.

2008 was us against TO and the media that divided us.

this is about the team telling the media to quit being such dillholes.
jterrell;3131449 said:
sorry but that's just not true.

this isn't a phase it is consistent.
dcf will defend the media all day long because they are his friends and, if he could, colleagues.

i think everyone here appreciates dcf's fine video work but but it's clear it comes with a price and that price is his media buddy agenda.

anyone pessimistic at 8-4 really shouldn't watch NFL football. Only 5 teams out of 32 have a better record.

Well I disagree and I can see both sides of the argument.
BraveHeartFan;3131428 said:
Do you really think that DC is able to influence that many people? There probably aren't 15 people on these entire boards that give much of what he says a second thought.

Well, I have heard of cults that started out w/fewer members. :D
Cochese;3131412 said:
A new year, a new media pissing contest. They never learn.

Dennis wins, he is in their heads.


That's the dumbest thing I've ever read.
dcfanatic;3131446 said:
So the Cowboys now have two opponents.

The Chargers and the media.

That's good.

Here is what you are failing to recognize. Most of us don't give two ****s what the media says or does. The more shallow players on the team may be concerned, but I bet the majority are going to stick up for their coach and back Brooking's move.
tomson75;3131419 said:
Yeah...unfortunately his little blog might actually have some influence on some of our less informed fans. His pessimism is borderline insanity these days.

he's agenda driven, not "journalism" driven.

this is why i said awhile back any hackdog can pay $6.95 and put up a website. what i respect about dcfanatic is how much work he puts into what he does.

what i don't respect is what he does.
Doomsday101;3131458 said:
If they don't win in Dec it would not have mattered if they confronted Dennis or not. I don't think this is so much about the media as one reporter who called them losers.

dcfanatic;3131446 said:
So the Cowboys now have two opponents.

The Chargers and the media.

That's good.

Yeah cause the media are going to be out there on the field Sunday making a difference in the outcome of the game.

BAT;3131465 said:
Well, I have heard of cults that started out w/fewer members. :D

True, true.
tomson75;3131419 said:
Yeah...unfortunately his little blog might actually have some influence on some of our less informed fans. His pessimism is borderline insanity these days.

Beating the Chargers - NOT yelling at Dennis - is how these Cowboys can make reporters like Dennis look foolish in their opinions. However, if Dallas opens this December 0-2, losing to a team they shoul've beaten and not rising up in a home game to beat a team that many say they should not beat, then Dennis' opinion needs to be clonsidered more soundly.

What troubles me is that these yelling incidents, just based by their content and tone, seem to be motivated more by the team's collective frustration over something that is truly wrong, rather than being motivated by the team's collective confidence in one another.
jterrell;3131387 said:
dcf is the media's equivalent of keith brooking.

he's just taking up for his facebook and email buddies.


All you guys are right.

This team has had so much sucess with media distractions in the past.

All of this BS started last season with Ed Werder and you all jumped up and down to go after him.

Then when the team collapsed and didn't make the playoffs you were mad that the team spent so much time worrying about the media.

The mental toughness this team has shown and the coach has shown over the last few seasons clearly shows they fight multiple battles at once.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Same idiot homer fans. Same Cowboyszone. Same Dallas Cowboys. Same coach who wants to absolve players of blame.

And if anyone thinks this team needs motivation by a fight with Steve Dennis to beat the Chargers then I feel sad for you.

He's a reporter. He's not wearing a helmet. He doesn't wear any shoulder pads. He's not going to be throwing TD passes on Sunday. He's not going to be coming after Tony Romo on Sunday.

How some of you think it's a great thing that this team wants to fight all week with the media so they can be motivated to beat the Chargers shows how silly some of you are with the BS.

We just spent 12 games being focused on football.

Now it's crunch time and you guys are happy the team is now focused on the media and football.

How stupid does that sound?

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