MY "Hollywood" notes...
On Hensen's pick, He was pushed up in the pocket from pressure from Pettites man...He looked MUCH better & more poised then what writers & sportys casters have been saying...I think he will be fine...In time!
I like Hensen betetr then Romo, he just lacks the arm strength to be effective and what was that throw right to the Seahag by Romo?
Ware stole the show, just think how effective the whole D will be once Fergy gets back and other players are included in killing QB's!
The DB's will be fine, they just need to make picks when they have the chance...Once the D starts game planning it could be very special!
Offense will be fine once...Rob gets comfy at RT, he is improving and will be fine (I hope by SD)
Berry-O is simply a FOOTBALL player and looks to be MUCH betetr then lil Billy Bates ever was...(Good guy & STer only)
We do need Rivera back & healthy for this to work though, he is the Oline glue...
I like Bledsoe's toughness, sure to gain respect in the locker room!
JJ was fine and showed some great moves inside where there wasn't much room...
Barber was Mr Butter fingers and might lose his position if TT comes on...
A-Train has a role too, he is tough and has 2 over 1000 years on his resume...Not a great player, but a HUGE upgrade vs slow eddie last year!
Glad Polite showed the masses we need a FB..Who can block and do other things...A big upgrade vs Barnes & Anderson IMHO...
Crayton looks like he is ready to make impact plays this year!
Its not so much because Morgan is bad, but Crayton has stepped UP!
Lets also remember (Before too many jump on Morgan) he is one that could have shoulder surgery and is being TOUGH & playing!
As long as Bledoe can gell with his receivers, they will score points and the D can finally attack & put pressure on teams like we haven't seen since Doomsady days!