Game of Thrones: Season 2

ChldsPlay;4492506 said:
That will actually be the end of season three. Season four will be the rest of book 3, with some overlap from Feast/Dragons I'd imagine.

This season will be just book two with some parts from book 3 trickling in.

I seriously doubt they're already gonna be going into book three this season, but wait that long to have mid book three to end that season.

Mid book 3 (the Red Wedding) will be the end to season 2. Either that or Joffrey's wedding.

I'd be happy with either of them.
Rack Bauer;4493164 said:
I seriously doubt they're already gonna be going into book three this season, but wait that long to have mid book three to end that season.

Mid book 3 (the Red Wedding) will be the end to season 2. Either that or Joffrey's wedding.

I'd be happy with either of them.

Book 3 is being split into seasons 3 and 4, so 2/3 of the way through book 3 won't end season 2. Blackwater Bay is the 2nd to last episode of season 2. There will be a few things trickling in from book 3 (I imagine primarily to do with Jaime) at the end of season 2. The reason for this is because of how a lot of what happens is told through the characters memories, so it's not always chronological. For the show, however, it is pretty much chronological, so those bits that were memories, will now fit in when they actually occur.

I am fairly positive the Red Wedding will be the big ending of season 3, it's the logical stopping point, but there is absolutely no way they could get anywhere close to that far in season 2.
Can we keep spoilers out of this thread? There a lot of us that have not read the books :)
viman96;4494172 said:
Can we keep spoilers out of this thread? There a lot of us that have not read the books :)

Them's not spoilers :)
ChldsPlay;4494026 said:
Book 3 is being split into seasons 3 and 4, so 2/3 of the way through book 3 won't end season 2. Blackwater Bay is the 2nd to last episode of season 2. There will be a few things trickling in from book 3 (I imagine primarily to do with Jaime) at the end of season 2. The reason for this is because of how a lot of what happens is told through the characters memories, so it's not always chronological. For the show, however, it is pretty much chronological, so those bits that were memories, will now fit in when they actually occur.

I am fairly positive the Red Wedding will be the big ending of season 3, it's the logical stopping point, but there is absolutely no way they could get anywhere close to that far in season 2.

I think you are spot on. Martin originally wanted to end SoS with the Red Wedding.

For those who would like to know more about GoT or discuss the series follow the link below. They have the forums split up by book and HBO series by season/episode and are strict about monitoring posts for spoilers and keeping them in the appropriate forum.
I think the TV adaptation is better than the books. It's definitely telling a much more comprehensive linear narrative, much more efficient in character development and developing the ethos between the characters. It's amazing how GRRM goes on and on for page after page after page beating you over the head with some rather meaningless bit of backstory, while completely ignoring or brushing over more significant that have major impacts on the overall story arc. Then again, that's why I generally stay away from fantasy fiction in general. I can only make it through so many pages of bloodlines before nodding off.
The latest episode ("the Night Lands") was the first one in the series I did not enjoy. It seemed choppy and the acting seemed worse than usual.
I'm not loving the rather major departures from the source. There's already so much going on with the whole story, I don't see the need to open up new tangents.

These first two have been fairly disappointing, but I'm certainly going to give it a chance to improve as the season moves along.
Has Tommen or Myrcella been the series at all? I don't recall seeing them and well, the play important parts later.
Sam I Am;4501127 said:
Has Tommen or Myrcella been the series at all? I don't recall seeing them and well, the play important parts later.

They did in season 1.

Not so far this season (unless it was a background shot or something).
Rack Bauer;4501189 said:
They did in season 1.

Not so far this season (unless it was a background shot or something).

They were in the first scene of the season when Tyrion arrives at King's Landing, he talks to one of them.
ChldsPlay;4501275 said:
They were in the first scene of the season when Tyrion arrives at King's Landing, he talks to one of them.


ChldsPlay;4501275 said:
They were in the first scene of the season when Tyrion arrives at King's Landing, he talks to one of them.

Yep, they were definitely in the scene but they weren't identified by name.

Someone just watching the show (as opposed to being familiar with the books) probably wouldn't have identified them.
Things will start picking up a little more, but some patience is needed.

There are a massive amount of new and important characters that they had to introduce and develop in Stannis's clan, Arya's travel companions, the GreyJoys, Renly's group, etc. Honestly, it is a lot to take on in two fifty minute segments. If they didn't commit time to these characters it would make for some confusion and anti-climactic moments later on.

The payoff will come.
ChldsPlay;4501275 said:
They were in the first scene of the season when Tyrion arrives at King's Landing, he talks to one of them.

That's right. I recall that now.
Interesting note from the show's producers on timeline of the series:

Well… “A Storm of Swords” is too long to fit in a single season. And as readers know, “A Feast for Crows” and “A Dance with Dragons” takes place during roughly the same time frame, so we’ll have to fold those together. The plan, if we’re lucky enough to be given the opportunity to see it through, is to use as many seasons as we need to tell the story as a whole, to do justice to George’s entire opus.

We’re not looking at our series as a book-by-book adaptation so much as an adaptation of George’s entire saga. In other words, in our minds season two is not “A Clash of Kings.” It is the second season of our adaptation of “A Song of Ice and Fire.”
I was really disappointed with how they portrayed the scene where Theon unwittingly meets his sister.

It was one of the funniest chapters in the whole series, and the show just made it very confusing and not ironically funny at all with the way the prank was revealed. It was a scene I was really looking forward to, and it was portrayed very haphazardly.

There have also been some casting choices that disappointed me. Asha Greyjoy (or Yara as they're calling her) was not what I had in mind at all. I really envisioned her better looking, but more cunning. Craster was not at all what I had in mind. Short hair, short and pudgy was not what I was thinking. Jaqen H'gher I had pictured as MUCH more mystical looking. And Salador Sahn I picture much more exotic and wild as well.

The actress they have as Brienne looks physically imposing enough, but they damn well better not make her good looking. She needs to look tough and no-nonsense, and quite frankly, ugly.
Danny White;4501933 said:
I was really disappointed with how they portrayed the scene where Theon unwittingly meets his sister.

It was one of the funniest chapters in the whole series, and the show just made it very confusing and not ironically funny at all with the way the prank was revealed. It was a scene I was really looking forward to, and it was portrayed very haphazardly.

There have also been some casting choices that disappointed me. Asha Greyjoy (or Yara as they're calling her) was not what I had in mind at all. I really envisioned her better looking, but more cunning. Craster was not at all what I had in mind. Short hair, short and pudgy was not what I was thinking. Jaqen H'gher I had pictured as MUCH more mystical looking. And Salador Sahn I picture much more exotic and wild as well.

The actress they have as Brienne looks physically imposing enough, but they damn well better not make her good looking. She needs to look tough and no-nonsense, and quite frankly, ugly.

I didn't really have a problem with Theon / sister part. I didn't figure that would go that in depth for it. It would consume to much time.

As for Asha, yes. I expected someone quite a bit better looking, but no so good looking that she wouldn't look like she couldn't command. (have authority) Probably someone similar to Cersei make up.

I don't recall seeing Brienne. I will have to re-watch the episode again and look closer.

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