Game of Thrones: Season 2

Sam I Am;4501960 said:
I didn't really have a problem with Theon / sister part. I didn't figure that would go that in depth for it. It would consume to much time.

As for Asha, yes. I expected someone quite a bit better looking, but no so good looking that she wouldn't look like she couldn't command. (have authority) Probably someone similar to Cersei make up.

I don't recall seeing Brienne. I will have to re-watch the episode again and look closer.

Brienne hasn't been introduced yet onscreen, but the actress playing her has been public info for a while now.

Here's something I just found online... looks like they do ugly her up a little bit:

As for Asha, just do a google search of her name and you'll see fan depictions of what they thought she'd look like that are way closer to what I had in mind then what they went with on the show:




Fantastic episode yesterday.

Also, was probably the best episode of Mad Men in its history.

The new HBO show "Girls" looked promising too. All around good Sunday night programming.
I need a cheat sheet for Game of Thrones. Who is good, who is bad, who is related to who, who is allied with whom, who hates whom.
CanadianCowboysFan;4508627 said:
I need a cheat sheet for Game of Thrones. Who is good, who is bad, who is related to who, who is allied with whom, who hates whom.

Good luck with that. It changes every episode. :laugh2:
CanadianCowboysFan;4508627 said:
I need a cheat sheet for Game of Thrones. Who is good, who is bad, who is related to who, who is allied with whom, who hates whom.

You would have to read the books and even if you did, it changes at the drop of a dime.

Don't recall having ever read a series of books where so many main characters die off when you think they would not. Not only that there are some characters that you think are dead only to show back up.
BrAinPaiNt;4508717 said:
You would have to read the books and even if you did, it changes at the drop of a dime.

Don't recall having ever read a series of books where so many main characters die off when you think they would not. Not only that there are some characters that you think are dead only to show back up.

Stop ruining it for the GoT n00bs! :laugh2:
Fantastic Episode

LOVED the Theon/Balon scenes. Balon is fantastic, the added dialogue was fantastic.. everything about those scenes were amazing.

Brienne is awesome, and they pronounce her name the same way I always did in my head while reading. The woman looks HUGE in her scene next to Caitlyn.

The Final scene was awesome. Yoren/Lommy's death.. fantastically done.

Asha (Yara) wasn't what I expected, but she is growing on me really fast.

The Sansa scene was impressive. She showed some very fine acting going off on Shae looking like she was about to break down.

As for Shae? Do not like the show Shae at all, massively annoying.
I did a GOT marathon yesterday, watched all 13 episodes in 1 day. Pretty good show. Looking forward to the rest of the season.
Wow. Now that is a complete distortion of of actually happen. I can understand needed chances, but complete disgraces of the story-line are unforgivable.

I'm extremely disappointed.
I have not read the books so no idea on the storyline. Having said that I thought last night's episode was really good. IMO best of the early season.
viman96;4519252 said:
I have not read the books so no idea on the storyline. Having said that I thought last night's episode was really good. IMO best of the early season.

They are really screwing Littlefinger up. (among a few other things)

That scene between Littlefinger and Catelyn never happen. (that I can remember anyhow, Baelish was never near the Stark host) Catelyn always threw logic to the wind when it came to saving her children. She didn't have to be coerced into something foolish.

They are making Littlefinger more openly bold. He was devious for sure, but he was never so bold to openly threaten the queen to her face or openly lie about something that could easily be tracked back to him. (which would mean his head would be on a spike) He always kept his lies subtle and easily deniable. That is how he always survived.
theogt;4518962 said:
Who cares. It was good TV.

viman96;4519252 said:
I have not read the books so no idea on the storyline. Having said that I thought last night's episode was really good. IMO best of the early season.

I agree. I don't plan on reading the books for that reason. Just enjoy the show and don't worry about how it happened in the books.

WTH happened at the end of the episode?
Yeagermeister;4519338 said:
WTH happened at the end of the episode?

This was my main problem with the episode. As a book reader i knew what was going on there, but they didn't explain it at all in the show, not one little bit. I imaged a non book reader would just be scratching their head at the last scene, and have no idea where Davos and Melisandre even were or why Stannis wanted them there.

Hopefully they do some backtracking next episode to explain.

I *HATE* The new actor playing Gregor the Mountain. He certainly is tall enough, but no where near big enough or angry enough looking. The actor from the first season was perfect. Shame he's gone.

From a book readers standpoint the changes to Caitlyns and Littlefingers charactesr are slightly annoying, but it's still good television, and as a stand alone product, there is nothing wrong with it.
I thought they foreshadowed it enough with her telling Renly about dangerous things in the night -- I mean, Davos even repeated the line just before.
I'm finding the second season to be a major disappointment thus far.

The first season was perfection, and so far, this one is a let-down.

It's going to be difficult to have episodes as tight as they had in the first season, as the storylines multiply so much and there is so much to cover... but then why change the story so much and add complications to the mix?

Adapting this for TV is probably a lot harder than it seems, but right now I'm a little worried about where they're taking things.
Danny White;4519744 said:
I'm finding the second season to be a major disappointment thus far.

The first season was perfection, and so far, this one is a let-down.

It's going to be difficult to have episodes as tight as they had in the first season, as the storylines multiply so much and there is so much to cover... but then why change the story so much and add complications to the mix?

Adapting this for TV is probably a lot harder than it seems, but right now I'm a little worried about where they're taking things.

I thought the first couple episodes were a little slow, but I thought last night's episode was fantastic.
Double Trouble;4519943 said:
I thought the first couple episodes were a little slow, but I thought last night's episode was fantastic.

Ditto that.
Danny White;4519744 said:
I'm finding the second season to be a major disappointment thus far.

The first season was perfection, and so far, this one is a let-down.

It's going to be difficult to have episodes as tight as they had in the first season, as the storylines multiply so much and there is so much to cover... but then why change the story so much and add complications to the mix?

Adapting this for TV is probably a lot harder than it seems, but right now I'm a little worried about where they're taking things.
I whole heartedly disagree. The last three episodes have been spectacular. Episode 13 was, in my opinion, easily the best of the entire series.

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