People keep saying coaching, but is it really them telling Wilcox to take the worst possible angle in OT and whiff on a WR? Is it coaching thats making Crawford, Mincey, Lawrence and anyone not named Irving or Hardy from getting anywhere NEAR the qb? Is it coaching that has made McClain and Lee shells of their former selves since they've been together? Coaching can only do so much before players have to execute. These players were giving up on plays during the 4th quarter and the Eagles were running down their throats. Yes, there are far better defensive co-ordinators, probably. Not some of these issues go beyond coaching
I would say everything you cited as examples are due to poor coaching besides Lee and McClain. Lee's problem is not a product of coaching but his body not being able to withstand the NFL. McClain is worthless. You can't coach someone who doesn't care.
But Wilcox taking the bad angle and whiffing- yes that's coaching because that's an ongoing problem with him. Why can't they look at film and point out the bad angle from all the other times he does it and correct it. either he is a moron who can't learn from his mistakes or the teacher/coach is not helping him learn. If he's a moron then get rid of him and get someone that can be coached.
Crawford, Mincy, Lawrence- yes I would again say coaching just because they are not living up to their "potential", or at least the potential that we are lead to believe they have. I believe that these guys are underperforming and underperforming on a consistent basis, like this whole year, is on the coaches.
You know at some point you have to look at the fact that Jerry is an outstanding salesman and business man. What if all these players just plain suck? What if all these coaches just plain suck? Jerry is smart enough to get people to buy things. I'm starting to wonder if we have bought into the idea that Garrett, Marinelli, Wilcox, Crawford, Lawrence, Hitchens, Claiborne, Carr, that other DT, are all good players/coaches in the NFL and in reality they just suck.
So my point is, is I don't disagree with the OP, but I'm starting to feel like we've been conned. Conned into thinking that this is a good team by Jerry. Once his Ace of Spades went down the con was exposed for what it is. And what it is, is a coach that doesn't belong in this league, A defensive coordinator that has his players underperforming, a defense that can't get turnovers, and overall just a bunch players that are not up to par with the rest of the league. Coaches and players alike maybe just plain suck and we fall for it every year.
I feel like the only players that could be starters on other teams are: Romo, Witten, the whole oline minus Free, Bryant, maybe Williams and Beasely in his slot role. On defense- Hardy, Lee (only if healthy), Irving,
But Escobar, Hanna, The rest of the dline, the entire secondary, linebackers, Clutts, McFadden (even though he played well yesterday). All these other guys we have been conned into thinking they're good but really they would be no one on any other teams. Why do we expect them to be good? Because we know their names? Jerry is a salesman and he sold us fools gold. Romo goes down and we are exposed for what we are. Sucks